Published at 4th of May 2022 05:17:02 AM

Chapter 800: Episode 799.

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The Reinforcements of the Elsa Squadron rendezvoused to Kochira.

Even though it was a sudden extraction, they are all full of "willingness to kill" and can safely rely on their support.

"Zink, it's been a while. How are you?"

“It's been a long time. I didn't expect to see you in the Zar 'Bat Empire. As for the salt, I made a lot of money. Thank you!"

Louis and Roy, who came from the count's territory in the Rosalta region, have been tanned by the daily opening work, but their way of treating me has not changed.

The information "Zink = Brave (provisional)" should have reached their ears, but I'm glad you didn't slack off.

"I'm sorry you both got involved in a fight in another country!" It's quite an emergency. Come on. I'll entertain you after I defeat the demons, so please support me until I catch them. "

"Roger that!" "I'll take care of it."

"Elsa, thank you for coming so far." Since you're a blockade officer, I'm sure you'll be fine... but in the unlikely event that something happens, please act with your own life as the priority. "

"Yes, this is a valuable opportunity to be on the same scene, and I will stretch out my body and lock up the demons so that I can help you.♪"

Elsa said... it seems that in the labyrinthine city of the Kingdom of Quor, Dan has taken command on behalf of Alpha, who is heavily weighed down, and is on full alert.

He also happened to be on the ground, waiting for the demonic attack of the Zalu Empire, so even if the enemy were to go there, it would be fine.

"Well then, we'll barge into their base." I asked for a "lockdown role"! "

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The 20 members of the Elsa Corps entrusted them with "blocking the ground route", and the eight of us stepped towards the enemy in the "Forest of Wills".

Thinking from where the "three-legged crows" landed... they live in Ajito, which is about 3 km from the edge of the forest.

"Knock... knock... knock..." Maybe Koch. It smells like alcohol. "

"I see." "Operation Zombie Scatter" succeeded, so you floated a booze ~ "

“Yeah, I think so.”

If I look visually, I'll miss it, so this time I'm using the excellent nose of the [Dragon Man] to get Gill-kun to look for the "unpleasant smell".

Even if the demons are close to monsters, they don't have the same smell as monsters who live in nature.

Gil sniffed out the smells from the enemy's location near what appears to be their stash... He found traces of them just three minutes after the investigation began.

"Kunku...... Kunku...... Look at you,♪Jink, this is their back." The smell of liquor and fire-roasted meat is very thick. "

"Thank you, Gil. Even if we come this far, we can't find any sign of them from the outside." The same is true of the hideout of strange fire, but it would be troublesome if the items were used. ”

Moreover, the cliff tear Gil pointed out... it's only wide enough for one human to finally get through, so it's hard to charge!

No matter how much we're wearing, we're still having the ground & sky sealed off by the Hardhounds who aren't hiding their signs.

There is a good chance that the enemy who noticed the movement of Kochira will play a "despicable trick" near the entrance of Ajit.

“Zink, what are you going to do? Do you want to spice up your enemies in front of the crowd? I asked Marimo to cover the entrance and asked if I could attack with a slime."

Seeing that the enemies who terrorized the people of Zaru Battle were “full of hiding”, Will suggested a solution that was unpleasant.

"Definitely crying" and "melting hair and skin into specimens"... both proposals are abdominal black ticks, that's how angry they are.

I'm also annoyed, so I can also say "hello", but...... "thank you" can still be done after capturing it, so I'll ask Marimo for safety first.

I was relentlessly assaulted and completely pessimistic, and it would be bad if I were to kill myself before I could extract any information.

Since the method of capturing the enemy was decided, immediately after Marina called out to me to summon Marimo... dozens of ravens flew out from the rocky rift.

And instead of fighting against us, he said, "Run no matter what! With that emotion, it's scattered in all directions and flapping into the sky.

We might still be there, so let's keep the Rock Rift under control. Marimo, if there are any creatures in there, please hold them in a "melted state" without exception. "

"...... (Pull-pull)"

Even the Eight Rhinoceros knew about the S rank monster dragons flying overhead.

Still, it means... there's only one entrance to the gate, and we look at our situation and say, "If we stay like this, we'll be annihilated!" I thought so.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!