Published at 23rd of December 2023 11:50:14 AM

Chapter 196: A Short Break 1

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The battle raged on, and the clock ticked its last five seconds. Everyone really thought that Tor would make it, but Gorm was determined to take them all in that last tick of the clock.

It took a leap back and bent its body backward until the tip of its sword touched the ground. Dark hues of energy gathered in its metallic frame before it burst into a blinding light. A dark wave of beam shot forth from its sword when it strikes its blade forward with all its might.

The powerful energy traveled in a straight line, creating destruction in its path.

Tor didn't have any skill to escape the incoming attack. The only respite he had before dying was the thought that Gorm's AoE attack didn't claim any life except his.



Waves of cries percolated inside the dome, and Nikolai steeled himself as he took the aggro back on him once more.

Gorm's metallic armor moved like it was releasing off steam, and for a fraction of a second, it was shrouded in thick layers of smoke.

The metal clicking and turning into place seemed like a horror sound that told of their impending death.

Arghh . . . Gorm released an eerie cry before it locked its red glowing eyes at Nikolai.

Came the short silence was the whooshing sound when Gorm closed in on Nikolai, and the tip of its sword was only a breath away from Nikolai's skull when the timer buzzed and dropped to zero.

Gorm stopped while its sword was inches from Nikolai's eyes. It stood straight before it struck its sword on the ground and its two hands rested on top of its hilt. It released another low grunt before its glowing red eyes dimmed, and he turned into an armored statue.

"What happened?"

"It just stops."

"Should we be concerned?"

"Rather, did we win?"

Instead of answering their questions a portal came flickering just beside Gorm while a voice rang in everyone's ears.

Everyone looked at each other, processing what the system said before a huge smile broke the worry on their faces, and they jumped from their feet.

"We did it!"

"I can't believe we pass!"

"Huh? Of course, we can do it. My buddy, Ren, is a genius, after all." Leonel crossed his arms and nodded to himself though his fists were shaking in delight.

Sumeri released a breath of relief. "I guess your crazy plan worked after all."

Ren smiled a little. "Of course it did." He might sound nonchalant about it, but deep inside, he was rejoicing, too. After all, all of this was merely his conjectures.

"We should tell, boss!"

"I can't contact him."

"We can't use any form of communication here, idiot."

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