Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:47:21 AM

Chapter 3121: Sister Nian: Just check the fingerprints on the monitoring line.

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  Chapter 3121 Sister Nian: Just check the fingerprints on the monitoring line

  Even though his friends around him were persuading him, Jiang Tianzhi was still blushing with anger from this idiot, and gasping for a long time, he choked out a harsh word.

   "If I were a thief, I would be hit by a car and die as soon as I go out!"


   At this moment, Bao Jingxing suddenly interrupted the quarrel between the two sides, stood in the middle, pushed down his glasses, and said impatiently, "Shall I book a studio for you, and you stand there to argue?"

  He opened his mouth, and the audience was silent.

  Jiang Tianzhi also put away his anger, and stopped aggrieved.

   Li Lei also shut up, not daring to provoke the other party any more.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Bao Jingxing said in front of everyone in the laboratory: "The current situation is that someone secretly moved Master Cheng's computer while you were helping to tidy up the laboratory, and even copied the information on the computer. important data."

   "And this person unplugged the monitor before doing these things!"

   He picked up the network cable and asked, "Have any of you ever seen someone touch this?"

  People in the laboratory look at me, and I look at you.

   For a long time, no one stood up.

   No one saw it!

  The sticky sweat in He Wang's palms was very uncomfortable, and his heart was pounding, but after a long silence, he found that no one stood up, which relieved a little bit of tension.

  Seeing that no one stood up, Bao Jingxing rubbed the space between his eyebrows, turned around and asked the girl cleverly, "Miss Qiao, can you find out that person?"

  He Wang suddenly looked at the girl who had found a place to sit down since entering the door. The girl was sitting on the edge of the laboratory table, and raised her eyes casually: "Exclusion method, let someone check the fingerprint on the network cable."

   "What do you mean?" Bao Jingxing didn't understand what she meant at first.

Ye Wangchuan explained for Qiao Nian unhurriedly: "It's very simple. Since this monitoring is in Master Cheng's laboratory, under normal circumstances only people in Master Cheng's laboratory can access it, and the fingerprints of these people are excluded. , the remaining person is the one who unplugged the monitor."

  Bo Jingxing suddenly realized, and immediately called someone to prepare to check the fingerprints.

   It is really easy for the Nine Institutes to check how many fingerprints.

   It is estimated that it will be found within a few minutes.

  Before the others reacted, He Wang watched the foreign affairs people come in, the expression on his face changed again and again, and finally he couldn't bear the pressure.

  When everyone was still thinking about the 'elimination method' proposed by Qiao Nian, he suddenly raised his hand and stood out from the crowd.

   "Deputy director, I touched that monitoring line."

  He said so.

  Others looked at him one after another.

  Even Jiang Tianzhi, who was so angry before, forgot the previous episode and looked at it with surprised eyes.

Under heavy pressure, He Wang met Bao Jingxing's suspicious gaze, gritted his teeth, and explained embarrassingly; "When I was tidying up the metal material in the closet, I saw a layer of dust on it, so I wiped it with something, and it happened that the line was hanging on it. There, I touched it with my hand, I took it away, there should be my fingerprints on it..."

  He immediately emphasized again: "But I'm not a thief, I didn't unplug it!"

  Bo Jingxing didn't say anything immediately, but just stared at him carefully.

  Of course He Wang knew that his reason was not particularly good, but in desperation, this was already the most reasonable explanation he could come up with.

  He stood there stiffly, lowered his eyes again, as if resigned to his fate: "If, if you don't believe it, I can't help it."

  (end of this chapter)

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