Published at 3rd of March 2023 05:15:15 AM

Chapter 3784: We must leave the illegal area immediately

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  Chapter 3784 We must leave the illegal area immediately

   Zhai Xicheng didn't talk so much nonsense, and told everyone concisely: "We have to leave immediately."


"where to?"

  Many people are skeptical.

   Zhai Xicheng didn't change his face: "Leave the illegal area."

  —leave, leave the illegal area? !

   As soon as the words came out.

  Everyone was stunned.

  Everyone looked at each other, seeing surprise and puzzlement in each other's eyes, and then quickly moved away, frowning.

  Singer refused unceremoniously: "We managed to find the whereabouts of that person, but he accidentally let him slip away. Are you crazy to let us leave the illegal area at this time?"

  Only Mrs. Xie felt cold and knew why Zhai Xicheng was in such a hurry to leave.

  Standing there was uneasy, his face was ugly and terrible, he grabbed Singer, and said with a sullen face: "You just listen to him. If you don't leave, none of us will be able to leave!"

  Singer shook his hand: "What nonsense are you talking about. We are going to catch someone soon, anyway, I won't go."

  Others saw the tense atmosphere in front of them and didn't know which side to stand on.

  A thin monkey-like man saw the tense atmosphere, and smoothed things over in the middle: "Okay, okay. We're all together, what are you guys doing~ We have things to discuss, don't quarrel."

Singer had been extremely dissatisfied with Zhai Xicheng for a long time, and now he took the opportunity to be more aggressive, and sneered with his arms folded: "I don't dare to quarrel with the Queen of the Hermit Family. But I also have a mission this time. , Now people have run away, the task is not completed, and I am not going anywhere."

   "This..." The thin monkey also came with a family mission, and immediately looked at Zhai Xicheng: "Young Master Zhai, why don't you ask the queen?"

  The hermit family has always been the leader of them.

  Now that this situation is happening, it is natural for everyone to find a solution to the Hermit Family.

   Who knew that Zhai Xicheng turned around and left indifferently: "You don't want to leave, don't blame me for not reminding you later."

  He left without looking back, unexpectedly leaving so many people alone!

  He left.

  Nie Qingru's Nie family's secret guards sent to him also turned their heads and left, and in a blink of an eye there were only a few remaining families in the grove.

  Singer kicked the treetop hard, and his face was twisted with anger: "Fuck, what does he mean! People who are still in the hermit family, is this the attitude of the hermit family?"

  The others didn't expect Zhai Xicheng to leave as soon as he said it, without saving any face for everyone, so they left them behind.

   Everyone's face is ugly.

  Someone grasped the key point, and mentioned a sentence: "What is the background of the group of people who came today? Why did they save Michelle? They also have something to do with the incident twenty years ago?"

  Twenty years ago, the hunting season of the big families was a secret, and only the family members who participated in the hunting knew this secret.

  There have been almost no rumors in these years, and it can be said to be very secretive.

   Now there is only the last person left in the Nantes Alliance. As long as they get rid of the last insider, this secret will be completely buried in the sea.

   An accident happened to the last person...

  Everyone in the twenties feels uncomfortable at the moment, the feeling of being cut off at the door, can't tell the boredom, it's more aggrieved and unwilling.

   "Who the **** is Qiao Nian?"

  Everyone looked at Mrs. Xie who was the only one who knew.

  (end of this chapter)

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