Published at 27th of April 2021 12:14:23 PM

Chapter 1316: 1316

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   Chapter 1316 I want to take revenge on my sister

  Jiang Xianrou failed the assessment and did not enter the Ninth Institute.

  Zhu Yuanhao’s celebration party ended in a hurry.

  After the party is over.

  Zhu Yuanhao did not go home, and drove to National Tsing Hua University. He stopped the tens of millions of Bentleys to the school gate, took out his cell phone, and called Yin Wenzhi.

  As soon as the phone got through, he asked in an unfriendly tone: "Where are you? I'm at the gate of your school. Come out quickly and I'll wait for you."

  After finishing speaking, he just hung up the phone regardless of whether Yin Wenzhifang was inconvenient to come out.

ten minutes later.

  A beautiful, tall girl hurried out of the school. Seeing his car, she immediately stepped forward and walked in the direction of his car, lest she was too late to make him angry.

   "Zhu Shao."

  Yin Wenzhi stood by the side of his car panting, raised a small white face of Qingyan, and whispered.

Her attitude was extremely flattering, but Zhu Yuanhao changed her former gentleness and considerateness. He only glanced at her coldly. The car door was not opened. He rolled down the car window, slammed at her, and said: " I didn’t tell you that I was looking for something to do with you, why did you come out so slowly?"

  Yin Wenzhi couldn’t help feeling cold, but he was even more worried about his misunderstanding, and he hurriedly explained in a low voice: “I was in class just now. It was our professional teacher’s class. He was very strict, and I slipped out because I lied and my stomach hurts.”

  Shen Yugui has very strict requirements in professional courses. He doesn't like students half-hearted and doesn't listen carefully.

  She is another top student in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine in addition to Qiao Nian. Shen Yugui really values ​​her, and sometimes Huang Lao will let her listen to her lectures.

  Yin Wenzhi does not want to skip class.

  Only Zhu Yuanhao called her. The tone on the phone sounded bad. She was afraid that the boyfriend she had finally approached would be angry like this. She hesitated for a moment, talked to Song Tian that her stomach hurts, and sneaked out.

  In fact, she is still very disturbed.

  After all, she had never done this kind of lying and skipping class before. Ever since she had been with Zhu Yuanhao, she had often arrived late and left early.

  A few days ago, Shen Yugui also called her to the office and asked if she had a boyfriend.

  She denied it embarrassingly.

   Looking back, if someone finds out that she has found her boyfriend, she lied and skipped class in order to see her boyfriend, Yin Wenzhi couldn’t imagine the scene...

  Yin Wenzhi also felt uneasy. When she saw the luxury car driven by Zhu Yuanhao, her anxiety was covered by strong vanity, and she was not so cramped, afraid that her classmates would see Zhu Yuanhao.

   She shyly said, "What are you looking for? So anxious."

  "How's your relationship with Qiao Nian?" Zhu Yuanhao didn't go around with her, and went straight.

  Hearing him mention Qiao Nian’s name, Yin Wenzhi’s timid expression faded, and the expression in Xing’s eyes was quite cold: "What did you mention her for?"

"She is not participating in a competition. I heard that she entered the finals. She must prepare in advance for the finals. Since you are in the same department with her, you steal out what she will use for the finals." Zhu Yuanhao said Flutteringly, as if only making a small request.

  Yin Wenzhi was shocked: "You let me steal something? Impossible."

  She even wanted to refuse.

  Tsinghua University highly valued this software competition. Qiao Nian participated in the competition on behalf of the country again. If she stole something, she would be finished once it was discovered.

  (End of this chapter)

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