Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 404

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:54:07 AM

Chapter 404: accuser ronan

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Just when Jerry and Star-Lord communicated at the Karu Karu Hotel, far away from Xandar Star's Qien Prison in the meteorite zone, it had been captured by a Kree-style ship ten times larger than the prison. shrouded in super battleships.

In less than half an hour, the entire Qien Prison was completely destroyed by the powerful firepower of the super battleship and the attack of countless spaceships.

Inside the prison, Thanos' other adopted daughter, the blue-skinned, cyborg-incarnated Rufinmord Nebula, let go of the half-dead warden who was beaten, and reported to the accuser, Luo Nanhui, who was standing in the uppermost corridor of the prison. :

"They don't know the traces of Gamora and others. The Nova Corps has sent a fleet to come here. What should I do now?"

"The main ship retreats, and the Necromancer is dispatched to patrol nearby to find the cosmos ball at all costs!"

Ronan, who was holding the "Universal Weapon", a god-level individual weapon of the Kerry Empire, squinted, obviously a little dissatisfied with the result he got now.

Nebula looked at the warden under his command and asked:

"Then there are people in this place..."

"Everyone was killed, and the entire prison was blown to smithereens. We cannot let Nova Corps know that the purpose of our coming here is for those few people and the universe spirit ball!"

Ronan waved the "universal weapon" in the shape of a warhammer in his hand, and a shock wave flew out and hit the warden, who instantly turned into a puddle of flesh.

His parents and brothers all died in the war with the Xandars. As long as they were Xandars, he would not let them go, whether it was an old man or a child.

His greatest wish in life is to destroy the Xandar planet and completely genocide the Xandar people, only in this way can he avenge his lost relatives.

However, the Supreme Intelligence reached a peace agreement with Nova Corps, which he absolutely cannot tolerate.

So he led all his subordinates who had the same philosophy as him, ignoring the orders of the Supreme Wisdom to leave the Kree Empire, and reached a cooperation with the crazy Titan Thanos.

Because Thanos promised him that as long as he found the cosmic spirit ball, he would dispatch a fleet to help him destroy Xandar.

In fact, he has long known that what is in the universe spirit ball is a power gem, and he also knows what kind of power the power gem has. Cooperation with Thanos is just a matter of interest.

When he really finds the universe spirit ball, he will use the power gem to directly destroy the Xandar star, and then dominate the Kree Empire, destroy Thanos, and become the real king in the universe.


"You mean that Kree named Ronan, with his army, is also looking for the cosmic sphere?"

Inside the Karu Karu Hotel, Jerry had a surprised look on his face as he listened to Camorra recounting his situation.

A few days ago, he saw news about this Cree named Ronan on the news. He seemed to be a war fanatic who did not accept the peace agreement. He often led the army to attack the colonial star guarded by the Nova Corps.

Gamora nodded solemnly:

"I don't know why you are willing to spend so much money on the cosmic sphere, and I don't know what it is, but I'm sure it should be a very dangerous weapon, because Thanos and Ronan want it get it.

So I advise you to be more careful in the future, or it's best not to leave Xandar, at least there is a Nova Corps guarding it! "

Even when Jerry could throw all their uniforms to Nova Corps, he was still willing to spend money to buy the Cosmos Spirit Ball, showing that the other party was a principled person.

She knew the horror of Thanos and Ronan, which was a kind reminder.

"Okay, thanks for the reminder!"

Jerry smiled and nodded.

There is no doubt about the strength of Thanos, Ronan and their legion, but he is not a soft persimmon, not to mention that he can destroy each other, but life-saving is still not a problem.

If it was just that Ronan, then it wouldn't be a problem. After all, looking at Gamora's meaning, Ronan's strength is not a little bit worse than Thanos.

"Mr. Carmen, what is that "little busy" you just said?"

At this time, Star Lord asked with shining eyes.

No one thinks that there is too much money, especially if they do it not only for the money, but also because they like this kind of adventure life in the universe.

So of course he is very interested in the billion-dollar little favor Jerry just mentioned.

"Oh, I need to find a planet with intelligence, preferably the intelligent life in it looks similar to us, and then their civilization level stays in the Middle Ages, Star Lord, you are from the earth like me, you should know what the Middle Ages are. ?"

Jerry explained.

"What, Mr. Carmen, are you an Earthling, aren't you an Asgardian?"

A surprised look appeared on Star Lord's face.

He learned from the black market that Jerry was an Asgardian who entered Xandar in an Asgard-style spaceship.

And just now Jerry also subdued them with magical magic. It is said that only Asgard has many magicians.

Now the other party actually said that he is the same as him.

"Quil, you didn't say that Asgardians have tentacles on their heads and teeth like needles. This Mr. Carmen obviously doesn't have them. How can he be from Asgard!"

Rocket Raccoon held his glass of Puji Puji and said suspiciously~ Before in prison, in order to save Gamora, Quill bragged to Drax and him that he had soaked in the legend. Asgardian girls with tentacles and needle-like teeth.

"I'm from Earth, but I have a good relationship with Asgards. Asgards and Earth are the same length, but they don't have tentacles on their heads, and they don't have needle-like teeth."

Jerry almost spit out the wine from his mouth.

If Sol knew that the people in God's Domain were described like this, would they smash these people with a hammer?

"Oh, maybe I remembered it wrong!"

Quill's face didn't matter. There was no embarrassment in his dictionary that a child who grew up in a robber's den had no thin skin.

Gamora on the side couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Quill.

"Okay, back to the topic, if you can help me find such a planet, one billion is yours!"

The predator, the bounty hunter, and the adopted daughter of Thanos, with the identities and experiences of these three people, they should be able to help him quickly find a qualified planet.

For Jerry, a billion is a number, he doesn't care, it's good to save some time.

"I know that there is a planet that may meet your requirements, but it was three years ago, and now I don't know if it still exists!"

Every time the Thanos Legion finds a planet, it will destroy half of the intelligent life in it before leaving. Gamora has followed Thanos for so long, and there are indeed one or two planets that meet the conditions that Jerry said.

It's just that the earliest planet was discovered three years ago, and now she doesn't know what it is like.


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