MHA: Slipstream - Chapter 7

Published at 25th of January 2023 07:38:46 AM

Chapter 7

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In the lecture hall of the prestigious hero school UA, several extravagantly dressed people could be seen sitting around a long table.

At the end of this table was... a mouse... a hedgehog... no one knew but this mysterious animal was the Headmaster of the UA School, Nezu.

"Alright you're probably wondering why you're here aren't you?" asked Nezu with amusement looking around the room.

Sitting at the table were Powerload, Cementoss, Eraserhead, Recovery Girl, Midnight, Snipe, Vald King, Present Mic and Ectoplasm. Each and every one very capable heroes in their own right, some well known for their exploits and others... well, for showing a bit of fanservice to their fans....

"Get to the point Nezu, if you gathered us all here it can't be a normal ad..." Eraserhead said looking at Nezu with gloomy eyes and a tired face.

"Maybe we will receive a special student..., I would like to play with him... hehehehehehe..." Midnight said seductively as she began to fantasize in different scenarios....

The others just rolled their eyes at Midnight's attitude before turning their attention back to Nezu.

"Well it's true what you said Aizawa, I'm making an important announcement..." Nezu replied calmly as he took a sip of tea.

Eraserhead simply grunted under his breath, he didn't like it when Nezu shrouded things in mystery. Nezu naturally knew this, and it was exactly because of Aizawa's annoyance that he did so.

"It is an honor to inform you that... All Might has been hired as the new Heroism Professor at UA, he will be officially teaching next class cycle" Nezu finally revealed to the teachers.

These immediately widened their eyes in surprise at the unexpected news, most of them were excited to be co-workers alongside the greatest hero the world has ever had, and then there was the case of Eraserhead and Recovery Girl who didn't show much excitement.

"Tomorrow after school All Might will come to the school to introduce himself to you guys, but, I should remind you that he has never taught before so he doesn't have much experience" Nezu said looking at all the staff and silencing the doubt Eraserhead had in his head.

"*Haa* what a pain..." Eraserhead muttered as he put some drops in his eyes....

"Now moving on to other matters, the new entrance exam..."









Lena was currently hitting a sandbag with her legs, she was practicing her Taekwondo moves. High school had ended a few weeks ago, so there were a few months left until the UA entrance exam, so she had to prepare.

Unfortunately, her Quirk Growth wasn't very pronounced, only improving her Entropic Energy reserves and giving her better control over Entropy, now, technically she should be able to do 5 Accelerations with no problems, but Lena doesn't want to risk it and fall back into that place....


Focusing her mind she went back to practicing with the practice dummy.

Quirk Growth is something that happens to almost everyone who possesses a Quirk, it's kind of like the puberty of a Quirk. For example, Endevour, wasn't always able to make flames so large capable of melting almost anything since she was a child, no, her Quirk grew over time becoming stronger and more controllable.

(A/N: I have no idea if this is canon but it seemed like a good explanation to how some Quirks evolved with age, for example, Bakugou's Quirk, when he was a kid he could only make sparks, but when he grew into a teenager he could make giant explosions, well this is an explanation as to why).

Lena was hoping her Quirk Growth would improve her strength or stamina... but I guess it only improves the Main Quirk leaving aside the Secondary ones.


"Haa...Haa...Haa" Lena breathed heavily, it had been about 4 hours since she started practicing her moves, deciding on taking a break she went to the bench where her towel was, sat down and took a big sip of water from her pot.

"So... that give little time, eh?" asked Winston's voice next to her.

"KYAAA!!!" Lena shouted in surprise as she gave a big jump, she hadn't seen Winston next to her.

Looking at her father and wondering how he got there without her seeing him, she frowns in annoyance and yells....

"DON'T DO THAT I ALMOST SCARED MYSELF TO DEATH!!!" Lena screams at the top of her lungs as she pouts at Winston.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Winston started laughing due to his plan coming out perfectly.

"*Haa* Sighs Lena as she clutches her heart that looks like it's going to explode.

"You're not very good with scares...haha" Winston says with a smile on his face as he sees Lena's state.

"If you do that again I swear I'm moving in with Uncle David" Lena replied with a smile of her own on her face.

That made Winston freeze for a moment, before scratching the back of his head and apologizing to Lena, though he still had the smile on his face.

"Well I just came to see how you were doing in your training, remember to study for school" Winston said reminding Lena about her studies, though they both know it's more for tradition since Lena has perfect grades without even studying.

"Training is going well, although I still feel that physical combat is not for me..." Lena says as she sits back down next to her father.

"I see... well we could try something but before that... you still haven't made any friends at school?" Winston asks as he turns to look Lena in the eyes.

Lena simply dodged his gaze.

"*Haa* you must have some-"

"...I have a friend...I think..." Lena muttered under her breath but Winston heard it anyway.

Winston was worried about Lena's social life, thanks to most of Lena's life being spent locked in a capsule or being a ghost her social skills are at rock bottom, this was another reason to send her to school but it seems he wasn't that successful in getting Lena to open up to her peers....

But now Lena says she has a friend, which catches Winston's attention as he had never mentioned anything like that before. Winston simply kept quiet for Lena to tell him the details.

"Well, I don't know whether to consider her a friend... but we spent a little time together at coffee hour, I used to go to the rooftop because the silence is very relaxing, but I was surprised to find a girl already on the roof, apparently she was listening to music with her Quirk..." Lena says while scratching her head and for some reason seemed embarrassed to tell her father.

"Her Quirk?"

"Yeah it's like... one of those wires for the headphones apparently she can hear sounds through them so she uses them as headphones, anyway, it seemed like she didn't notice my presence so she went to the other side of the rooftop and sit down to eat in silence, after a few minutes she noticed my presence and asked me what im doing there, I simply answered her that I like the silence of the rooftop.... since then we go there every day, we must share some music that we like, although I'm not a big fan of rock...". Explains Lena inexplicably embarrassed, even she herself wonders why she feels that way... maybe because of her father's look of astonishment and pride....

Without saying a word Winston hugs Lena even though the latter was sweaty from the training, Lena is surprised by her father's hug but simply hugs him back, after a few minutes these separate.

"Hehe, looks like my little girl is growing up" Winston says cheerfully as he gets up from the bench and heads for the basement stairs, these words make Lena feel a little embarrassed and a little upset for some reason.

As Winston was about to walk up the stairs he turns his head towards Lena and asks her, "By the way, there are 8 months left until the UA entrance exams, have you made the prototype of your Hero costume yet?"

"Ah..." Lena had completely forgotten...


In a very dark place you can see many giant tubes holding bizarre creatures with purple and green skin. The place looked like some kind of a scientist's laboratory with the moral compass a bit too far askew.

"This is all I can reveal to you, you should be getting the master's gift shortly... now I want my end of the bargain..." Said an old, calm voice.

At the back of the lab a short person could be seen dressed in a doctor's robe, he wore Steampunk-like glasses and was bald, this person was: Kyudai Garaki

"Yes, yes, calm down copy of Doctor Eggman... I'm already sending you the data... I hope you use it for the betterment of humanity..." Said a venomous female voice from the other side of the screen.

"And when will your little soldier arrive?" she asked in a mocking voice.

"He's already there..." Replied the person on the other side of the screen.

Suddenly a jet black fog forms on the ground and from it is born the very death in person....

Garaki's glasses activated analyzing the person in front of him. When he finished the analysis his eyes widened in surprise and wonder at the creation in front of him.

"Ha...Haha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Garaki started to laugh as he realized that his master was right again, making deals with Moira O'Deorain was beneficial, now almost all the preparation is ready....



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