Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 440

Published at 16th of March 2023 09:52:10 AM

Chapter 440: Scarlet Witch Appears

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African coast, in a grove near the giant pier of Salwar.

Dr. Banner stood in the cabin of the Quinjet, listening to the sound of fierce fighting from the walkie-talkie, and asked hesitantly:

"How is it now, do you need the help of my green past?"

"Wait, that one can control me, Fake!"

There was a scolding from Tony from the walkie-talkie, and then there was only the sound of the signal being interrupted.

Obviously, Tony and others who entered the dock seem to have encountered some danger.

After taking two steps back and forth in the fighter, Banner finally opened the cabin of the plane and walked out of the Quinjet.

He planned to transform into Hulk to rescue once Tony and others were in danger.

However, as soon as he walked out of the cabin, before he had time to check the specific battle situation, he saw the pair of super-powerful siblings not far ahead, looking at him with malicious eyes.

Suddenly, he understood why Tony asked him to wait first.

But now, it's too late, the younger brother on the opposite side can move at high speed, and the elder sister can be mind-controlled, and the two of them appear here exclusively.

Banner didn't have to think about it to know that the other party must have come to Hulk, the big killer.

"How to do how to do?"

Looking at the super-powered siblings walking towards him, Banner immediately retreated back to the Kun-style fighter and closed the cabin.

The communication device in the cabin seems to have been cut off by Ultron, and now it is impossible to contact Tony and others in the dock to come to the rescue, and even if they can be contacted, it will be too late when they arrive.


The steel cabin door of the Kun-style fighter jet suddenly appeared wrinkled, and it seemed that it was being forcibly twisted by a magical force, and it was estimated that it would not be able to stop it for a few seconds.

At this moment of crisis, Dr. Banner suddenly remembered something, jumped to the nylon bag beside the fighter seat, rummaged around for a while, and took out the one that Jerry gave him after the alien battle in New York. Magic mirror.

Although since the end of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters war, because of the "Wizard Threat Theory", wizards have disappeared.

And so far, Nick Fury, Tony, and Thor have all tried to use the magic mirror to contact the wizard, but unfortunately there has been no response.

But now in this situation, it is only a dead horse to be a living horse doctor.


Banner shouted the activation spell into the mirror.

After nervously waiting for about five seconds, the magic mirror finally lit up when the cabin door of the Kun-style fighter jet was about to be completely flattened.

"Hi, Dr. Banner, long time no see!"

Jerry's familiar face appeared in the mirror.

"Oh, God, they all said they couldn't reach you, but I didn't expect it to work!"

Banner was overjoyed when he saw that he had actually contacted the wizard.

At this moment, the cabin door of the Kun-style fighter was finally completely opened by the elder sister with super power, and the two rushed in directly.

"Jerry, I need your help, I... hoo... Hulk..."

Banner panicked and wanted to explain the current situation to Jerry, but he was only halfway through, the sister had already appeared behind him and began to exercise mind control over him.

Immediately afterwards, he didn't have to throw away the magic mirror voluntarily, held his head in his hands in pain, and quickly transformed into a green Hulk.

"Go, destroy as much as you like!"

A seductive voice sounded in Hulk's mind, and then Hulk roared and was about to run towards the city of Sokovia not far away.

"Looks like there's something going on!"

Jerry looked at the disappearing picture in the mirror, and Hulk's roar, and knew that it must be Dr. Banner that something was in danger.

Recalling the plots he had seen, and then comparing the time, he roughly had some guesses.

"Let's go, let's take you to meet some friends from Earth!"

Greeting the six Star Lords, Jerry stretched out his hand, and a portal leading to the magic mirror appeared in front of everyone.

After crossing the portal, Jerry and Star-Lord appeared in the cabin of the Quinjet.

At this time, outside the cabin, the pair of super-powered siblings and the Hulk who roared angrily were standing.

"Sure enough, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver!"

After sensing the chaotic magic power from over there, Jerry immediately judged that the beautiful woman with an explosive body over there was the Scarlet Witch with chaotic magic power.

"Jerry, your friend doesn't seem to be an Earthling, but a bit like Gamora's race!"

Star-Lord looked at the green Hulk in the distance with a surprised look on his face.

"In our Zehouberi clan, there are no clansmen of that size!"

Gamora kicked Star-Lord from behind.

Jerry also shrugged:

"He is a pure earthman. It is only because of biological experiments that he has become like this. You will know when it returns to normal."

At this time, Scarlet Witch and his younger brother Quicksilver also noticed the appearance of Jerry and others.

Moreover, the Scarlet Witch changed her order for Hulk to go to Sokovia to cause havoc in the first place, and instead let him temporarily protect them in front of them.

No way, seven people suddenly appeared, only two of them were normal people, and the last four were weirder than the other. How could this not make Scarlet Witch feel vigilant~Who are you? "

"It doesn't matter who we are, miss, can you release the magic on my friend first!"

Jerry took the lead out of the Kun-style fighter and smiled at the Scarlet Witch.

When the Scarlet Witch heard that Jerry called Hulk a friend, she immediately knew that these strange-looking people should be with Tony.

"Kill them!"

The Scarlet Witch's voice resounded in Hulk's mind again, and Hulk roared and rushed towards Jerry and Star-Lord and others.

"Jerry, your friends don't seem to welcome us!"

Seeing this, Star-Lord immediately drew out his elemental gun, while Rocket, Gamora and others also drew their own weapons.

Jerry stopped and explained:

"It's not that he doesn't welcome you, it's just that the lady over there has controlled his mind."

"Then now?"

Star-Lord looked at Hulk who was getting closer and raised his element gun.

The big guy on the opposite side is Jerry's friend, but now he's being controlled to attack them, so are they going to fight back?

Jerry smiled, then stepped back:

"It doesn't matter, this friend of mine is rough and tough, you can fight, this is the first battle for the formation of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and you can't lose!"

Except for Groot, none of the Guardians of the Galaxy are honest. If they want to stay on Earth quietly for a few years, Jerry feels that they still need to let them feel the strength of the Earth.

Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Hulk, I feel that they should make the Guardians of the Galaxy have a clear understanding of their own strength.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!