Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:47:41 PM

Chapter 1408: 1408

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Chapter 1408 Waiting for her at the door


Fu Ge and Shen Qiongzhi's complexion changed, and they both ran over.

This Joe Chi!

Ms. Fu was trembling at the fingertips of Qiao's anger. Seeing the mess around her, her good birthday party just messed up.


The elevator stops automatically to open the door when it reaches the 16th floor.

Qiao Nian walked out of the elevator leisurely, she still carried the thermos barrel that she had brought back from Aunt Chen in her hand.

The light in the corridor is slightly warm, it is a faint orange light.

Qiao Nian walked through the carpeted corridor. Before reaching room 1606, he saw the man leaning against the door of her room.

Her footsteps.

Ye Wangchuan heard the footsteps, and at the same time raised his head and saw Qiao Nian, his eyes seemed to be mixed with thousands of stars, and his extremely gentle voice: "Nian Nian."

Qiao Nian not only paused in his footsteps this time, but even his heart seemed to be poked, and an inexplicable emotion rose up.

Ye Wangchuan came over and naturally helped her take over the insulator in it. He saw the silver insulator, smiled, and asked in a low voice: "Aunt Chen gave you the soup?"

Qiao Nian had already recovered. Seeing him looking at the thermos, while walking forward, she replied: "She was worried that I would not eat well at the hotel. Before I left, she had to fill me with a spare rib soup and let me go in the evening. Drink before going to bed."

She didn't want to be so troublesome at first, but Aunt Chen insisted on holding her, saying that she would fill the shape with shape, drink more bone soup, and her injured hand would heal faster.

Ye Wangchuan Fengyue Shulang followed her, seeing the girl found the room card, opened the door, he followed in, and laughed softly: "Aunt Chen cares about you too."

After reading it in, Qiao threw the room card on the cabinet, but said nothing, and said, "I know."

So she finally took the thermos back to the hotel.

Qiao also lives in a suite. The room is spacious and well-lit, and the overall feeling is pretty good.

After she entered, she went straight to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of mineral water from it, and passed it over. She took another bottle of water by herself, glanced at the man who followed, and said, "What about Qin Si and the others? Didn't see anyone else?"

Ye Wangchuan put the thermos bucket on the dining table and took the mineral water from her hand. The cold mineral water reduced the damp heat in his palm.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the girl and said, “They came to find you when they arrived, and found that you hadn’t come back, so they went out to eat.”

"Going to eat?" Qiao Nian couldn't unscrew the lid with one hand. She frowned annoyedly while staring at the mineral water in her hand. She was still not used to having a hand that could not be used: "You didn't go with them?"

"I'm not hungry."

Ye Wangchuan saw it, grabbed the mineral water from her hand, helped her unscrew the lid, and then passed it to Qiao Nian's hand.

Qiao Nian took the water from his hand and said very politely: "Thank you."

She raised her head, just about to drink water.

Ye Wangchuan faced her, and suddenly asked a question in a **** low voice: "Do you know Jian Wei?"


Qiao Nian choked a sip of water in his throat and coughed violently.

"You drink slowly." Ye Wangchuan originally just wanted to ask her, but she didn't expect her to react so much. Her complexion changed, and she immediately walked over, helping her to slap her back smoothly, making her movements very gentle.

Qiao Nian took a sigh of relief, but she had a headache. She stopped drinking, put her hand down, and looked at the man calmly: "Why do you suddenly ask?"

(End of this chapter)

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