Published at 7th of April 2022 09:24:14 AM

Chapter 371: 371: Good-Natured Banter

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"What are you scheming, Thrill Seeker?" Daunting Spirit slumped with a huff on the soft couch.

It's been six days since his eventful infiltration inside the White Bird Headquarters and finally meeting the notorious boss woman in the flesh.

Today is the scheduled day that will determine if White Bird will spare their lives and agree to their offer in exchange for an alliance.

School had just ended, and he immediately drove towards their base. His co-leader, Thrill Seeker, was already waiting for him at their private lounge room, sipping on a glass of red wine with no care in the world and as if they aren't about to meet their maker if things went south for them.

Really, if it wasn't for him, their group would've already been rendered into ashes for offending a lot of big named groups in the Underworld and influential people in the Human Realm.

Thrill Seeker—exactly as her name suggests—is the type of person who courts death by doing numerous sorts of life-threatening adventures. She doesn't care who she offends as long as it quenches her boredom.

Daunting Spirit was like her, but much milder. He doesn't jump the gun from the moment it set off. No, he's rational and thought of the consequences.

"You'll have to be more specific on your question, Daunting Spirit," Thrill Seeker drily said, twirling the vermillion liquid with her thumb and index finger. "You know I have a lot."

"Stop playing coy with me. You know full well what I'm talking about." Daunting Spirit scoffed, serving himself a glass of the luscious wine to cool his nerves.

"You're no fun as always." She chuckled, placing her glass down. Her crossed legs alternating as she shifted into a better position.

"If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that you're literally asking for death." He resisted the urge to smack her head upside down. "I turned my back on you for just a moment and you managed to offend not one, but two Underworld Leaders."

"What else should I do? My life has been tedious these days. By now, I thought that you wouldn't be surprised anymore with how I find a solution to liven things up."

"Your so-called 'solution' risked my life. I almost had my head cut off because of you." He reminded her, his tone lowered into a growl. "Everything was your doing, I have no part in it. So why was it I who have to face the consequences?"

"Sheesh, I'm sorry, okay? Why are you complaining about my exuberance now? I've been like this since the beginning." Thrill Seeker argued grumpily.

"Because last time I checked, you weren't running around attacking the Underworld Leaders!" Daunting Spirit could no longer contain the volume of his voice. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/lady-boss-please-spoil-your-husband!_11957027006657805/chapter-371-good-natured-banter_51037644607514860 for visiting.

"You're angry?"

What is this woman sniffing and where can he find it so he could throw it out into oblivion?

He stood up and sauntered towards her. Thrill Seeker couldn't tell what expression he's wearing due to the fox mask obstructing his face.

The air thickened. If she was a normal person, her heart would've raced, and hyperventilated from the sheer, malignant ambiance he's extruding.

He stopped when he reached her seat.

Bending forward until their faces were a few inches away from each other, he said in low voice, "Ever since I joined the Underworld, I had been very careful not to let others know who I am. But because of your recklessness, that effort was wasted."

From the holes of his fox mask, his frost layered eyes met her pair of cat-like green ones directly. In their years of partnership, this is the first time Thrill Seeker saw this side of Daunting Spirit.

He'd always been reserved and uncaring for whatever f*ckery she did. She understands why he would feel so upset, she did implicate him and consequently forced him to reveal his identity to others.

However, she didn't realize that it was that dire.

Even she, his partner and co-leader to their group, didn't know who he is behind the mask, and neither does he know who she is.

"Later this evening, we have no choice but to meet White Bird and remove our masks in front of her and the Elders. Maybe if you get on your hands and knees, she'll show us a modic.u.m of mercy." He straightened up, making her look up and him to look down on her with those cold, condescending eyes.

Thrill Seeker bristled like an affronted cat at her partner's disparaging suggestion.   

"Is this how you treat me now?"

"After your reckless stunt? What do you expect?" He sardonically said and turned his back on her. Returning for his glass of wine, he downed the drink in one go before glancing at his frowning partner over his shoulder.

"Let's go now, I'm not waiting for you to pretty yourself up. We best not test White Bird's patience."

Clicking her tongue, Thrill Seeker stood up and strode in front of him, bumping her shoulder with his as she did. Her heels clicked loudly on the floor, making her bad temper known and heard by him.

She wouldn't allow this man to treat her like this without returning the favor. "You have no tact. I pity whoever takes a liking to a cold-hearted man like you. They must be blind to not see you for who you truly are."

Sneering, Daunting Spirit countered, "Pot calling the kettle black. I could say the same thing about you, Thrill Seeker. But let's both be honest here, you're even worst."

Silence followed after that. An electrifying glare clashed between two pairs of eyes as none refuse to let the other best them in their unofficial battle of who has the sharpest tongue.

"I hate you." Thrill Seeker spat indignantly, gritting her teeth.

"The feeling's mutual." Daunting Spirit replied with a mocking grin, satisfied that he came out as the victor over their usual good-natured banter.

Yes. You read that correctly.


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