Published at 27th of April 2021 12:16:49 PM

Chapter 1219: 1219

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Chapter 1219 You said she asked someone to make the software?

Jiang Xianrou twitched her lips in disdain, with cold eyes: "What kind of software does she know? I didn't ask Qin Si and the others for help. I found a gunman behind her to make it for her."

Jiang Yao was a little surprised: "You said she asked someone to help her make the competition software?"

"Otherwise, where did she go to learn software development for a high school student who came out of the city?" Jiang Xianrou was in a bad mood. She fiddled with the coffee cup on the table and slapped the coffee cup without trying to hide her right. Qiao Nian's disgust: "Brother, look at it, she just wants to show the limelight."

She waited to see the day when Qiao Nian climbed to a height and fell down!

Jiang Yao’s impression of his cousin is generally because Tang Wanru and Jiang Xianrou mentioned some of Qiao Nian’s behaviors in his ears from time to time.

He had no malice towards Qiao Nian himself, and even always regarded Qiao Nian as a family in his heart, but he couldn't understand some of Qiao Nian's behavior.

Hearing Jiang Xianrou's words at this moment, he felt a strong disgust towards his cousin who he had not officially met.

What an important competition the World Software Competition is!

This is not only related to personal honor, but also related to national honor. How could Qiao Nian mess around with this kind of thing?

Jiang Yao frowned fiercely, stopped talking, and did not return the text message Jiang Li had sent him to eat with Qiao Nian another day.


In the evening, Qiao Nian had dinner with Su Huaiyuan and called Jiang Li by the way.

The place to eat is in the restaurant downstairs of the hotel where Su Huaiyuan is staying, and the guests enjoy a meal.

Su Huaiyuan was old after all, and he took a few more hours on the plane to come over, although he tried to chat with Qiao Nian while eating.

After eating, his energy quickly subsided, Qiao Nian asked him to go back to the hotel room to rest first, and meet again when he was free.

Waiting for Su Huaiyuan to leave, she didn’t rush to leave, and asked the waiter to bring another cup of tea, put her finger on the cup, raised her eyes to look at the person who had been absent all night, and asked, "Where can we wait?"


Jiangli spent the whole night playing on his mobile phone.

When he heard the girl talking to him, he moved his eyes away from the phone and touched the girl’s thorough black eyes. He looked away a little embarrassed: "Me? I'll go back to my apartment."

Jiang Li took a deep breath, gathered courage, and then looked at the girl in front of him, and asked with concern: "Do you miss you? Do you want to live with the Lord?"

"Hmm." Qiao Nian teased up and down in the teacup. She picked up the teacup calmly, took a sip of tea, and said back, "Gu San wait and pick me up. Would you like me to take you back?"

Jiangli’s star status is destined to be inconvenient to take a taxi. It would be troublesome if recognized by others. He was afraid that he would drink and didn’t drive tonight.

Qiao Nian looked at the phone placed aside, it was already half past nine in the evening.

It’s so late, and Jiang Li can’t ask his agent to pick him up.

She raised her eyes and said warmly, "I will tell Gu San if I want."

Jiang Li listened to her quite natural voice, and then looked at the girl's eyebrows, which seemed indifferent, but the concern for him that was hidden in her heart was not a feeling.

Jiang Li pursed his lips, touched the lighter in his pocket, wanted to smoke, and saw the girl sitting across from him, with her colorful hair flaunting and handsome, drooping, she was not energetic, and silently let go of her hand: "Niannian, I'm sorry. ."

Qiao raised his eyebrows: "?"

What kind of nerves did he make?

Jiang Li himself is a character who can't hide things. Qiao Nian looked at him, he poured out all the things he had hidden in his heart and told Qiao Nian all.

(End of this chapter)

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