Published at 4th of May 2022 05:32:48 AM

Chapter 110: 109 Stories Coquette Rolls in Important Occasions

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With the first hand, I was able to shred the number of Purgatory Army men by four.

The rest of them, too, are taking on more than half the damage.

The wounded are magicians, scouts, intelligence specialties, etc... some of them are not very combative.

Conversely, the safe ones are the warrior types with good stature.

It would be great to wear armor, but the top line of the boulder giant clan... looks like the air cutters Ian and Nina released have been well avoided.

Big Wave is only a range specific water magic.

Just like I did this time, it's the right magic to create big gaps and sweep away cluttered fish monsters.

Instead, they're not very aggressive.

It's hard to do damage to a strong enemy because of the impact that hits the ground at best or the degree of suffocation for a short time ~.

He approaches me with a scary face, Purgatory One Army.

Though anger emotions are growing, not a single one has been swallowed up and irrationalized.

Rather... I think I've lost all feelings for the treat, which was slight until earlier.

Forbes, the leader, is giving instructions to his people.

Naturally, I don't understand the content because it has been devised so others don't know... but if it's what I'm after, it feels like there's a lot involved in the number of attacks.

Our party has a lot of fighting power for each and every one of us… there are only five of us, and we have a "foothold" named "prisoner."

One, they still have 11 left.

We've already crushed the Purgatory appraisal, so there's no way for them to know our status or our situation.

If you think about the fact that I went to reduce the number of enemies with my first blow... it would be natural to think that I don't like the number of attacks.

Maybe... a corrugated attack on a few people, like I just did on Mr. Dan or Esther... a special attack of abandonment ready for the victims.

I think he's coming for a hostage or a showdown.

From what I've heard from the two armies... he seems to be a ruthless leader enough to have lightly truncated his fellow rare gift holders who were taking information from Mr. Dan.

I just appraised one army member... not one guy with skills like trump cards who didn't teach the two armies.

Whatever the lower end or the three armies... I guess we weren't expecting the two armies to get caught lightly and pull out information, but we were lucky.

"The two armies told me a lot of stories. Wouldn't it be hard for you guys to get your people killed right in front of you? Why don't you just surrender? If you're a grown-up, you're not gonna do anything wrong."

Their attack will cause us trouble and prompt us to surrender the two army members as hostages.

Naturally, I don't expect him to surrender.

Our aim is to guide them by moving first and showing them how sweet they are.

To the men of the two armies, Esther and Nina are poking blades.

Things that seem weak among us, where two children are not in a state of war... from their point of view, we see a great opportunity.

I don't know if they're going after the hostages or trying to kill them... but they'll come after us intensively, eighty-nine or two.

"Ho. I didn't think you'd recommend surrender now."

"About that, they deserve it. We just dealt with it because we were set up. You and your army are capable people, and if you forsake your loyalty to the kingdom of Nazareth, you will most likely live a happy life."

"Kingdom of Nazareth......"

"Throw it away, a country like that. The country is huge, but the top is incompetent, and we're losing the war, aren't we? If you help me, it's not just life... you'll get more money and more women."

Then, with the evil words of the Kingdom of Nazareth, he elevates the Hate of Purgatory.

Looks good, their anger intensified.

I knew my skills would be handy...

"That's right. It's a very interesting story, so I'd like to hear more about it later."

At the same time Forbes said that, it was slaughtered.

The others, they're all on their way to Esther and the others.

... That took.

Forbes has, so odds and counters don't work.

So conscious of the mediocre sword judgment, while recieving his attack... buy time.

All those close to Esther and Nina are done.

In the place where the two armies were kept, after releasing the Big Wave... I sprinkled slime fluid with it before they regained their position.

Crushing and conditioning the body of the slime results in a slightly viscous liquid.

At the foot of the water immersion, a troll and clear liquid......

I made the shoe pick a little longer with alchemy magic beforehand... and Esther and the others were helpful when I walked carefully.

But... I jumped in without knowing anything, what happens to the Purgatory people...

"Gua!?" "Gah!" "Ouch!?

You're going to show off your lotion art, which doesn't deserve the atmosphere of the place ~.

"What's up, what happened!?

It's too late to panic, Mr. Forbes.

"Predictive gifts... all you see is the future, within your sight, right? You misjudged me, incompetent leader."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!