Published at 2nd of November 2021 03:43:00 PM

Chapter 1565: 1565

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Chapter 1565 Qi Yan almost got angry

The Qi family had just experienced the previous storm and almost disappeared.

Although Qi Yan found the mysterious backstage and gave the Qi family a sigh of relief. Seeing that the Qi family seems to be more beautiful than before, only Qi Yan knows best that the Qi family is only maintaining the appearance on the surface at the moment.

Her brother deployed chip technology that was only made in ten years, and the National National Tsing Hua University research team also produced a chip technology similar to them, which directly destroyed the Qi family’s ten-year layout.

For that chip technology, the Qi family not only invested a lot of hard work and manpower in the past ten years, but also spent money on this project.

The final result was also taken a step ahead by others, making their purpose of monopolizing the market to no avail.

The chip technology has also become tasteless.

The Qi family relied on that technology to achieve the transformation goal of the entire group. When the chip technology is gone, they also hurt the roots.

This is why Qi Yan hates Qiao Nian so much.

At the beginning, in the illegal zone, had it not been for Qiao Nian's involvement, they would have used the International IT Association to forcibly press the National Tsing Hua University Research Institute to steal and plagiarize.

As a result... Qiao Nian intervened and everything changed.

It can be said that the Qi family will fall into the situation where it is today, and it cannot be separated from Qiao Nian.

She still dared to raise 1 billion.

1 billion, not 100,000.

Even if the Hengfeng Group has money, it suddenly can’t come up with 1 billion. Even if it can take it out, it will definitely hurt the bones and muscles. Immortality is almost the same as death.

"One billion is too much." Qi Yan said with a black face, without thinking.

Qiao Nian was quite indifferent. He raised the corners of his mouth and said, "I will give you one day, and you will consider it slowly. You don't need to pay for it. There are many high-rise buildings in the country. I also want to see Qi Lanyin fall from above." Will it be as lucky as my brother to go down, just to save his life."

"You don't care, I don't care even more."

"Qiao Nian!" Qi Yan on the mobile phone was so angry that her brain was congested, her eyes turned black, and she almost didn't get angry.

Unfortunately, Qiao Nian ignored her, took the phone away and hung up her phone directly.

After she hung up Qi Yan's call, she did not put her phone down immediately, but leaned on the back of her chair and turned on her mobile QQ with her head down.

She hasn't logged on QQ for a long time. As soon as she went up, in addition to some messy group news, there was also news from Wen Ruxia.

"Qiao Nian, the mv has been made, and it will be online on October 15. Can you post on Weibo to interact with me? I will make a promotion here. My Weibo name is ‘Fufeng Ruxia’."

Qiao Nian rubbed her temples and found that Wen Ruxia had sent her a message a week ago.

In other words, she never responded.

Qiao Nian looked at the date in the upper corner of the phone.

October 13th.

Fortunately, there are two days left, and Wen Ruxia is not a pigeon.

Qiao read back a QQ message from Wen Ruxia, put his mobile phone next to him, and quickly logged into his Weibo on the computer.

Her Weibo has only been used twice.

A little star once touched Ci Jiangli. She reposted Jiang Li’s Weibo and posted Jiang Li to clarify.

The other time it was Ai Te Qiao, who disclosed her stealing of prizes.

After that, Qiao Nian never used Weibo again.

Mainly she is usually busy and has no interest in playing Weibo and sharing her life.

As soon as she logged on to the account and password, 99+ messages and 99+ followers immediately popped up.

Her computer almost got stuck.

Qiao Nian crossed out the private messages that popped up and the people he followed. Finally, the computer page was clean. She entered Wen Ruxia's Weibo nickname in the column of adding friends and pressed the Enter key.

We immediately pushed her dozens of people named ‘Fufeng into Summer’ on Weibo.

She looked at the first one, which was Wen Ruxia’s account.

Qiao Nian directly clicked the attention.

(End of this chapter)

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