Published at 21st of January 2022 07:43:33 AM

Chapter 2223: It was confirmed, Ji Ziyin was expelled from the First Research Institute!

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Chapter 2223 is confirmed, Ji Ziyin is expelled from the First Research Institute!

"?" Zhou Zhou's mouth twitched, and wanted to remind her to keep her voice down, in case someone heard her, be careful of being beaten.

However, she turned to think about the daily behavior of the big man next to her, and Zhou Zhou closed her mouth as if she was a little daughter-in-law.

Before Qiao Nian came, Ji Hongyuan and Xie's mother were still arguing in front of Feng Yu for a long time in the office.

Now that Qiao Nian came over, the two of them were silent at the same time, and they couldn't find anything to say for a while.

He Lin had a lot to say when he saw Qiao Nian, but the situation before him was not allowed to talk to Qiao Nian.

"I heard that the institute is discussing how to punish me." When everyone was unanimously quiet, the girl's unhurried voice sounded: "I voluntarily accept any punishment from the institute. There is only one request-besides me, Those who should be punished shall be punished as they should be."

Xie Xinyao raised her head incredibly, her throat dried out: "Are you crazy?"

Xie’s mother shook her heart, and suddenly panicked: "Dean, this matter..."

Ji Hongyuan, Ji Xiao, and Gu Hengbo did not expect Qiao Nian to come here specifically not to intercede for herself, but to ask the research institute to punish her!

Qiao Nian came to this hand operation, which was far beyond their expectations and completely disrupted their initial plan.

Ji Hongyuan came over this time to inquire about the relationship between Feng Yu and Qiao Nian.

Although he did not understand how Feng Yu and Qiao Nian were very familiar with two seemingly unrelated people, he could see that Feng Yu attached great importance to Qiao Nian.

He was using the idea of ​​dragging Qiao Nian into the water, and wanted Feng Yu to throw a rat in the matter of handling Ji Ziyin, considering Qiao Nian's future and dared not punish him too severely.

Who knew that Qiao Nian would come by herself and ask Feng Yu to follow the rules of the institute.

The blue veins on his forehead bulged, and his eyes were black, and he almost died of anger.

——According to the rules of the institute, that is to expel Ji Ziyin!

Sure enough.

Feng Yu pondered for a moment, raised her eyes, and asked her: "Have you considered it?"

Qiao Nian doesn't matter, he slightly clicks his jaw: "Think about it."

Seeing her seriously, Feng Yu lowered his head to consider it for a moment. When he raised his head again, a pair of old and wise eyes had already made a decision: "The Institute will expel Ji Ziyin and Xie Xinyao. As for Qiao Nian... confinement for three months. "

"President..." Gu Hengbo lost his voice.

Shi Fu looked at him at this time, frowned, with a somewhat displeased tone, and slowly said: "This is done in accordance with the rules of the institute. What else are you dissatisfied with? Could it be that you want to open all three of them? Apart from?"

Gu Hengbo was unable to answer when he asked rhetorically.

Feng Yu refused to give other people in the office a chance to intercede again, and lightly issued a eviction order: "This matter is settled."

"I'm tired, you can go back."

If Qiao Nian doesn’t come this time, Ji Hongyuan and Xie’s mother will have to grab her to bargain with Feng Yu.

But Qiao Nian came.

also recognized the punishment result.

They have no way of starting.

"Go, let's go out." Shi Fu helped drive people away.

Xie Xinyao is already paralyzed, a beautiful face is pale and weak, and he is still immersed in the results of Feng Yu's words, unable to believe it.

"Mom, I..."

Xie mother, even if she is unwilling at this moment, she can only hold her and lower her voice, "Go back and talk about it."

Before they left, they stopped when they passed by Qiao Nian.

Xie’s mother’s eyes were suddenly poisoned, and she wanted to eat people down. Before leaving, she trembled and said: "Qiao Nian, you are cruel enough. Let’s go and see!"

Qiao Niandu hadn't looked at her, she herself was so frightened that she quickened her pace and pulled Xie Xinyao away.

(End of this chapter)

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