Published at 16th of September 2021 12:58:55 PM

Chapter 116

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Chapter 116

Ling Xuan? Wrath?

Chu MuYun’s brain turned extremely fast and with just these few words, he  was able to grasp quite a lot of things.

His immortal body seems to have a past and his name is Ling Mu and he belonged to the LingYun Sect. As for being a ‘watchdog’, that sounded quite intriguing. He should have been killed by Ling Xuan afterwards. As for how he became a pile of bones, there must be some kind of inside story.

Ye JianHan killed him four times and four times he resurrected within a short period of time. So why did he become a pile of bones the first time?

Has he been dead for a long time? Or was it that he couldn’t resurrect initially but only gained this power after Chu MuYun took over the body?

There were many questions and it is difficult to figure out the answers without more clues.

Chu MuYun understood the six-character mantra of ‘Don’t jump to conclusions’ so he arrested his thoughts so as not to be misled.

After that person called out Ling Mu’s name, many of the cultivators started to retreat.

It seems that most of them don’t recognize Ling Mu’s face but they are very familiar with Ling Mu’s name.

Also… Ling Xuan could never be bothered to kill the weak. So, those who can die under his hands are basically evenly matched people.

Ye JianHan was already terrifying in strength and then with the addition of Ling Mu who could fight against the little wolfhound… this group of people were already very courageous since they didn’t immediately break into a run to flee.

Chu MuYun’s thoughts went back and forth but Ye JianHan made a decisive decision.

If he didn’t do anything now, then this group of people would really get away.

Letting a prey delivered to the door slip away was not Lord Gluttony’s style.

Although Ye JianHan didn’t leave a single person alive to tell the story, the person who recognized Ling Mu had a little bit of intelligence. He knew he couldn’t leave alive so he simply spent most of his energy to send a letter out…

Ling Mu, the watchdog of LingYun Sect was not dead and had actually surrendered and defected to the tyrant Ye JianHan. This news spread out quickly.

Ye JianHan wiped a drop of blood off his fingertips and looked at Chu MuYun: “So you have a name.”

Chu MuYun said, “This subordinate doesn’t remember.”

Of course Ye JianHan knew that he didn’t remember. So he just said, “Ling Mu doesn’t sound very good and DuoDuo is much better. Right Ah-Duo?”

“…” Chu Mu Yun, “This subordinate is grateful to the Master for giving me a name.”

He looked very respectful. Ye JianHan originally found this quite to his taste but at this moment the word ‘watchdog’ flashed through his mind and somehow he didn’t feel quite so good.

Since he came back to life, Chu MuYun became his most obedient subordinate. Not only did he call out “Master” from his mouth, but even the depths of his heart and his every action, he recognized this word.

Ye JianHan liked obedient people because it saved him trouble and worry. Chu MuYun’s aptitude was extremely high, his comprehension extremely good and his fighting consciousness was natural. This was vividly demonstrated in their daily battles.

It was very comfortable to be respected and worshipped by such a good man.

So Ye JianHan was very good to him.


Why would such a powerful man adapt so easily to the position of being a subordinate? Even if he had saved his life, there were many ways to repay it. How many independent people would willingly make themselves into a lowly servant?

Unless he had been purposefully trained like this.

Ye JianHan didn’t do it but someone else obviously had.

And it was done so well that even after Ling Mu came back from the dead, he would instinctively choose to “obey” and “serve” even though he had no memories.

The watchdog of LingYun Sect?

Ye JianHan narrowed his eyes slightly and the curvature of his mouth was bloodthirsty and cruel.

This was really a misunderstanding.

After coming to understand a person too well, even his way of thinking can be guessed. Chu MuYun could already guess about 70% to 80% of Ye JianHan’s thoughts when he saw his expression.

…… Pretty good.

This development trend would save him a lot of hassle.

After the news that Ye JianHan and Ling Mu were together, the biggest change was that the daily “encirclement and suppression” turned into once every three or four days, then once every seven or eight days. In the longest interval, no one went to look for them for half a month.

Ye JianHan smiled and said, “Ah-Duo, you’re really popular.”

Chu MuYun chose to remain silent.

In fact, it wasn’t Ling Mu’s ability that was so effective but Ye JianHan who had Ling Mu by his side.

Originally, these people dared to think about Ye JianHan’s blood because they knew that Ye JianHan was number one in the world one on one, but that his weakness was being besieged.

Because the ability to “Devour” was time-effective and would become useless when there were too many people. So everyone gathered together in the hopes of hitting the jackpot, and came wave after wave to send themselves to die. 

Although many people have died, people always feel that they are better than others, that they are special and that luck will be on their side, etc….

But now that Ling Mu was present, the illusion of ‘Ye JianHan is afraid of being besieged’ was pierced. Many people calmed down and naturally did not want to go to death stupidly.

The two people, master and servant, were quite uncomfortable with such an abrupt ceasefire.

Their daily ‘morning exercises’ were boring without their opponents. Fortunately, the two had some common hobbies. When they were idle, it was also good to go to have a few drinks.

The two entered the restaurant that day and even before sitting down, they heard someone in the lobby talking loudly.

“Ling Mu was so awesome back in the day! The entire LingYun Sect combined couldn’t measure up to him alone!”

“I’ve also heard that there was once a Grand Sect Competition. He competed on behalf of the LingYun Sect and easily won first place.”

“How ancient are you? How many years ago did that happen?” Another man scoffed.  Squinting his eyes he asked,” Do you know how old Ling Mu was back then when that happened?”

Someone asked curiously: “How old? No matter how young he was, he should be at least over one hundred….”

“You’re wrong!” The man proudly said, “Eighteen! He was only eighteen years old!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room took an indrawn breath of air, and then… “You’re bullshitting! How could he be so strong! At eighteen, he couldn’t have even completed Foundation yet. How could it be possible to win the Grand Sect Competition and come first?”

“Who said that you couldn’t have completed Foundation? When Ling Mu was eighteen, he was already at the beginning of Integration!” {These are different cultivation levels.} As soon as he said this, the entire lobby went silent as though they had heard summons from the heavens.

Ye JianHan glanced at the man next to him. The corners of his mouth moved slightly and he said in a voice that only two of them could hear: “DuoDuo is really amazing.”

Chu MuYun: “…” Compared to Mo JiuShao and Xie QianLan who didn’t have much tacit understanding, Ye JianHan and Ling Xuan were more like real brothers!

Chu MuYun wanted to listen to more about the history of his body. Luckily the guy who was “discussing loudly” was getting more and more excited. Seeing that he had successfully attracted everyone’s attention, he got even more energized. Even his hand started dancing as he gesticulated widely. If he didn’t know better he would have thought he had some kind of personal connection to Ling Mu, otherwise how would he know so many details about the other person?

The man bragged for a long time but some people were not convinced: “If Ling Mu is so powerful then why is he called the watchdog of the LingYun Sect? He came first in the Grand Sect Competition, so shouldn’t he inherit the sect and become its new Sect Master?”

The man seemed to be just waiting for someone to ask about this. His eyebrows flew even more wildly and he said with additional vigour, “Don’t you even know about this? That Ling Mu had excellent talents and I heard that he was born very good-looking too, his face was the kind that could make a bunch of young girls become obsessed, but it’s only a shame that he ah… stubbornly liked only one person. He liked that person so much that he wouldn’t change that person for the world…”

“Che.” Someone said disdainfully. “What’s the big deal about that? If he liked her so much, why doesn’t he just marry her? If he’s really as wonderful as you make him out to be, then which girl….”

“Hehe, the person he liked isn’t a girl.”


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