Published at 23rd of January 2023 05:42:22 AM

Chapter 260: Sun Ya's Prophecy

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  My Beauty Qunfang 260 Sun Ya's Prophecy

the next day!

  The incident of the assassination in the military region was spread, and the media broadcasted it frantically. The whole Yunyang City knew about it. The criminals have been captured and sent to high-level prisons!

This news made Yunyang City rumbling. Which one is not a hot topic, showing sympathy for the assassin who assassinated, because you are too arrogant to run to the military area to assassinate without knowing your life or death, that is the country's arms Although the city of Yunyang City is small, Yunyang City has established this major military region!

Xie Yisha was watching TV news at home, her hot and coquettish body was lying on the sofa, with a hint of worry and anger on her face, "It seems that the people from the Black Eagle Alliance have come, and this time it's terrible to see the child, the company There is a mess over there, people are still in prison, hum, Black Eagle Alliance, I will fight you to the end!"

   After watching the news, Xie Yisha turned off the TV.

   Fortunately, Su Ming's mother was not at home, or else she would have fainted with excitement when she saw this news!

   "What should I do, eldest brother has been caught, we are going to save him!" Knowing everything, Ye Xiaoai said anxiously, her expression full of worry!

Lin Hui's expression is also not good-looking. Last night, he was played around by the powerful woman of the Black Eagle Alliance. Now Su Ming has also been arrested and taken to prison. It's not easy, I lost confidence and conviction in this boss, and almost 90% of the people resigned that day!

   The Best Company Company was almost empty for a long time, and there were only a few dozen people left!

"Save, we must go to the prison to save him, but with the strength of the two of us, how can we successfully rescue Su Ming?" Lin Hui was in distress. He knew his ability. If he saved people in the past, let alone himself. If the criminals are killed, it is still a question whether they can rescue Su Ming!

  The prison is full of dangers.

  Although you are a capable person, there is no place where you can do something wrong.

   Ye Xiaoai was also distressed and said, "Damn, that bitch, why is she so strong! Damn it!"

   "Can't you be strong? That's a member of the Black Eagle League." Lin Hui said helplessly, a Li Zimo played the Ishida School and the police station so badly, let alone a more powerful member now 1

   "Black Eagle Alliance, what is that existence?" Ye Xiaoai didn't understand this power, and asked in doubt.

   "Su Ming's fateful enemy!" Lin Hui spoke out about the Black Eagle Alliance to Ye Xiaoai, Ye Xiaoai sighed after hearing it!

   "Big brother is really suffering, how did he get into such a powerful existence!" Ye Xiaoai said sympathetically for Su Ming.

   "What do I do now! Damn, I'm going to save the big brother, and I'm going to die!" Ye Xiaoai stood up coldly and went out towards the door!

   Lin Hui gritted his teeth hard, and also got up and walked out.

   "Wait, you two don't go!" Suddenly Xie Yisha's figure appeared in front of the two of them, and the exit stopped them!

   "Who are you?" Ye Xiaoai said dissatisfiedly.

   "Your eldest sister!" Xie Yisha said with a faint smile.

   "Cut! What's your tone, why did I call you eldest sister, I'm going to save eldest brother now, you go." Ye Xiaoai called out impatiently!


   "Huhu... Big sister, spare your life!"

   "Humph!" Seeing that he was obedient so quickly, Xie Yisha hummed with satisfaction, and said, "You were able to escape last night, did Su Ming spare no effort to let you escape smoothly?"

   "Yeah, what are you talking about?"

"Idiot, didn't he live for the two of you? What you are doing now is a waste of Su Ming's good intentions, er, loyalty or something. In short, I don't know much about men. You can't go there, otherwise only Die!" Shaysha said.

  Sun Ya and Han Xueli stood on the side and didn't speak. Now things are like this. Without a solution, Su Ming is over!

   "Hey, use your prophecy to see how the kid is doing now?" Xie Yisha looked at Sun Ya and said.

   "How do you know that I have the prophecy?" Sun Ya said in surprise.

   "With your ability, how could I not see it?" Xie Yisha said.

   "Excuse me, who are you? Why should we obey you?" Sun Ya expressed dissatisfaction.

   Xie Yisha smiled lightly, her glamorous face glowing, "Because, I will have the final say in this company in the future, Su Ming's ability is given by me, do you think I have this qualification?"


   "That's it! Use your prophecy to see how he is doing. Really, being played so badly by others, this child has not grown up at all." Xie Yisha said.

Sun Ya immediately used her level 4 prophecy, learned about Su Ming's situation in the next few days, and said, "He is fine now, but in a few days, he will be crazy, kill a lot of people, and destroy Yunyang City. It doesn't look like it!"

   This sentence immediately made Xie Yisha fall into contemplation and asked, "Why? Is it to deal with the enemy?"

   "I don't know, my prophecy predicts that he will have a crazy thing, he will lose his mind, and he will kill anyone he sees." Sun Ya shook her head, indicating that she was only able to get this information!

   Xie Yisha frowned, she couldn't think of what such a thing was!


   At this moment, a security guard over the door was shot and flew in. The security guard's body was dripping with blood, and a blood hole appeared in the heart, which was terrifying and cruel!

   "Damn, which **** is here to make trouble!" Ye Xiaoai was furious and rushed over immediately!

   "Come back!" Xie Yisha shouted fiercely, and at the same time, the jade hand condensed a super-power cannon, and hit the body of a looming water element at the door!

   The woman smiled lightly and quickly avoided Xie Yisha's blasting power!


  The door was blown up by the force of a cannon, and the entire facade was blown to pieces!

   "Hiss, as expected of the queen with the power of a super-electric blaster, this move is really powerful." Bai Rooshui's figure condensed and formed, standing on the left side of the hall!

"It's you, you bastard, you made my eldest brother so miserable, I want you to have a hard time!" Ye Xiaoai saw Bai Rooshui again, who knocked down the Best Company in one day and sent his eldest brother to prison , is really hateful!

  Bai Roushui said with a half-smile, "Boy, don't be so arrogant, I thought you were all right when you came back alive last night, and I'll slap you in the face and make you miserable!"

   On Bai Roushui's jade hand, a force of weak water element formed. Ye Xiaoai and Lin Hui instantly took two steps back in fear. Seeing this ability, they recalled their powerlessness last night.

   "Hey, I was about to find you, but I didn't expect you to come here by yourself. I want you to have a hard time today!" Xie Yisha used her super power with one hand, and the intertwined burst of gun power lingered in her hand!

   "Weak Shui pierces the heart!" Bai Rooshui flicked off lightly, and a Weak Shui attack attacked Xie Yisha!

  , -,

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