Published at 26th of April 2023 05:41:27 AM

Chapter 91: First of all, an unexpected guy.

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It was annoying for Tarz to have a statue of the devil in the street, but I guess it was no use telling the devil king that.

At any rate, when I read the stone monument, I found that it was inscribed with the words, "Pile up parchment.

The relevant parchment would be this one, on which the first problem Duvraeus had given me was written.

I followed the instructions and piled the parchment on the stone monument held by the statue, and after a while the words blurred and disappeared.

Then a new problem appears.

After collecting the parchment, the statue of the devil melted into the ground and disappeared without a sound.

I'm glad that this object didn't remain forever.

For now, I'll check for new problems.

"The Devil of the North said.

The demon to the north said, "Take the south road.

The demon from the east says: "Follow this path.

The Devil of the South said, "Take the West Road.

The demon of the west said, "Do not take the north road.

You did not hesitate, because no matter which demon you believe in, the result is the same.


"Now this way?

Another quick answer. Why don't you think about it a little?

I'm not supposed to be bothered by this. Did you understand the problem?

I've been assuming that the path you've chosen is the correct one, but it's a bit confusing.

It's not a riddle, it's more like a puzzle where you follow the steps.

It's not a riddle, it's more like a puzzle where you follow the steps.

"The devil hates silence.

The devil hates silence, and he hates balance even more.

The devil has a jewel worth ten gold coins.

But the devil's life is worth only one gold coin.  

An apple on the west side of the balance and a sword on the east.

An apple is worth one gold coin and a sword is worth 10 gold coins.

The demon who gave up everything to die left the path to be taken to the tilt of the balance.

The first row is the demon's standard of behavior.

The first row shows the demon's standard of behavior, the second and third rows are the demon's elements, the fourth row points to the current situation, the fifth row is a supplement to the current situation, and the last row is the result.

The meaning of a balance for measuring value is a balance that tilts based on the value of an object.

Based on the value of the apple and the sword, there is one gold coin in the west and ten gold coins in the east at the beginning.

The devil has given up everything and is dying, which means he has put the jewel and his own life on the balance.  

The devil does not like silence, so he put things on the balance to make it move.

To move the balance in this state, you should place the jewel on the west side, so that the value of 11 gold coins will be placed on the west side and the balance will tilt to the west.

The next step is to place the life in the direction of the balance. If you only dislike silence, place the life in the east and the balance will move again.

But the text says that the devil hates equilibrium even more, so he hates the fact that the balances are lined up in a horizontal line.

That is why the devil did not place life in the east but in the west, preferring silence to balance.

Therefore, the balance remains tilted to the west, and the direction is west.

So the balance remains tilted to the west.

I see what you mean about following the conditions and dealing with them step by step, that makes sense.

I'm going in the direction I want to go, and I've found the statue of the devil again.

But if you get this wrong, you won't be able to find the statue, so even a single mistake could cost you some time.

If you are not sure about a part, you might want to think it over.

By the way, how did you solve the second question? By the way, how did you solve the second question? It looked like a question about which demon to believe in.

"No, that was a guessing game. No, that was a guessing from results question. I didn't get confused, because the result is the same no matter which demon you believe in.

If the result is the same no matter which demon you believe in, it means you are wrong.

In other words, all the demons are lying, and there is only one way to go.

You put the parchment on the stone again and read the new problem.

It's another logic puzzle, so it's this way.

You're moving pretty fast, compadre.

Marith and Mikus can solve this quickly, Ilias and Lakra might find it a bit more difficult.

The trend of the questions seems to be logic puzzles, logic puzzles do not require any prior knowledge.

The important thing is to correctly read the steps that lead to a single answer.

There are several possible answers, but they are narrowed down by the text of the question.

Sometimes, even the information that says "I know the answer" is the key to solving the puzzle.  

For example, let's say you have a problem where you have to find the answer among several people, one of whom is an honest person and the other is a liar.

It is not possible to determine whether person A is an honest person or a liar from the given materials.

However, if A is an honest person, and there is a possibility that there are more than one answer, then if A is an honest person, you will be stuck without knowing the correct answer.

In other words, the event that A is an honest person is exclusive when the answer is known.

The important point of logic puzzles is to remember that every sentence in the problem is a clue.

It's starting to become a complex problem with multiple possible routes. It's a good thing I brought another piece of parchment just in case.

You read the new problem, write the multiple possibilities on the parchment, and process it in an easy-to-read manner.

Then you eliminate the mistakes and come up with an answer.

"Okay, this way.

You're very quick. I should say you're used to it.

Yeah, it's not that I'm smart, it's just that these logic puzzles were a pastime to pass the time over there.

"I see.

I can say I'm doing well, but I don't know how many more puzzles I have to do.

Let's hurry up as much as possible.

I solved the problems one after another until I reached the seventh one, and the route I was taking was getting busier, going from the main street to the alley.

The size of the statue is noticeable, and while I can handle it as long as I'm confident about the success or failure of the problem, I don't dread the thought of making a mistake.

A good amount of time has passed since we started, and even though it's mid-morning, people are starting to show up.

When we found the statue, there was a crowd of onlookers who witnessed it.

It may be possible to search from a height.

The next path is this way, but ...... it's a back alley, and after a while you'll get to a place where you can see the square, so that's probably where the statue is.

The alleyway was originally unpopular, but it was quieter than it had been at other times of the day.

It's been a long time since I've walked the streets in detail like this, maybe since Lakra came to this country and went around looking for places to put up wards.

It's not that I don't have connections with other vagrants besides Gazen, but I don't use them as much as he does.

Have you got a map of the city in your head yet?

Of course not, because when I was sent to Raaheid, I was the first one to get a grasp of the surrounding terrain.

That's why you came along later?

Oh - wait, don't move.

Suddenly, Ecdysium deployed chains, and more chains crawled around us.

I don't ask what's going on.

That's what happens when an ecduke suddenly moves, something must have happened.

Asking a bad question would interfere with his concentration.

Pay attention to your surroundings as well.

"-Hostility, does this belong to the Great Satan ......?

Eckdœk looked above him, and as he did, he saw something raining down from above.

You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

"Is that a stake?

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but I think it's a good idea.

It seems to me that they have another purpose than to kill.

You'll be able to find a lot more information on this subject in the following article.

This ...... is .......

My right arm has become a myriad of stakes, connecting those who pierce it to the earth.

A large demon emerges from the shadows of the alleyway, similar to Gugge Gugderestuf, but its right arm is made up of countless stakes.

Some of the stakes are missing, but I guess they are the stakes scattered on the ground.

"Hashalukdehit of 'The Right Arm That Binds', what are you imitating?

What is this an imitation of? - "What I know, it's to satisfy my ambition.

I don't know why, but it looks like a surprise attack by a great demon.

If you look around you, you'll see a stake piercing the ground against his shadow.

It's like a ...... ninja's shadow stitching technique to connect with the earth.  

I don't know how much of my movement is blocked, but I need to remove it quickly.

You take a step toward the stake, trying to get closer to it.

But at that moment, I felt a sickening chill behind me.

The demon has a huge mouth on its abdomen, reminiscent of the great sword that Gillista used, but the moment you recognize its form, the size of its mouth instantly becomes much larger than the length of the demon.

I mean, it looks like it's trying to prey on me.

"Got you, human!

The giant mouth covered my vision and I lost consciousness.


My name is Faybus Hass, the Lost Belly, and my belly is capable of trapping any being in other space.

Those who are trapped in the other space cannot leave without my permission, and the more they try to escape, the more the other space turns into a complicated labyrinth.

Rescue from the outside is impossible, and if you wound me, the wound will be transferred to your captors.

A power that can be used as a substitute or a hostage.

With this, the Purple Demon King can't attack me.

Furthermore, I can send my spirit into the other space as a separate personality.

In the other space, my will is the strongest and I can use my power as I wish and hurt him.

I will take the person who is attached to me as a hostage, break all the restrictions of the Mask of the Pawn, and take away all the power he can give me.

As long as Hashalukdehit is in the same state, two great demons that are on par with Duvraeori, the situation will change drastically.

I've been told that this person is from the same planet as the hero Yugra.

Yugra was legendary for his wisdom and strength.

In other words, there is a great possibility that the wisdom of Yugra's planet is also inside this person's head.  

If I could obtain this, I would be the strongest of the great demons, and could even compete with the Purple Demon King.

Outside, a human raised by Vegragudo is about to start a battle with Hashalukdehit.

But if he takes us hostage, he will stop his rebellion.

In the meantime, I'll take what I can from this human as soon as I can.

In order to threaten the Purple Demon Lord, all I have to do is tear off one of his arms.

I'll send my mind into the void.

The human was looking around to see if he had regained consciousness, was it cautious or cowardly that he wasn't wandering around carelessly?

"You seem to have regained consciousness, human.

"......, shall we ask your name, Great Satan?

"My name is Faybus Hasu, the Lost Belly, and this space is my belly. This is the absolute space where I am omnipotent.

"Does the Purple Demon Lord direct this action?

Foolish question. It's my wiles. To take you hostage and steal the Purple Demon Lord's power.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I don't like the defiant look in his eyes, though he is a sensible man.

I'll double the gravity he feels.

That's enough to make him wobble and fall to his knees.

What a fragile creature. I can't help but laugh.

"Be careful how you speak to me, mortal. Your life can be destroyed at my discretion.

I'm going to warn you that my body is more fragile than the children of this world, so be careful you don't kill me by accidentally hurting me too much.

His tone was cocky, but he wasn't lying.

Even this level of gravitational attack seems to be suffering without acting.

The magic power you can feel is too small. Are you sure this is a citizen of the same planet as Yugra?

No, you'll find out soon enough.

You will not only serve as a hostage, but you will also be put to good use to learn about the wisdom of Yugra's planet that is packed inside your head.

Do you think I'll be honest with you?

Your will is of no concern to me. I can see into your memories at will.

I walk up and grab the human by the head.

Those who are unable to resist are left helpless.

Let's read the memories right away.

I'm not interested in the recent memories of this human being that are pouring in.

I'm more interested in the memories from before this person came into this world, back, back, back.

Oh my god, this person came from the Mountain of the Kuro Demon Slayer?

The image of the Demon Eater, more terrifying than the Demon Lord, flickers in my mind.

But what you need to know is the memory of what's to come, so show me!

"This is the world of Chikyu, how crowded it is, how dirty it is.

I'm not interested in human life, I'm looking for information about the power and wisdom of this human planet.

--What's this? I can't read the words.

I can't read the words.

A difference in language, perhaps.

Then give me this human language ability: ...... Oh, so "Chikyu" is pronounced "earth"?

I can read, I can understand, this is another world, great!

So this is how demons exist and are feared on Earth.

Solomon, the 72 Pillars-- more, more knowledge!

Oh, this is-- germ warfare, nuclear weapons, man's creation of such things!

Warning. You have more information than the people of this world should know. Warning, you have exceeded the amount of information that the people of this world need to know. Please terminate the connection immediately and delete the relevant memories.

Suddenly, an emotionless voice flows into my brain, and it's not a human voice.

What is this voice? It's not a human voice.

Never mind, now I must devour every bit of knowledge in this human's head.

Oh, what a sweet piece of information!

I see, with such a myriad of perspectives, it is possible to recreate magic - even forbidden things are within my reach!

Warning terminated. Access to abstruse information by a member of this world has been confirmed. We have identified the target as a danger to the world and request that you activate your deterrent.

The mysterious voice finally stopped, what the hell was that all about?

But this knowledge will certainly give me the power to transcend the Great Demon, or even the Demon Lord.

I'm not sure what to say.

The one right beside me opened his mouth.

Only a human face and hands are floating right next to it.

Around them, there is a strange feeling as if the space is distorted.

Is he wearing clothes that assimilate into the background?

The shape is a robe, and only the face and hands peeking out of it are unaffected.

--No, before that, when was this person standing right next to me?

I couldn't have any doubts that he was there, it was as if the world had recognized him for the first time when he opened his mouth.

"Who the hell are you?

Without waiting for an answer, he threw the human, and imagined and realized every possible means of attack against the unidentified being.

This other space is my space, my ultimate garden where I can cause any event and reign as absolute master.

You don't have the luxury of asking me my name and then attacking me, you demon.

I hit him with all kinds of attacks at the same time, and yet he remains there as if nothing happened.

It's not possible. If I have a fantasy of slicing him open, he must be sliced open.

So why can't I cut him open? Why can't I think of his death?

He sees a man thrown, slammed to the ground, crawling.

This is the Earthling Scarlet was talking about, I didn't know there really was one. Well, don't worry, Earthling, you're not going to be eliminated.

He turned his gaze back to me again.

He looks back at me again and spins his words in a bored manner.

"Oh, I guess I have to say my name as part of my assigned role. What's the point of saying your name to a dying person? Oh well.

His arm goes up.

His thumb is up, his index finger is here, and the rest of his fingers are folded.  

"'The Colorless Demon King,' you don't need to remember, so you can die in peace.

His hand jumps for a moment.

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