Published at 26th of April 2023 05:29:53 AM

Chapter 347: therefore give up.

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The majority of the Kuro Demon King's army has been destroyed, with the damage being kept to a minimum by the great barrier. A huge barrier appeared in front of them, and a huge army of dragons was burning them down from above. Ordinary soldiers would have lost their will to fight and fled, but the Kuro Demon King's army was determined to climb the barrier until the very end.

This will not be the end.

The representatives of each country nodded in the same way. The majority of the demons that had been observed in the demon world had been defeated, but there were still powerful demons on the other side, and not a single one of them was missing. And I don't think that this is the end of the invasion of the Kuro Demon King, the strongest demon king that has been told in legend.

Although I should have gained the upper hand in terms of the situation, I feel the instability of the foothold I'm standing on with every fiber of my being. My senses are telling me that the situation could easily be reversed.

"King Taze, we need to think about how to deal with the demons first. All the demons are strong enough to take on an army by themselves. If we don't deal with them, we won't even be able to keep them safe.

Zahava, Lazaricata, and Ophalo. The strength of these three demons was far beyond our expectations.

First, Zahava. A demon who transforms into a spider. Even if we teamed up Lord Ratzel and Ark Real, two of the strongest demons in the world, with the alert Harkdok and the responsive Gillista as assistants, we could not defeat them. At the end of the day, Lord Ratzel and his men seemed to have the upper hand, but it was reported that they still had something to hide.

Next was Lazarikata. The Blue Demon King overpowered Lazaricata, but the ability to interfere with events at will is a nuisance. If anyone who can't deal with it goes before Lazaricata, they will be killed before they can do anything.

And the O'Fallow. The embodiment of the threat that the Flame Yang posed to the earth, he decimated Archbishop Ucka's forces and overwhelmed three powerful men, Archbishop Maja, Exdoik, and Duvraeori. No specific countermeasures have come to mind as of yet.

There is no chance for us to win if we challenge them with an army. We'll just have to continue defeating them individually with an elite few.

"The Blue Demon King......

The Blue Demon King appeared in the room with Neil Ryates in tow. A few of the representatives were surprised as they looked at me and the Blue Demon King. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

In the first place, in this battle, the existence of demons, monsters, and skirmishes between soldiers are nothing more than decoration. The conditions for victory or defeat have been set from the start.

It's ...... up to the Blue Demon Lord or the Colorless Demon Lord to decide who will fall first.

That's right. The next thing they'll be after is my life. And we're going after the Colorless Demon Lord.

The Blue Demon King has overpowered the demon Lazaricata. But the Colorless Demon Lord let Lazaricata escape easily. If the black demon king is not in a position to fight and Yugra is unable to do anything about it, then the strongest of the enemy forces is definitely the colorless demon king.

In contrast, the strongest force on our side is the Blue Demon King, and the presence or absence of the Demon King in the hands of both armies will make a big difference in the war situation.

In order to defeat the Colorless Demon King, the existence of the Blue Demon King is essential. There is no way to increase the possibility of that happening. But the question is how to keep the other demons at bay until that's settled.

"I understand. I also understand that to defeat the Colorless Demon Lord, you'll need to put all of your strength into it.

You'll have to think of the arrangements. I'll prepare the pieces myself.

I understand the Blue Demon King's intentions and change the preconditions. At this point, military strategy is useless. If it is useful, it is the kind of ...... method that my friend was good at, like reading the mind of the opponent.

Are you sure you want to do this? I'm sorry to burden you with this. ......

I don't care if it benefits me. You're going to have to push your brain to the limit and set the best stage for me. This is a prepaid reward.

The Blue Demon Lord placed a black crystal in front of me. I had heard about it from Lord Ragdoll, who was there, but seeing it in person made me feel a stirring in my heart. This is the core of the curse on Luko's heart. .......

I've already analyzed it. It's the real thing and there's no mistaking the means to break the curse. Use your head for me without regret.

"...... Thank you. And I promise you. And I promise you, I'll get you more than you think you can handle.

Let's hope.

The Blue Demon King left the room. As I put the black crystal back in my pocket and tried to make things right, King Zenotta gave a loud cough.

I'm sorry. The blue demon king's intimidation made my stomach churn a bit. ....... In the event that you're not sure what you're looking for, there are a few things you can do. I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.


It's just... I need to take a stomachic before I can even think straight. No, I'm sorry!

King Zenotta stood up quickly and walked away with a light step. No, no, no, this is not the movement of a person with a stomach ache by any stretch of the imagination.

King Talma and His Holiness Eupharo saw this, gave a small laugh, and left their seats as well.

"Come to think of it, we haven't had a proper rest since the battle started. Seeing the King of Kuama made me feel sleepy too. Let me get some rest.

"King Thorin!

Ha-ha-ha, King Talma, isn't that too much to ask?

It's easy to act better than that guy, but there's no need to take away the stock of the first guy you care about.

"I see. Well, I think I'll take some rest. I wanted to see how Archbishop Maja was doing.

With that, the representatives of the countries left the room one by one. It was true that there was nothing they could do at this point, but if they were to leave so easily like this...

"Hmmm, wise king. You must be so tired that you don't even know you're being watched.

"The Demon King of Gold: ......

The Golden Demon King, who had been quiet until then, was looking at me with a chuckle. I'm not sure what to say. I'm not sure what to say.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure out what the crystals in your pocket mean.

I thought there was no need to rush it now that we know we can fix it,.......

In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. It seems that I was so tired that I even took that random lie to heart.

"It's not just for you, though. You have decided that resting and relieving your sorrows is your top priority in this situation.

I've been trying to keep it off my ...... face.

Zenotta, by the way, may have been the only one who really cared.

No doubt. I'll send you a thank you next time.

He slapped his cheek lightly and left the table himself. The Blue Demon King also told me to use my head without any regrets. What I'm about to do is not what I'm good at, but what my friends are good at. You'll need to be in perfect physical condition and free of all distractions.

By the way, don't you have anything for your mistress?

"What, you want a thank-you?

What you give me is of no value.

Of course not. Well, I'll set you up for once.

Well, I'm looking forward to it.

This Demon Lord expects a lot from you. You've changed a lot. I've been doing a lot of thinking to protect my country as King of the TARDIS. I've been trying to change my entrenched ideas, to keep up with the times, to respect tradition and history, and to make everyone happy that I'm the king.

I thought that I was limited to my own country. I'm a king, not a god. I could only protect my country. Now I'm carrying the future of every human being in this world on my shoulders.

"Yeah, you can count on it.

But I'm standing here. I'm standing here, even though I'm right, even though I'm way past the limits I set for myself. And yet I stand because I know that I have people to carry me.

Are you watching, my friend? If you're not, I'll tell you all about it later. I've got a long way to go and I'll get to you.

"Has Idrach left ......?

I returned to my sister in black and gave her a brief report. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to get back to me.

Zahava and O'Farrow were still the same. Only Lazaricata seems to be in a very bad mood, but I'm the one who wants to complain.

"What are you going to do, Kuro? With the demon gone, we're all that's left. You're just going to let us keep attacking by surprise?

I told you. I told you that all I want from you is to bring the demons to the humans.

I'm not sure what to make of that. And then she walks right up to me.

"Tedral. You can use the power of the scythe, right?

"...... ah.

After confirming this, she walks out of the castle. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to use the power of the scythe, though. Oh, I don't feel like it. .......

She moves to the top of the cliff, including Zahava and the others, and looks down. The demons that filled your field of vision when you started your march are now disposable and nothing is left of them. I like it better this way, though.

"What are you going to do now, Demon Lord?

I don't have the power I had in the past. But the power I left behind is here. There are two other things besides you. One is my magical artifact recovered by the Tedral. And the other is this demon world that I created.

The black sister looked at me. I exhaled lightly, walked to the edge of the cliff, and took the scythe out of space. This scythe is a magical tool created by my sister, and it is also one of her own weapons.

This scythe was the only way for Yugra to escape on her own when she sealed the Kuro Sister away. Yugra had left it to me after she had collected it without a second thought.

I thought it looked familiar, but it's the Scythe of Kuro. So, what is it?

"The magical artifacts I create are for you demons. It will contain my power and allow me to use one of my powers. Just as Yugra shared his power with the demon kings.

Yugra gave the Almighty to the Kuro Sister, and the other Demon Lords were given one power each. Then she divided the power of the Almighty into different magical tools and gave them to the demons.

For Zahava, who excelled in physical combat, she gave him a way to move when his movement was blocked. For the Opharo, who radiates heat, I gave him a way to use it. Each of them had something to match their power.

But this scythe is different. It was prepared for the Kuro Sister to use in everyday combat and as insurance in case she herself lost her power. She wanted her subordinates to be able to use the same magic as her.

How long, Sister Kuro?

"The same sight is fine. That's the most you can carry at once.

Okay. Then let's cut it down, Kuro sister's demon world.

Activate the function built into the scythe. A magic circle is drawn in the space and the magic formula is automatically developed.

The Demon Realm is a space for the Demon Lord to exist and an arsenal for the Demon Lord. Even without doing anything, demons tainted by the will of the Demon Lord will sprout up. But the fact that they occur naturally means that they can also be created intentionally.

She had already established a way to create demons on her own, but there was no need to go through all that trouble every time. This demon world is a part of the Demon Lord's body, and the materials to create demons can be easily prepared by cutting it down.

The technique expands further and spreads all over the bottom of the cliff. Then, it begins to suck the magic power of the demon world from the atmosphere, creating new creatures.

This is .......

I'm not sure what to make of that. You can easily switch between the two by tampering with their boundaries. As long as my demon world is filled with magic power, my army will rise again and again.

Yugra did not teach this technique to other demon kings. Yugra didn't teach it to other kings. The world would have been destroyed long ago if the kings had gotten hold of this technique.

By the time the formula had done its job and lost its light, the army of demons I had seen a while ago had returned. As you can see, there is no trace of Idrak, but it's still the same.

"Huh. I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm going to rest a bit." The fatigue in my body is terrible. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. The scythe will take care of the mechanism itself, but considering the scale of the activation, the minimum amount of magic power used to activate it is not foolproof.

More importantly, I didn't want to activate this power myself, so it's a huge mental burden. It's also a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to do. Of course you'll put a twist on it, right?

That's what you think. You'll get rid of the Blue in the next invasion.

Well, that's what's coming. In order to bring the demons to the human world, we need a demon tribe to act as our boatman. But the Blue King knows that. When he realizes that the demons are coming back, he'll try to crush them carefully.

If anyone can defeat the Blue King, it's me. I'm not sure if the O'Fallow will be able to ......, but I'm not sure if he'll be willing.

I'm not sure he's going to do it. It's up to you. But, Kuro sister. I lost the only bargaining chip I had against the Blue King to help that arrogant b*tc*. If I lose, I'm not coming back. So--

Looking at the black sister's face, the feeling that I was choking on my words melted away. The old black sister would have moved her expression a little more. .......

I'm sure you'll have a great time.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

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