Published at 15th of March 2023 05:47:24 AM

Chapter 842: I will support you (2)

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The footsteps were extremely fast, and they rushed towards her in a hurry. I don't know why, Su Wanwan quickly had an unknown premonition in her heart. She did not dare to look back, but hugged Ozawa and accelerated her steps.

However, as soon as she ran, the sound of footsteps behind her ran, Su Wanwan's eyes drenched, and she understood that the people behind her were probably coming towards her, although she didn't know why.

As she ran, she looked behind her through the mirrors of the cars on both sides. Three men in suits and leather shoes looked like bodyguards.

But what are these people doing after her?

Su Wanwan tried his best to run forward, thinking that as long as she ran out of the parking lot, she wouldn’t be afraid of the people behind her in crowded places, but she was wearing high heels and holding her baby. After all, she still couldn’t run fast, less than a minute. She was overtaken by the three men behind her, and surrounded her.

Su Wanwan subconsciously hugged the children in her arms, looked at them vigilantly, and said in a deep voice, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

One of the headed men looked at her with no expression on his face and no warmth in his opening voice. He did not answer her question, but said, "Miss Su, please come with us."

Miss Su? They know her?

"Who are you? I won't go with you if I don't say it clearly!"

The man didn't speak any more, and made a look directly at the other two people. The two people knew it and immediately approached Su Wanwan.

Su Wanwan secretly yelled badly, and was eager to call for help, but the two people moved faster, one directly covered a piece of cloth on her mouth, and the other directly snatched Ozawa from her hand.

"Well." Su Wanwan tried to struggle, but she smelled a little peculiar smell at the end of her nose. Her eyes gradually became distracted and her consciousness became unclear. Finally, her eyes went dark and her body softened.


After waking up again, Su Wanwan felt that she was lying on a soft big bed with no strength all over her body. She tried hard to open her heavy eyelids, struggling for a long time, but she could only open a trace of her eyelids.

There seemed to be a lot of people around her. Some people were talking, but she didn't quite understand what they were talking about.

Where is she? Who are these people? What about Ozawa? Where is Ozawa?

Su Wanwan thought in a daze, and suddenly felt her hand being caught, and then a sharp tingling of her fingers, her consciousness became half clear, and she vaguely saw the people around her wearing a white coat, as if Is it a doctor?

Why is there a doctor here? What are they going to do?

Su Wanwan wanted to ask questions and struggle, but it was of no avail, but those people seemed to only stabbed her and did nothing more. Then she heard the footsteps in her ears, they seemed to be all After going out, the room slowly quieted down.

Su Wanwan gritted his teeth, turned his head laboriously, and looked around, but didn't find the figure of Ozawa Ze, the anxiety in his heart surged.

Those people who arrested her and Ozawa Ze were in suits and shoes, and they knew her name. It was definitely not an ordinary kidnapping, but premeditated.

But she didn't have any enemies with anyone. Unless it's Xi Zhiwei?

But Xi Zhiwei dare to let people take her away in such a fair manner? I feel she doesn't have this courage! But if it weren't for her, who else would there be?

Who is going to catch her? What are you going to do?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!