Published at 15th of March 2023 05:38:08 AM

Chapter 1022: He has a reaction (7)

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Shen Ziwei knew what she was thinking, and shook her head disapprovingly, "Look at your face now, so pale, you will fall without two steps, you should take care of your illness with peace of mind. As for Pei Munian By the way, you shouldn’t see him now. I was accompanied by bodyguards when I came in. I am still guarding at the door to prevent you from looking for Pei Munian, and Pei Munian’s parents should be in Pei Munian’s ward. It's no use."


"Okay. Now that Pei Mu-nian has woken up, what are you afraid of? After he is completely awake and recovers, he will definitely not let his parents continue to bully you like this. You have been rushing around for his affairs these days. , I’m all sick now, and you don’t want him to see you as ill, so worry about you?"

Shen Ziwei raised his hand and patted Su Wanwan's shoulder, and said painfully, "Now, you will finish the drip obediently, and then we will go home to rest and wait for Pei Munian to find you."


Su Wanwan’s illness only got better after being ill for more than a week. For more than a week, she had been staring at her mobile phone for fear of missing the call from Pei Munian. However, the mobile phone remained silent for more than a week. Not to mention the phone, not even a text message.

But Su Wanwan comforted herself. After all, Pei Mu-nian had suffered such a serious injury and had just regained consciousness. For more than a week, she must have just been lying in bed and could not do anything. He could not contact her temporarily, which was excusable.

It's just a pity that his previous mobile phone was lost in a car accident, and she couldn't take the initiative to contact him. The only thing she could do was wait.

After she recovered, she tried to go to the hospital, but she couldn't get in at all and could only wander outside the hospital. From morning to night, she was finally pulled back by Shen Ziwei.

Another week passed silently, but there was still no movement in Pei Munian. Su Wanwan's heart can't help but panic. It's been more than half a month, why has his body recovered a little bit? You can't even make a phone call or send a text message, right?

She wasn't afraid of other things, she was worried that Pei Munian's injury would worsen, and would something happen again!

"Brother Ziwei, can you think of a way? I'm really worried about Mu Nian. I can't sleep every night, and I always feel palpitations. I always feel that something is going to happen."

Shen Ziwei also felt that this situation was a bit strange. If Pei Munian was sober, it would be impossible not to contact Su Wanwan. Why hasn't there been any movement until now?

He thought for a while and said, "Why don't you contact Pei Munian's assistant and ask him if he knows what's going on."


Su Wanwan took out his cell phone and called Assistant Wu's number.

Because Pei Munian was hospitalized in an accident, all the company's affairs could only be handled by him temporarily, so he was so busy that it took a while to answer Su Wanwan's call.

"Assistant Wu, it's me."

"Ah, Madam, sorry, I'm so busy, I didn't hear the phone ringing just now, what's the matter?"

"Yeah." Su Wanwan swallowed lightly and said slowly: "Assistant Wu, have you visited Mu Nian in the hospital recently? Do you know how he is doing now? Is his health better?"

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