Published at 10th of March 2022 09:08:27 AM

Chapter 2579: It's dawn, the Yu family is over

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   Chapter 2579 It's dawn, the Yu family is over

  The Yu family is over.

   Yu Xinlan is the only hope for the Yu family.

  He wants to protect the future of the Yu family.

Ji Ziyin was caught off guard by the sudden change in front of her, especially the attention of everyone in the Yu family was on her. Her red lips were slightly open, and she panicked for a moment. Fortunately, she was lucky, the FBI person Ji Xiao knew happened to be. Called her back.

   Ji Ziyin went out with an excuse to answer the phone.

   in a minute.

   She came back with her phone in her hand, and stood in front of Yu Qingliu again, not daring to look at Yu Qingliu, she whispered, "Old Yu, my friend said that Miss Yu is now in the... Pharmacy Association, in the hands of the man beside Qiao Nian."

  Yu Qingliu had long guessed that Yu Xinlan was in Qiao Nian's hands, but after confirming the result, he staggered back two steps and supported himself.

   "Why did Qiao Nian arrest her?"

   He's not stupid either.

   These days, he has found that Qiao Nian has the character of 'you don't provoke me, and I don't bother to care about you'.

   He just thought about this, and then said that Yu Xinlan was the only hope for the future of the Yu family.

  Because all members of the Yu family offended Qiao Nian this time.

   Only Yu Xinlan did not participate in tonight's action. .

   Ji Ziyin pursed her lips: "I heard that Miss Yu found a few killers to assassinate Qiao Nian, and then those two killers and Miss Yu were arrested at the same time."

   Ji Ziyin tried her best to control her tone when she spoke, so that no one could hear the mockery and contempt in her tone.

   Yu Xinlan is an idiot.

   She actually found two third-rate mercenaries, and wanted to openly attack the hotel... She's out of her mind!

   "The two killers are gone."

   "Miss Yu's life and death are temporarily unknown."

  Yu Qingliu couldn't hold back the blood rushing up from his throat this time, he spit it out, the sweet blood spit out, his eyes were black, and he fell straight down.

   "Old Yu!" The butler quickly supported him.

  Yu Qingliu could no longer respond to him, and fell into a coma with a limp body.

   "Call the doctor!"

   "Call the doctor quickly."


   While pinching Yu Qingliu, the housekeeper anxiously asked to call the doctor.

   The rest of the Yu family were calling and crying, completely messing up.

   Ji Ziyin, as a guest of the Yu family, is not standing aside to help, nor is she not helping, and more importantly, she is also in a state of turmoil.

  The Yu family fell down.

   She has just joined the hidden family. Without the help of the Yu family and Yu Qingliu, how will she stand in the Privy Council in the future?

   Just when Ji Ziyin was planning for her future, the phone in her hand suddenly vibrated.

   Ji Ziyin looked down at who it was.

   Then she looked solemn and looked around, taking advantage of the chaos in the Yu family, she quietly returned to the guest room on the second floor and closed the door.

   "Hey, Lord Shadow."

   It was the shadow beside the Queen who called her.

   Shadow said concisely: "Yu Qingliu fell?"

   Ji Ziyin was horrified that the other party knew the situation of the Yu family for the first time, bit her lip, betrayed Yu Qingliu very wisely, and told the people around the Queen everything she had heard.

   Then she stopped talking: "...Elder Yu couldn't take the blow, and has passed out of a coma."

   "The Yu family is a member of the hidden family. Their behavior is too arrogant, and they don't take the hidden family seriously." She did not forget to fan the flames, trying to provoke the shadow's anger.

   (end of this chapter)

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