Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 402

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:54:18 AM

Chapter 402: cooperation with predators

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It turned out that within three days of entering the Magic Card World, Jerry searched most of New York's movies, anime, and comics, but found no clues about Marvel's stories.

So three days later, he decisively returned to the main world of Marvel.

It takes a month of cooling to enter the small world again. After a month, he plans to go to the world of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", which he has not been to for a long time, and also spend a few days to see if he can find relevant clues.

In the world of "The Sorcerer's Apprentice", the current time should be 2011. If there is a Marvel movie, then according to the timeline, there should be several movies released.

Because he remembers it well, in his previous life, he was pulled by a colleague to watch the release of "The Avengers" in 2012.

Of course, there is also a high possibility that there is nothing like Magic Card World.

After all, everything before was his conjecture, and whether it was true or not, there was no solid basis.

However, even if there are no three worlds in the end, and new small worlds will appear in the future, he will pay more attention to this aspect.

"It's time to relax and enjoy the advanced technology and delicious food of this planet!"

Putting aside all the speculations in his mind for a while, Jerry stayed in the room for a while, and after experiencing what real high-tech is, he pushed the door and left the room and went shopping in the hotel.

At the same time, Rocket Raccoon and Groot tree people with twenty-two prison escape experience, Star-Lord, a member of the Marauder organization, and Gamora, the goddaughter of the crazy Titan Thanos.

It was also sent by the Nova Corps to a meteorite belt outside Xandar, a Qien prison specially built to hold the most dangerous prisoners.


A week later, Jerry was lying on the luxurious king-size bed room made with anti-gravity technology, and looked at the information about the planets projected by the room's intelligent system:

"How can there be no planets that meet the conditions?"

During this time, he rummaged through the introductions of all the planets recorded in Eucalyptus by Xandar, and found that none of the planets met what he needed in his previous plan.

All the planets that can be found, either have not yet produced any intelligent life, after being colonized by the Nova Empire, they are exploited as resource planets.

Either the civilization inside has evolved to the point where it can go out of the planet and connect with the major civilizations of the universe.

The only civilization that can be found that has not yet left the planet and entered the universe is actually only Earth, and it is specially marked on the back as belonging to the Asgard domain of the Nine Realms. It is forbidden to openly enter without permission, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk.

This result made Jerry very puzzled.

Because it doesn't make sense in any way.

The universe is so big and there are so many planets. How can only one earth have intelligent life, and it is still in the stage of not entering the universe, and the others either have no intelligent life, or have evolved into a cosmic civilization?

So he feels that it is not that there is no, but that it may not be found through normal means.

Judging from his understanding of the Nova Empire in the past few days, the concept advocated by this empire subjectively is cosmic peace, and the intelligent life of each planet is equal for everyone.

In other words, it is very likely that the survey team of the empire has discovered a certain intelligent planet. If the civilization in the planet has not developed to the possibility of going out of the planet, they will only record it.

And in order to prevent them from being destroyed by some illegal and unscrupulous forces in the universe, these records may only be known to the top of the empire, and the general public does not have permission to view them.

"Maybe, I should go to the black market to find relevant news!"

Turning off the smart system in the room, Jerry thought to himself.

Since you can't find it, you can find it through other channels.

No matter how developed a civilization is, as long as there are interests and merchants, there must be a black market, and there must be places where it is not glamorous, and Xandar is no exception.

Through some of the upper-level people he has come into contact with during this time, Jerry knows that there are many mercenary groups in the universe, the most famous of which is the Marauder with a hundred factions.

Their base is in Contraxia, and they undertake all kinds of business. As long as they have money, they can do most of the things.

In addition to the large number of mercenary groups, there are also a small number of bounty hunters, all of which are similar in nature.

Jerry is very rich, so he thinks that since he can't find a regular way, he can go to Contraxia and spend money to let the predators help him find a qualified planet.


"Mr. Carmen, your dinner is here!"

Just as Jerry was thinking about whether to leave for Contra Summer Star tomorrow, a very stiff sweet voice suddenly came out of the door.

"I don't seem to have ordered dinner?"

Jerry sensed a few familiar breaths at the door, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The female voice paused and replied:

"This is a free dinner specially prepared by our hotel for our distinguished guests, everyone has it!"

"Okay, then come in."

Jerry didn't pick it up either, and let the smart system in the room open the door with some amusing.

"Don't shout or do anything dangerous, we don't want to hurt you!"

After the door was opened~ a green-skinned woman rushed into the room at the fastest speed, and put the long knife in her hand on Jerry's neck, followed by a woman holding an oversized knife. Raccoon with energy gun.

"This gun of mine can turn you into scum, so you'd better listen to her."


With a sound, the smart system in the room and the smart bracelet on Jerry's wrist all went dark.

"Okay, there should be no problem for now!"

At the door of the room, the young man in a leather coat fixed the specially-made interference device and walked to Jerry's bed.

These three are Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, and Star-Lord who were previously sent to Chien Prison by Nova Corps.

Jerry was lying on the bed and saw this, not at all nervous, but asked with a smile:

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, man, we want to get back the cosmic spirit ball, please hand it over!"

Star-Lord stretched out his hand to Jerry, motioning him to hand over the Cosmic Orb.

Jerry was a little curious and said:

"Didn't you promise to sell it to me before, why did you change your mind now?"

"Because someone is outbidding you!"

Star-Lord shrugged.

It turned out that two days ago, Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket Raccoon, Tree Groot and a fellow inmate named Drax escaped from the well-guarded Kien Prison together.

Gamora suggested that there are buyers willing to pay 4 billion to buy the cosmic spirit ball, so the five together decided to sneak into the Xandar star to find Jerry and get back the cosmic spirit ball.

After all, in their opinion, although Jerry said he was willing to pay, it was impossible for him to pay as much as four billion.

That's what happened now.


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