Published at 4th of May 2022 05:15:38 AM

Chapter 865: Story 864: Reasons for listing Mr. Banden

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"The candidate that we support this time... is the Adventurer's Guild Headquarters and the current Vice-Guild Leader, and he is" the type of aristocrat who understands stories ""

Hmm. Even though the masses want a "civilian candidate," I can't have a brain muscle that can read, write, or even calculate as the general manager of the guild.

"Yeah. Until the common people of the" generation allowed to go to school "get a job in the guild and prove their achievements, they will have to connect with" aristocrats who can understand the feelings of the masses "."

With Ian's explanations in mind, Bob describes the "irresistible reason" of Zalu Battle.

He was also an aristocrat (although he was a little bit brainy), and if he had given up the title of Count to his son and become a guild official, he could have even run for Director General......

Even in a "low rank" monkey battle empire, I can't let my current S-rank adventurer do paperwork.

When Bob retired as an adventurer, he gave up the seat of the Countess (by persuading His Majesty Zwei) to his son and was scheduled to take up a post in the Guild Leader for several years.....

As your body moves, you're going to do your best to fund the development of Count Horsekin's realm.

"Well... each person is good at things like circumstances." In the meantime, please review Mr. Banden's personal information and policies. ”


Banden Hoscardo (36)

Level: 149 (1065/1490)

Occupation: Adventurer (Swordsman A), Nationally Certified Pharmacist (S-Class), Hoscardo Knight House Hachioji

HP: 1490/1490

MP: 328/328

Ability: Swordsmanship 100, Physical Enhancement 20, Water Magic 4, Wind Magic 12, Alchemy Magic 3, Sign Detection 6, Dismantling 41, Courtesy 6, Herbal Appraisal 7, Memory 5, Extraction 15, Separation 8, Concentration 7

Gift: First Aid Kit

Other: Title (Pharmacy, Executioner, Pharmacist of Death), List of Qualities

~ gifts: first aid kit ~

Specialized item box for unlimited storage of medical equipment and materials.

The elapsed time can also be adjusted for each storage item.

"As you can see from the documents, he is a member of the family of torturers representing the Zar 'Bat Empire, and he is the only" "nobleman by the name of" "Eight Sons of the Knights of Horsegard" ", a nobleman's hub."

To put it differently, the Horse Gardens are irrationally discriminated against because they are surrounded by aristocratic treatment because it is necessary for the country, but because they are "occupations related to human death".

Moreover, Ian's explanation was that he couldn't be the head of the team.

"The Horsegarde family has a habit of giving birth to many children because there are many people who die prematurely because of their attachment to the spirit, but his generation survived more than half of the political situation."

"That's right." So, you've become an adventurer trying to make money from eating and drinking? I don't go to school, but I know Horsegard because he's a family doctor. "

"Yes. After seeing the limitations as an adventurer, he is a guild employee who thinks about" second life "and uses his academic ability." Currently, it is the best talent as a shrine. "

That's right... Ian says that Mr. Banden is an A-rank adventurer, so it's not easy to kill him...

Anyone who attempts to murder the Horsegard family is believed to have a “terrible curse,” so they don't have to worry about being wronged.

Besides, since Horsegarde people are wandering from all over the country, they can't even make "frivolous connections that are the source of corruption" such as connections and connections.

Although the visibility and track record is inferior to that of Bob, Banden is a personality person, and for the time being, he is a "person who will sit down as a god."

"When he becomes the general manager of the guild, the policy that he wants to achieve is all about matomo"


~ Part 1: Reading, writing, and Yonori calculation as a matter of course ~

If the text cannot be read, money will be taken every time by substitute reading and writing, and some people fall into slavery by falsifying the contents of the contract.

The same is true when calculations cannot be made, and because the market value is not acquired, it is used at an unreasonably low price.

The substitute reading and writing part is an essential part of eating "the second son of a junior nobleman", so "free service!" That's not why I can't do it.....

I want to give motivated people the opportunity to learn "minimum reading, writing, and calculation" in order to change the current situation, which is further eroding the rewards of the newcomer era, even if it is small.

~ Part 2: I would like to lend initial equipment and provide accommodation free of charge ~

Adventurers who don't have the freshly registered money can't afford the gear, so I want to lend them the minimum gear to defeat monsters in the "Wooden Sticks, Everyday Clothing, and Grasshopper."

It's costly, and I think there will be some escapists, but the survival rate of the new American adventurer will improve, and it should be worth it if you see it in total.

The plan is to provide "cobolt knives, armor with breastplate, and inexpensive boots" at the end of the beginner's course.

Also, with regard to accommodation, the Imperial City's guild has already offered a "free miscellaneous fish room for 30 days", and there are fewer young people trying to earn money for their accommodation......

I'm going to scale it up and spread it all over the Zaluvan Empire.

However, since there are "impertinent people" who sometimes try to be parasitic to the system, the quality of the accommodation should be reduced to the limit, and I think it is necessary to restrict the number of days.

~ Part 3: I would recommend saving up ~

One of the reasons why young people who want to get rid of novices leave the Adventurer's Guild is the pattern of "slave falling due to sudden expenses".

Young people who have just begun making money on their own, but have not experienced hell, tend to be unprepared for the assumption that they can make money at any time.

Since adventurers are responsible for themselves, they are "among the best in the world", but it is also a fact that people who have not received financial education cannot manage their personal property correctly.

As a safety net to prevent "slave drops and incompatible orders", I feel that it is better to do "saving recommendations".

* If the poor, including adventurers, do not pay their debts, the powerful cannot exploit them with "interest" or "enslavement", so it is difficult to even recommend them unless they are at the top of the guild.

Currently, before saving money, the "High Interest Loan Debt Information" is posted in a prominent space on the bulletin board, and it seems that the guild's "low-interest loan" is being pushed to the edge.

Besides... many landlords don't demand repayment until the "interest payment" situation is over, so it's too late to notice.

"In this way, because of a policy that has no disadvantages other than" "vested interests will lose," "" the conservatives "" tried to cut the "" vote "" for our absence. ""

Yes, that's how the trade mission of the Kingdom of Quor was sent home.

Ian laughed bitterly as he explained it, but the [Conservative] people... seem to be doing too much like "pests", and only dry laughter comes out.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!