My Cell Prison - Chapter 1149

Published at 7th of December 2021 11:27:53 AM

Chapter 1149: 1149

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Han Dong, lying in the hospital bed, still stays in the previous consciousness scene.

The consciousness scene entered during the coma is obviously the induction from Chen Li And Chen Li's image has changed greatly compared with the past, and even makes Han Dong feel that its internal has also changed.

"Come and pick me up "

the strange and ethereal voice lingered in Han Dong's mind for a long time.

"No, I have to go to the heita office and ask about it.

If the situation is urgent, I have to go to Yin Yang Road to pick up Chen Li After all, Chen Li has been out of trial for a long time, and the corresponding trial world has become very unstable. "

When Han Dong was about to get out of bed.


Some kind of bell sound reverberated in the ward, penetrating the eardrum and reverberating between the brain regions, forcing Han Dong to cover his ears with his hands and no other action.

"The patients who have not recovered must stay in bed to rest."

as the sound came, the door opened and a long leg in pink stockings stepped into the ward.

The owner of the thigh is a female nurse with a golden figure The nurse with low collar is still wearing a black leather coat, which doesn't feel like coming to see a doctor.

However, the sight moves up again, all illusions disappear immediately.

The face under the long hair of golden waves has no facial features, but a thoroughly cleaned head.

The hollowed out cranial cavity was filled with syringes of various types.

If you look from behind the nurse, there will be better "beautiful scenery".

Her back corresponds to a completely hollowed out body cavity, and the interior is hung with various medicines through iron hooks, which can help her cope with various emergencies in fight club.

"Mr. Han Dong, the damage degree of your [left arm] and [trunk] is more than 70%, from the design to the broken soul and the repair of deep structure Although the plague has been eliminated and the basic structure is stable, you can't get out of bed.

If you get a second injury, you'll lose it

"It's like this..." Han Dong will explain the situation slightly.

"Have you received the destiny notice?

It's OK to just go to the office to look up information, but it's absolutely forbidden to interfere with fate.

If you are abandoned or died during the treatment, our hospital should be responsible

"I'll go and have a look. I won't interfere with fate."

"OK, I'll go with you I need to give you a shot of insurance before you leave. "

Said, the nurse from the head out of a syringe, and then from the body cavity out of a bottle of milky white solution.

Without waiting for Han Dong to have any reaction, he injected a needle into the biceps brachii muscle of the heart and left arm at a very fast speed.

Not to mention, it's quite comfortable.

Han Dong immediately felt a gentle liquid slowly released between his trunk and arm, forming a white protective layer covering muscles, organs and bones.

While stabilizing the body, it also limits the energy release of the trunk and left arm to ensure stability.

"Let's go."

"OK Thank you

Due to his frequent contact with strange people, Han Dong quickly adapted to the characteristics of the nurse sister as a "human medicine".

It took me half an hour to get to the elevator.

In the elevator, he asked curiously, "this hospital is very big, and all of them are independent wards And you nurses look the same.

This is supposed to be the public hospital in heitari? "

The nurse knew that Han Dong was a newcomer to the club and patiently explained, "no, it's a private hospital of fight club, only for members.

After all, with every fight, at least one person needs treatment.

Treatment facilities are necessary for the club and we must ensure that members are treated in a timely manner without any sequelae.

As for us [nurses], we are all one in nature. "

"Private? So big The land in the world of black tower should be very expensive. "

"The hospital is not built inside the black tower, it is connected to the black tower through space transmission facilities.

The scale of fight club is much larger than you think. Its members can cover more than 80% of the large world At the bottom, middle and top of the black tower are our club strongholds.

Some old members stay here for years to practice fighting, and eight out of ten days are in hospital.

Hospitals are necessary. "


Although Han Dong guessed that the size of the club was not small, he did not expect it to be so large.

When we came to the first floor of the hospital, a space platform similar to the subway station was set up here Discharged patients need to take the space train back to the black tower.

Return to Han Dong, who is familiar with the square District, and immediately go to the nearest heita office.As Han Dong provided his "trainee card" to the staff at the counter, the whirlpool mask on the staff's face immediately rotated.

A mechanical voice was heard from the inside of the mask:

"it is detected that one of your [servants] in the world of Yin Yang road changes from" abnormal "to" stable ". Due to the stickiness and interaction between her and the world, it is difficult for our staff to remove her directly.

You need to pick her up in person.

Warning: the trial time of [servant] has already exceeded the scheduled time. During this period, a large-scale entropy fluctuation has occurred in the world of Yin Yang Road, which makes the world unable to provide participants.

Please enter the corresponding world immediately and remove the servant within 48 hours.

If you exceed the time limit, personal points will be deducted by 100 points per hour, which will affect your evaluation in the world of black tower. "

A series of statements by the staff can show that the situation is very urgent.

Han Dong quickly looked at his private nurse, "nurse, what should I do?"

"If only points are deducted, our club can pay for you, but this matter involves your reputation evaluation, which is really troublesome I'll do something about it. "

The nurse put his head full of needles into the window, communicated with each other through a series of professional black tower terms, and provided Han Dong's hospitalization information.

Soon a solution was found.

"Your business is urgent, heita won't allow further delay.

However, for your physical reasons, they allow you to bring in a member of the club to ensure your safety. "

"Bring a club member? I've just joined the club. I only know big brother Wushou. "

"I have sent a message to [Wu Shou]. If he can't come, I will accompany you in."

I get a reply every minute.

The nurse's sister stared at the reply, and the syringe embedded in the skull cavity trembled slightly, as if quite surprised.

"[Wu Shou] is willing to take time to help you solve such small things, and he is always lazy.

Ok Since there is no leader's company, your safety will not be a problem.

When the servant gets it back, remember to go back to the hospital for Physical Review at the first time. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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