Published at 15th of March 2023 05:53:40 AM

Chapter 701: The child has a problem (1)

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Until the phone was hung up, Su Wanwan still couldn't respond. She clearly informed Gong Lingyu to go to Yu Jia. Why didn't he take the opportunity? Why did Yu Jia stay with Doctor Xu and still get drunk?

Nothing will happen to this lone man, right?

Su Wanwan thought about it and felt uneasy. He unconsciously called up Gong Lingyu's address book in his hand and made a call. However, the phone in his ear kept beeping, but no one answered.

Su Wanwan vaguely felt that something was wrong. Gong Lingyu would not fail to answer the phone under normal circumstances. Could it be that he and Yu Jia were having trouble again? What happened to Doctor Xu? Isn't he not free tonight? Why are you with Yu Jia?


Five hours ago, Yu Jia took a shower in the locker room. After changing clothes, he walked out with a bag. As soon as he walked out the door, he saw Gong Lingyu standing leaning against the wall.

Yu Jia walked straight over as if he was just air.

When passing in front of Gong Lingyu, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Yu Jia's arm, and said with a bit of resentment: "Yu Jia, are you a bit too much? You beat me like this, you haven't calmed down yet. ?"

Gong Lingyu pointed to the wound on his face, which was blue and purple, and the corners of her lips were still oozing red. "These are all visible wounds, and the invisible ones hurt even more!"

He rubbed his chest, "My bones will be kicked to pieces by you!"

Yu Jia gave him a slanted look, the corners of her lips twitched, her voice was as cold as ever, and she said, "Let go! Hand!"

Gong Lingyu released his hand reflexively.

Yu Jia left without hesitation.

Gong Lingyu gritted his teeth secretly, hesitated for a second, or raised his heel.

Yu Jia walked out of the club and did not drive her car. Instead, she walked towards the opposite side of the club. The opposite was a specialty food stall. The whole street was full of food. It was extremely lively at night.

Yu Jia walked over, found an empty seat and sat down, ordered some side dishes and a beer.

Gong Lingyu wanted to go to her table, but Yu Jia glanced over, he automatically consciously sat down at the table next to Yu Jia, but it was the first time he came to a place like a food stall, and the noisy environment was not so good. His hygiene makes him quite uncomfortable, a little restless.

The waiter came over and asked Gong Lingyu what to order. Gong Lingyu frowned in disgust, "Is the food really edible here?"

He grew up eating in magnificent high-end restaurants, and he has extremely high requirements for food, and he has no appetite for such food made by the roadside just thinking about it.

Gong Lingyu stood up, walked towards Yu Jia, reached out and pulled her up, "Yu Jia, if you are hungry, let's go to eat elsewhere. The things here are unsanitary, noisy and noisy, how can we eat well." "


Yu Jia pulled the corners of his lips and shook his hand away. "This is indeed not suitable for your young master, but it is very suitable for ordinary people like me. I eat in this kind of place and eat those high-end restaurants. I can't eat it."

Yu Jia sat back on her seat. The waiter had already delivered the beer. She opened the lid and took a sip from her head up.

Gong Lingyu was also a little angry. He pulled out the chair opposite Yu Jia and sat down, staring at her with dark eyes, "Do you have to sing against me? That doctor Xu, do you like him so much? Is he so angry with me?"

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