Published at 16th of May 2023 09:08:58 AM

Chapter 91

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Chapter 91. [Nuclear Umbrella]

As expected.

The fact that I’ve been sleeping like this until now is proof.

I was sure that the audience wouldn’t be able to fully enjoy the live performance.

I know this in my head, but I am still shocked by it because of my immaturity.

That’s a story I have seen on the news and the internet, so it’s not definite information.

But in summary, it is roughly like this.

First, a nuke fell on Ukraine.

That is an undeniable fact.

What fell was a small nuke, generally classified as a tactical nuke device.

Furthermore, it was a ballistic missile with a range of less than 500 kilometers.

And the exact location of the fallout, the Ukrainian plains, is not known.

I’m Japanese, so when I hear the words “nuclear fallout,” I imagine tens or hundreds of thousands of deaths due to the destruction of urban areas.

But that is not the case.

I let out a relieved breath.

Somehow, the face of that transfer student had popped into my mind.

Her hometown was not gone.

Angu Ogu is right.

And if the attack is over,  the next step is to fight back.

I opened my mouth to say, “Angu Ogu”.

After a beat, I came back to myself.

Unknown. Unconfirmed.

I was so confused and perplexed.

Angu Ogu said.

The results of investigations in many countries, including the U.S., indicate that it was [a Russian attack]. She said.

Even on the Internet, it’s an open fact that the missile was fired by Russia.

I don’t understand more and more.

[[We have long warned that Ukraine is planning to use “dirty bombs” right?]]

Naturally, Ukraine denied the announcement and was outraged.

It was a long time ago Ukraine was the world’s third-largest nuclear power. There is no such fact today, she said.

And she called for sanctions against Russia for the whole world.

… But.

Angu Ogu shook her head at the question.

China – because there is no confirmation that it was Russia that fired the shot – has not retaliated. She said.

China, I recall, said it was on Ukraine’s side at the beginning of the Russian military invasion.

However, it has gradually changed its stance toward Russia.

Or should I say? It has returned?

China has always been pro-Russia.

It was probably for this reason.

But, when you think about it, it is not surprising.

What if China functions as a nuclear umbrella and drops nuclear weapons on Russia in retaliation?

That would be the start of an all-out nuclear war between Russia and China.

China. No, not only China. Who would risk the destruction of their own country for the sake of a “stranger”, Ukraine?

It’s Russia, a superpower, after all.

And they have already crossed the line by firing nukes.

We must be prepared to stab each other in the back.

And no one wants to “trigger” World War III.

If people establish Russia fired that, people have to impose sanctions on Russia.

Or they will have to make their stance clear that they won’t impose sanctions.

Every country has to be cautious about making such an announcement.

The fate of one’s own country hangs in the balance.

It’s the right thing to do for one’s own country before that of another country. That’s their priority.

They want to protect their families more than others. That is also a matter of course.

The nuclear umbrella works “within the range of thinking that peace can be maintained centering on one’s own country.”.

Conversely, it only works within that range.

It was never meant to work from the beginning.

It’s something that only makes sense before people fire the nuke.

It is never a shield, much less a pike.

It can only work in a child’s imagination.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!