Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:57:40 AM

Chapter 2895: I'm sorry, I'll bite you out

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  Chapter 2895 I am having a hard time, I will definitely bite you out

  Shadow neatly arranged all the boxes on the table, then returned to the original position, and lowered his head again.

  As if the previous warm relationship did not exist.

He repeated what he heard from Ji Ziyin to Nie Qingru verbatim, then quickly raised his head to peek at her, then lowered his head: "She has too many small movements, which will only affect our plan. I don’t even want to help her anymore! Empress, shall we continue to wipe her ass?”

  Nie Qingru seemed to be a different person when he talked about business, with no emotion at all, and only extreme coldness in his eyes.

   "Hmph, she's just a clown."

  She looked at the shadow, and walked to the other side: "She still has no access to our plan, so she can hold some people's attention."

"You go to contact that person and tell him not to bite anyone who shouldn't be bitten. Otherwise, the hidden family and I will not let him go! If he still has someone he cares about in this world, he will keep his mouth shut." It is one of the methods she often uses.

  Shadow is used to it and said: "Yes."

   "Wait a minute." Nie Qingru called him to stop.

  Shadow immediately stood in front of her again, bowing his head respectfully: "Queen, do you have any orders?"

"It's Qixing's birthday in a few days. You bring him the gift I picked out." Nie Qingru smiled lightly at the corners of her eyes: "Tell him, just say that I'm busy and don't have time to see him. Let him Don't cause trouble, go find him when I'm done, and give him a make-up birthday."


   Dawn Star.

  Nie Qingru got the name herself.

  Shadow took the things she handed over respectfully: "I will pass the things on to Young Master Nie."

  Nie Qingru waved her hand: "Go out."

  Shadow knew what she had experienced, and didn't criticize her behavior too much, turned around and went out, closing the door for her by the way.

  Nie Qingru watched him close the door from the outside, turned around and walked back to the original position, and picked up the handset on the table. Dial a number and go out, eyebrows and eyes mocking: "M country is about to hold an election? You haven't done what I told you yet?"

  I don’t know what to say on the other side.

  Her eyebrows and eyes were lowered, and her expression was extremely impatient: "I have limited patience. If you can't handle it, I will ask someone to do it for you. Don't delay my plan!"

The last sentence.

   Warn the other party brightly.


   On the other side, Lang Ke hid in a dark alley, covered his head with a hoodie, tried to cover his face and walked into a public phone booth on the side of the road.

  He used the only coin left on his body to call Ji Ziyin.

  The other end is quick to pick up.

  She said anxiously: "Where are you? Why did you call me? You didn't hide at this time and ran outside."

With dark eyes, he roared loudly: "Don't **** talk nonsense with me! Let me ask you, didn't you tell me to let me go? Why, Ji Ziyin, you don't mean anything! Now everyone outside is arresting me, You are not afraid that I will be caught, and I will bite you out."

  Ji Ziyin tried to appease him: "I didn't expect an accident either."

   "Don't **** talk nonsense, just say what to do now?" Lang Ke held the microphone with a grumpy face: "I can tell you, I am not feeling well, and we all should not think about it!"

  He is threatening Ji Ziyin.

   At this time, the phone he was talking on suddenly cut off.

  Lang Ke thought Ji Ziyin hung up his phone, the veins on his forehead popped up, and he was about to throw the receiver angrily: "Damn it!"

  (end of this chapter)

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