Published at 4th of May 2022 05:29:35 AM

Chapter 248: 247 The End of the Apostolic Army

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~ A Slave Side ~

In our time as adventurers, we became luxurious as an army, and after falling into slavery, we were to work as pawns for the Duke of Vonker.

Precisely because it is loaned from the Duke of Vonker to His Majesty's army and will be used...

If you are fought on the front line every time there is a dispute and you cannot clear the norm, toilet cleaning the next day for a day.

To the popular Duke of Vonker, our fang-faced treatment in the military sucks.

"Still, it's better than Herbert."

Herbert, the main culprit and celebrity, toilet cleaning or laundry all the time except during battle.

Oh, now you've had your night's work.

Former messenger members other than him, although they can sleep well... the task of collecting and burying manure collected by flies by hand all day breaks my heart every time I do it.

The only thing that's better is that you can eat hungry rice.

And can you let me use a decent weapon?

But this would be more a consideration for the Duke of Vonker than for us.

If the pawn you sent in doesn't help you on the battlefield, the Duke's Ments will be crushed as well.

The point of paying a lot of money and buying us out of the zinc is gone.

The tightest thing about working here is the cursing noise from the soldiers.

The Duke of Vonker was a slave magic, tying us to bees, so that we wouldn't turn against our superiors by force!

Absolutely abide by orders from your superiors on any matter...... no matter what happens to those who have Quor nationality, they do not wield violence......

No matter how irrational you are treated, you are not even allowed to hit me.

By contrast, the soldiers, if only for good reason, are not to blame for hurting us.

Because of the unpleasant and extreme rules, every day we are cursed by the soldiers.

"If we say it back, you can hurt me if you want."

I can't stand it, I'm waiting for a duck to argue.

When I was first rambled, it was Herbert who saw hell without understanding its intentions.

He spit on a soldier who had insulted himself because the tyranny of the S-rank era had not escaped.

"As a result, he was in front of the public, crying and apologizing, to the soldier's consolation..."

As an adventurer, Herbert used to crush beautiful male slaves.

I don't feel sorry for myself when they did the same thing after the slave fell.

But I think the commander of the Quor army, who ripped all of Herbert's hair off with a completely broken heart as punishment, is a demon with no blood or tears.

"If you suffer a war injury, you can use the potion, but there's no way you can treat me with sanctions."

I know he wets his pillow with pain and remorse every night.


"I'm glad it wasn't me first"

Every time I look at a fallen Herbert, that's what I think.

"You're fucked! The Duke of Aporn has fallen into an enemy trap!

My boss suddenly panicked as I thought about it, slaughtering and killing the enemy soldier.

Duke of Aporn... one of His Majesty's uncles who has surrendered, calling himself ”the best cutter in the kingdom of Quor”?

Nothing. You can kill a guy like that, right?

"Damn! Duke Aporn's miscalculation caused the formation to collapse. We have no choice but to retreat! In this situation, Shinji will be killed for sure..."

Apparently, because of the Duke of Aporn, this battle is a borough loss.

That's annoying!

"Whoa, Lord Vonker's slave. They're former messengers! You guys, stop your enemies till you die! Go!"


When he was frightened, the Duke of Aporn, who had left his men behind, gave us an order.

"Just kidding! Though it would be Temehe's mistake!!

"Rude! I can help the royal family. Be honored."

I have a nasty grin on my face with plenty of fat on it.

Koitz...... after impersonating his own faults, he's going to crush the handkerchief of the unfriendly Duke of Vonker!

"Who ordered Temehe..."

My body moves on its own.

I don't want to die for a guy like this, I don't want to die!

I see Count Robeis, my immediate boss, but I just stare at the Duke of Aporn, and I don't argue with anything.

No... because of the difference in identity, can't you?

My last one is like this...

~ Jink side ~

"So the Royal Direct Army stopped him and said he had escaped."

"I don't know... everywhere, foot clumps are what they are. I've heard rumors about the Duke of Aporn..."

Ian, who was listening next door, sighs.

Neither did I expect a scumbag to abandon someone else's private army to be in His Majesty's family.

"The Duke of Aporn is an ambitious and aggressive man. I still consider myself royal despite the descent of my subordinates..."

Count Subin taught me the character of the Duke of Aporn in words wrapped in oblate.

"In short, you mean pride, action, incompetence?


Damn, that's annoying!

"The fact that we fought forcibly with slave magic was probably a huge boon for lion excitement"

In other words, the bodies are easily recovered… In the future, there is a good chance that a single army of zombies will fang the Quor army.

It's unpleasant that an idiot pulled my leg off, but I can't help but wake up.

We're growing up every day too, and I don't expect to fight and lose... but let's keep it in the corner of our memory so they don't surprise us.

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