Published at 4th of May 2022 05:17:33 AM

Chapter 776: Episode 775, obviously, but important.

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After confirming that Mr. Banden is a "type that can be recommended" personally, I asked about another important matter, the "policy after the inauguration of the general manager of the guild".

Since the election is a "vote grab", it is easy for candidates to say "Hora Blowing Competition" that is convenient for voters, so we need to investigate everywhere!

“Is that what I want to do? Hmph. Speaking here will make the Conservatives angry, so I'll switch to writing. The axis of the policy is the reduction in the mortality rate of newcomers without money....."

Convinced that I had begun exploring the election, Ms. Banden wrote a policy on paper with Sara Sara, while continuing to talk about her memories with her family.

In the current exchange, some high-ranking adventurers thought that they were "talking to each other in secret"... but it was the non-combatant intellectuals who were the main protagonists, so it was okay.

The guild member from the nobility didn't notice the story, but looked at Banden, who only talked about his family, and said, "Do you want me to ask you to collect your votes?" I'm hitting the back of my mouth. "

~ Part 1: Reading, writing, and Yonori calculation as a matter of course ~

If the text cannot be read, money will be taken every time by substitute reading and writing, and some people fall into slavery by falsifying the contents of the contract.

The same is true when calculations cannot be made, and because the market value is not acquired, it is used at an unreasonably low price.

The substitute reading and writing part is an essential part of eating "the second son of a junior nobleman", so "free service!" That's not why I can't do it.....

I want to give motivated people the opportunity to learn "minimum reading, writing, and calculation" in order to change the current situation, which is further eroding the rewards of the newcomer era, even if it is small.

~ Part 2: I would like to lend initial equipment and provide accommodation free of charge ~

Adventurers who don't have the freshly registered money can't afford the gear, so I want to lend them the minimum gear to defeat monsters in the "Wooden Sticks, Everyday Clothing, and Grasshopper."

It's costly, and I think there will be some escapists, but the survival rate of the new American adventurer will improve, and it should be worth it if you see it in total.

The plan is to provide "cobolt knives, armor with breastplate, and inexpensive boots" at the end of the beginner's course.

Also, with regard to accommodation, the Imperial City's guild has already offered a "free miscellaneous fish room for 30 days", and there are fewer young people trying to earn money for their accommodation......

I'm going to scale it up and spread it all over the Zaluvan Empire.

However, since there are "impertinent people" who sometimes try to be parasitic to the system, the quality of the accommodation should be reduced to the limit, and I think it is necessary to restrict the number of days.

~ Part 3: I would recommend saving up ~

One of the reasons why young people who want to get rid of novices leave the Adventurer's Guild is the pattern of "slave falling due to sudden expenses".

Young people who have just begun making money on their own, but have not experienced hell, tend to be unprepared for the assumption that they can make money at any time.

Since adventurers are responsible for themselves, they are "among the best in the world", but it is also a fact that people who have not received financial education cannot manage their personal property correctly.

As a safety net to prevent "slave drops and incompatible orders", I feel that it is better to do "saving recommendations".

* If the poor, including adventurers, do not pay their debts, the powerful cannot exploit them with "interest" or "enslavement", so it is difficult to even recommend them unless they are at the top of the guild.

Currently, before saving money, the "High Interest Loan Debt Information" is posted in a prominent space on the bulletin board, and it seems that the guild's "low-interest loan" is being pushed to the edge.

Besides... many landlords don't demand repayment until the "interest payment" situation is over, so it's too late to notice.

"Coso (I see, I get it. In short," The adventurer is at his own risk, but please help him at the beginning. ")

"Coso: Yes, that's what Zakri says. In the Rookie era, poor people are so poor....)"

Banden's policy has been proven to improve survival by bringing adventurer-oriented guilds closer to what the Zink Group is working on.

Except for the opposition of the vested interest group, it was a good plan without any disadvantages.

For the guild of the Zaruvar Empire, who is moaning about the brain drain, the mortality rate of the new American adventurer is the most important issue, and I think it would be "not bad" if all of this could be realized.

"That's right. If you overdo it, there will be more" kid adventurers ", which is troublesome, but I'm also in favor of" providing minimal support ". If you raise the hem one step, the return will increase."

Gil and Ian, who know the level of improvement in the number base, also say that they agree with the Zink Group because the benefits are greater.

"I have the same idea." If Mr. Banden goes off the road, I think Bob will take responsibility for it and kill him... with a concentrated vote on him...? ”

"Yeah." "Yes."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!