Published at 14th of March 2022 06:55:04 AM

Chapter 2643

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 Chapter 2643 Lei Lao, our purpose is not to break up with her!


   Outside the First Research Institute.

   The three of them just went out.

One of the middle-aged men with ordinary short hair and short hair slowed down and said to the hooked-nosed old man who was with him in disapproval: "Lao Lei, did you speak too impulsive, we are here to discuss with her whether to force you or not She has to do as we ask, and now there is a falling out, we can't go back and do business!"

   Hook-nosed was angry, stopped to look at him sharply: "What do you mean?"

   "You didn't see her attitude towards us, there's no respect for her."

   The middle-aged man was at a loss for words, thinking that wasn't you the first to provoke others?

   Leonard doesn't care about his previous attitude, he just cares about Qiao Nian's attitude, he snorted, and said, "She made it clear that she doesn't take us seriously, so maybe our Privy Council has to hurry up and beg her to fail!"

  The ordinary-looking middle-aged man couldn't argue with him. He put his hand on his temple and said helplessly to him, "Lao Lei, don't forget, what is the result of the Privy Council's consultation on this new recruitment..."

   The Privy Council asked them to come here this time to help Qiao Nian complete the preliminary procedures, not to make people stop entering the Privy Council.

   This is not the purpose of their special trip this time.

   "I've seen her profile." The middle-aged man continued: "She is a malleable talent and is very suitable for entering the Privy Council. We need to cultivate fresh blood."


Hook-nosed said extremely unhappily: "The Privy Council has never accepted Orientals. I have already made a concession to let her change to an independent continent. This request is not difficult to achieve, but she refused without saying a word, and even sent us Throw her application form in the trash..." It's unbearable!

   "Lao Xue's meaning..." The middle-aged man was not of a faction with him, so he dared to argue with him.

As soon as the middle-aged man took out the name of Lao Xue, the leader of the conservative faction, the hook-nosed old man's eyes sank, and he said gloomily: "Don't talk about him, if you are not satisfied, you can talk to him yourself. She discussed it, I won't serve you!"

   "In short, I will not agree to a person from country Z entering the Privy Council, even if she has the blood of the Ji family."

   "I didn't know before that she insisted that she would not change her independent state. Now that things have developed to this point, I will discuss with the elders. She doesn't want to enter the Privy Council, and the Privy Council may not want her!"


   After he finished speaking, he walked out angrily.

  The middle-aged man watched him leave, and had no choice but to walk one step behind him. By the way, he hurriedly called the leader of his faction, Mr. Xue, and reported the situation to the other party.


   Waiting for Leonard and his group to return to the outside of the hotel where they were staying, they were about to take the elevator up.

   Suddenly a voice stopped him.

   "Are you Lei Lao?"

   Leonard looked back and saw the young woman walking towards him, with bright eyes and white teeth, looking very polite.

   He narrowed his eyes and asked the people around him, "Who is she?"

   A total of three people came to the Privy Council this time, one is a conservative, one is a radical of Leonard, and the other is a neutral.

Compared with the other two factions, the   neutral faction has been arguing all day long.

Although    does not look particularly outstanding, it is also a considerable force in the Privy Council.

   The man looked at Ji Ziyin who came over, and said with a constant expression, "It seems to be the one recommended by the queen...Miss Ji?"

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