Published at 19th of January 2022 08:06:40 AM

Chapter 1563: Don't buy a car! (Plus more)

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Even Musashi and the others were taken aback, looking towards Jiangnan in amazement!

Σ(°△°|||) "Isn't it here to do the core of Lingxu? Then why do you call so many space departments?"

"Difficult... is it possible that you want to do Bose?"

Thinking of this, Senbon Sakura's eyes are full of horror!

=???? (???????) "No... isn't it? Come up and take us to the boss?"

Badr sneered: "Don't think of bosons too simple!"

"Even if they are on the Blue Star, as long as they don't show up or are far enough apart, even the ceiling of the space system can't sense their position!"

"Once you encounter danger and escape into the void, we can't kill it!"

Jiang Nan was speechless: "Have I said that I want to engage in Bose? There are only 11 days left. We don't have the time to find Bose all over the world and play decapitation!"

"The purpose of calling you over is naturally for another purpose!"

(?~?) "Pierce, Martin, Badr, I will call Vinnie here later, and the four of you will go to the asteroid belt in the solar system! Get some asteroids back!"

As soon as these words came out, the few people present all looked at Jiangnan in confusion, silent!

(???????) "What? What did you say? Where did you go? What did you do to come back?"

Pierce almost didn't stare out!

Jiangnan spread his hands, his face was taken for granted!

?(?′~?`)? "It's hard to understand? Get some asteroids back from the asteroid belt to fill the mass of the moon's eye!"

"Tianchen Bureau has already calculated it, it is feasible, and selected a few suitable asteroids. Looking back, I will ask Jiang Tianchen to contact you and tell you the specific coordinates!"

Badr was anxious: "Damn! Go to the asteroid belt? How far is it? You really think I am a god? What about such a huge asteroid?"

"Bring it back on a horse? How to bring it back? Also, even if you bring it back, how can you fill in the moon's eye? The fragile moon can't withstand this level of impact, right?"

Jiang Nan shook his fingers: "Different space equipment will definitely not fit. Vinnie shrinks the size of the planet slightly, and then Badr, you use the space expansion to push the reduced asteroid!"

"The distance you push is much farther than your limit teleport! Until Xiaoxingxing gains enough cosmic speed!"

"When approaching the moon, he took the asteroids to teleport and slow down. Martin used free gravity to reduce the weight of the asteroids or erase the gravity of a part of the moon!"

"Cooperating with a large number of floating arrays, and the floating power of the core of the space system, the gravity on the moon is already very small, and it should be possible to safely squeeze the asteroid into the moon's eye!

"Then restore the asteroid to its normal size!"

At this moment, several people watched Jiangnan all have scalp numb, goose bumps all over!

All were shocked by Jiangnan's thoughts!

I tried to refute it several times, but all suffocated it. I have to say that this method is feasible!

Pierce grinds his teeth: (? °? 益 °?) "I thought it was a good job! As a result, he was distributed to a place as far away as the asteroid belt to move bricks?"

"Well, we are also from Daotian! The rare space is Daotian!"

Isn't this just moving bricks? It's not bad at all!

Jiang Nan looked helpless: "I don't want to, but no one can do these things except you!"

"Or, what better way do you have to fill the moon's eye?"

"Moving from Blue Star? It's nothing more than tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall. Do you want Blue Star? Do it from the Lingxu? How much more than one hundred million cubic meters of earth and rock are moved to the Moon Eye?"

"Currently this method is the only effective method in a short period of time!"

Badr's face blackened: ()? "Why don't you talk about this action during the meeting? Instead, call us out to do it alone?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I can't afford to lose! I can't even bet on it. In fact, I don't know if there are any holy stars in the council!"

"Leave one hand for everything! It's better to hide than to show it? Once you lose, you will lose all of the game. It is better to tell the action plan when you take the specific action!"

"After all, once the plan is leaked, all efforts will be lost. It is better to be careful!"

Everyone looked at Jiangnan in amazement!

Good guys! Was it so nuanced? In this way, even if there are people with holy stars coming in, there will be no specific plan of action!

It can be regarded as a preventive measure, and it is always right to do an extra layer of insurance!

Pierce smacked his lips for a while: "No wonder you avoid it as soon as you get to the key point during the meeting.

"Clean up the star-eating giant insects, and even instigate the one-eyed species. Actually, you already have a plan, right?"

Jiangnan just laughed without speaking!

Senbon Sakura looked at Jiangnan dumbfounded!

(????) "Is this... so complicated?"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮(??w??)╭ "Society is very simple, but people are complicated!"

Badr's eyes flickered: "Why? Let us do such an important thing, so we don't worry that some of us will turn to the sacred star?"

Jiang Nan smiled brilliantly: "First of all, you have no reason in this situation now! You are still young and have a lot of time. There is no need to bet on your freedom, right?"

"Secondly, just move a brick, what else can you do? If I didn't see you coming back before dawn on the back of the moon, I would naturally know that you had nothing to do!"

Badr was startled, then his face was full of bad luck!

(???益????) "Yeah! I'm still young! Unlike some old leaders, who have no time, they can only betray their freedom!"

Pierce:? ? ?

(?`⌒′) "Who are you talking about? I'm not from the Holy Star, I..."

Badr rolled his eyes: "I didn't say you!"

Jiang Nan was silent, he naturally knew who Badr was talking about!

Jiang Nan opened his arms and grinned: "Go and create a miraculous planetary rain!"

"This is a precedent in history and the first time for mankind. We are constantly exploring the limits of manpower!"

"Come on! You are the fattest! Remember to keep your actions secret!"

Pierce tilted his head and spat, his face full of disgust!

(? 乛繛乛) "Isn't it just the work of moving bricks? Do you want to do it so tall!"

But a few people still went to pick up Vinnie. Because the asteroid belt is so far away, even if the two space systems come in shifts, it will take a lot of time!

So time is extremely short!

Before the operation, Jiangnan naturally gave a few people plenty of supplies, such as rabbit vomit pills, durian pulp, and even big green sticks.

Let them better complete this difficult task!

Seeing a few people leave, Chibon Sakura pulled Jiangnan's cuff!

('???`) "Hey, hey! Are you really afraid that Badr is a traitor? He has assassinated you before!"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I'm not sure! But even if Badr is a traitor, he was taken to the distribution asteroid, what else can he do?"

"Even if there is no planetary rain before dawn, it will have no effect on the counterattack. You only need to win and keep the moon from collapsing!"

"You can also fill in slowly, that is to say, even if Badr reverses, it will have an impact on the current situation, but it will not be big!"

"Not enough to determine the overall trend of the counter-offensive, it is a tolerable loss!"

Qianbenying stared at Jiangnan blankly and couldn't help swallowing!

(*???) "What is your head? Do you want to think about it so fine?"

(︶~︶?) "No wonder you always play with you, you are always pitted by you! Bah! People who play tactics are dirty!"

Jiangnan raised his hand and flicked Qianben Sakura and his brain collapsed!

"You are still far away! Learn more from Lao Tzu!"

It's not that Jiangnan is playing hard, he just can't afford to lose!

A mistake in decision-making, or some uncontrollable accident happens, and all the lives are lost!

Therefore, if you can think about it, you can think about a billion points. This is the only thing Jiangnan can do!

I saw Freya take out her phone!


"Did they go to asteroids? I'll report it!"

Jiang Nan stared, grabbed the phone and crushed it!

(???口??) "Not allowed to report! What's the false report? Don't you know about confidentiality? You can pay me back if you dare to report!"

Freya:! !

(*???口??)? "Beast strike! My beast strike! That is my only property!"

"If you don't report it, you won't report it! Why are you crushing it? You pay it! Pay it! There is no such thing as 10 bottles and 8 bottles of green sticks. I can tell you!"

Jiang Nan had a black face, raised his hand and threw a few bottles of green sticks to Freya!

This disciplinary officer is too easy to bribe, right?

Freya is holding the green stick, frowning, can't lie after drinking it? Do you drink it or not?

But... but it's also alcoholic?

After hesitating for a long time, Freya still drank it!

But Musashi was startled: "Let Badr and the others do asteroids? What about us?"

Jiang Nan smiled mysteriously: "We naturally have our business to do, I plan to..."

"My love is like a flame, burning my heart~"

A melodious telephone ringing rang, Jiang Nan was startled, took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the encrypted satellite call from Odin!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and picked it up: (??~??)? "4S shop? I don't want to buy a car!"

[From Odin? Caesar's grievance value is +1003! ]

Are you here again on horseback?

At this moment, Odin was standing alone on the sea making a phone call, with broken veins all over his forehead!

(???益???) "Is there anyone next to me? I have something to tell you!"

Jiangnan frowned slightly, and a few teleported to an uninhabited area!

"No more now, you say!"

On the phone, Odin was silent for a long time, Jiang Nan just waited quietly, and finally Odin still spoke.

"I'm broken! About a month ago, the spiritual skills were absorbed!"

Jiang Nan's expression froze, and he was also startled for a long time, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Sure enough! Little brother Niubi!"

Odin:? ? ?

What is it? Why are you not surprised when you step on a horse?

Hey Hey hey! Lao Tzu was the first to break through to the heavens in this era, and the first fruit picker among all human beings. Hey!

"It's not... you..."

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "At the beginning, on the tenth floor of the abyss, the colorful creation particles that the creation beast gave me, you should have taken a little bit and found it cheap, right?"

"Is that to open the door? Open the human race yoke?"

Odin's face turned dark: "Tsk~how do you know?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "I guess! At the time of the Landis Ruins, your attitude towards me was different from before. You were angry but not reconciled with anger, and there was a bit of gratitude. It was because of the danger that it also touched me. The light?"

"Also... you are not that interested in Origin Tinder. Although you are acting, your acting skills are too bad, you can fool others but not me!"

"Of course, this is just my guess, I didn't expect you to tell me about it! Tsk tsk tsk ~ Daotian! Niubi Niubi!"

"What's the matter? I dare not say if I break through? I can't pretend to be a cup! I'll hold you enough, right?"

Odin:! !

At this moment, Odin suddenly felt that Jiangnan was a bit scary!

It's horrible! Was it because I guessed it, that I deliberately didn't arrange for me to go to the moon to participate in the war, but let me stay in Blue Star to guard Bombardier?


What kind of insight is this?

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