Published at 27th of April 2021 12:34:50 PM

Chapter 481: 481

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Chapter 481 I will figure out the reason before getting into trouble

"I haven’t asked for details. The person I’m looking for is still checking the inside story. I booked a return flight ticket. You won’t wait until I come back."

This matter seems to be quite complicated. Yuan Yongqin is not sure about the people in Beijing. She came out of Beijing ten years ago to work hard. Over the years, she has been in the business district. Qiao Nian is walking around. In the city life, she also set up the headquarters of Chengfeng Group in the ring city, and spent most of the year with Qiao Nian staying in the ring city for development. She is gradually unfamiliar with the people and affairs in Beijing, and some of the contacts brought out from her family in the early years have been long-lasting. She broke without contact, and it was not easy to pick it up again. She could only ask someone she knew to help check it out, and she didn't get a reply for a while.

She was afraid that Qiao Nian would act impulsively, so Sumo booked her the earliest return flight ticket.

But international routes are not as good as domestic ones. There can be several flights a day between each city. International flights take a long flight time, with the shortest being 5 hours, and the longer it can take more than ten hours.

Usually one to two flights a day.

The route she wants to fly is a route with two flights a day. Today's ticket has been sold out, and she must wait for tomorrow afternoon to come back.

The flight time is about 10 hours. When she arrives around the city, it may be two or three in the morning.

"I will be back the day after tomorrow, and I will be back as soon as possible."

Qiao Nian pursed her lips. Originally, she didn't think about how much Chen Yuan would cause trouble. Seeing her reaction, her heart sank. He half-squinted his eyes and said with his mobile phone: "I'll go to the police station to see people first. "


Yuan Yongqin knew the relationship between her and the Chen family, and knew that it was unrealistic not to let her see Chen Yuan, and immediately said: "I guess you will see it. I said hello to Cai Ju in advance. He will pass after the meeting. , He will take you with him then, so it is convenient for you to see Chen Yuan."

"Well, thank you, Aunt Yuan." Yuan Yongqin arranged for him so carefully, Qiao Nian warmed his heart and said softly.

The woman on the other side of the phone let out a deep laugh, groaning and pettingly said: "Thank you, I didn't help. Anyway, you can go to Chen Yuan, don't be impulsive in case of trouble, wait until I come back to talk about everything. . At least I have something inconvenient for you to come forward, and I can come forward and solve it for you."

Qiao Nian was a major shareholder of Chengfeng Group, as far as she and Weilou knew that Weilou went back to her hometown some time ago because of family affairs. She hasn’t come back yet, and Weilou is not there. She is also temporarily unable to go back abroad, she doesn’t. Don't worry, Qiao Nian faces this alone.

"I told Suma, let him take the plane tonight to go around the city, it really won't work, you can ask him to come forward."

"I know." Qiao Nian knew many things that she was inconvenient to come forward. She was young, and there were always people who didn't take her seriously.

She also rarely comes forward. Generally, Yuan Yongqin comes forward to solve problems for her. Of course, she works behind the scenes.

Qiao Nian's heart is very soft, and the banditry around him is not so heavy, as if the sharp edges and corners have faded, revealing the real soft side wrapped in the edges and corners: "I'm just going to see Chen Yuan's situation. First figure out what's going on."

"It's better not to cause trouble. You are about to take the college entrance examination. It is better to be low-key. When you go to Beijing, you can do whatever you want to cause trouble."

She already knows what Qiao Nian's test scores are like this time, which is unexpected and reasonable.

She was not surprised that Qiao Nian was admitted to National Taiwan University, but she was surprised by a score of 650. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that it would not be strange if she got a perfect score!

So it was unexpected and reasonable.

Aunt Yuan: Don’t cause trouble.

Sister Nian: Don't worry, I always figure it out before doing it.

Hold a certificate to cause trouble, that's it!

(End of this chapter)

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