Published at 16th of July 2019 11:25:32 PM

Chapter 112

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Chapter 112 – Maid’s Leash

Using a magic crystal that can store Lin Xiao’s magic power to bypass the restrictions of the slave contract, the method couldn’t really give Elena freedom, it could only allow her to move freely within a limited area.

The amount stored in the magic crystal was only enough to allow her to go to the outskirts of the city, it wasn’t enough for her to leave too far from Winterless City. It was still a problem if she went too far, Lin Xiao was worried that she would wander too far.

Every time he gave her the magic crystal, Lin Xiao warned her carefully like an old woman, afraid that she would get hotheaded and escape Winterless City, so it was difficult for Elena to forget even if she wanted to.

“What an annoying guy!” Just thinking of Lin Xiao’s crafty and repulsive face made Elena curse inwardly.

In order to control her whereabouts absolutely, Lin Xiao didn’t fill the magic crystal full on purpose, each time he only filled it half way. He calculated it carefully, and ensured that the magic crystal will run out within 12 hours, that way, Elena would leave with a magic crystal in the morning and had to come back at night to replenish it. She couldn’t even run away if she wanted to, she had to obediently return back to her master’s side, otherwise she would die.

Norminally, the magic crystal gave Elena freedom, but in reality, it was only a leash on her neck, and on the other end of the leash was Lin Xiao firmly grasping it, never letting go.

“You’re my maid! How could I let you run away?” That was how Lin Xiao explained his despicable behavior.

However, whether it was Elena or Lin Xiao himself, the two didn’t notice something strange. Remember when they first met, Lin Xiao looked forward to drive Elena away.

Lin Xiao actually already knew about the possible uses with the magic crystal, and at the start, he didnt see the magic crystal as a leash to keep Elena in check, but a fatal trap to kill Elena with!

Lin Xiao’s initial plan was to hide the fact about the restrictions to distance, deceive her and make her escape Winterless City of her own accord, return to the Forest of the End, then when the magic power dissipated in the crystal, Elena would suffer from the rebound of the slave contract and die on the way there!

The Demon King dying a bizarre death in the wild, no one would know what actually happened. That way, Lin Xiao could thoroughly rid himself of this troublesome baggage and continue his beautiful lifestyle!

Yet, he didn’t do that.

He didn’t hide any information from Elena, and purposely controlled the magic power, turning the original fatal trap into a ‘Maid’s Leash’. He tied up his little maid, not giving Elena any chance to escape.

At first, he wanted to chase Elena away, but now he tied her up with a leash. Two sharply contrasting attitudes, perhaps even Lin Xiao himself doesn’t know the cause.

“What should I do… should I go back?” Elena carefully analyzed the situation.

If Shen DaiYing was getting ready to leave the city, she would have no way of following her, after all, her life was more important. Although Shen DaiYing was severely abnormal today, it wasn’t worth risking her life.

“Strange… where is she going?”

She just noticed that after Shen DaiYing left the city, she didn’t choose to get on a carriage or any other means of transportation, she was still walking, which meant that where Shen DaiYing was going was nearby, and not somewhere far away.

If it wasn’t far away, then she could go and take a look! So she made up her mind and continued to follow along.

After she left the city, she hid left and right the whole way, truly annoying, it was all thanks to Elena’s magic detection radar that locked onto Shen DaiYing’s position, and since she didn’t notice herself get followed, she didn’t hide her aura to the limit.

Otherwise, with the power of the Eastern tribe’s number one assassination technique “Moonlight Soul Flower”, Elena,a discount version of the Demon King definitely wouldn’t be able to detect Shen DaiYing’s presence, she might be able to if she had her full power.

“Whew… are we still not there yet?”

Finally, Shen DaiYing waked into an unremarkable small forest outside the city and stopped in front of the door of an unremarkable small house inside the forest.

This small worn out wooden cabin looked like the residence of a lumberjack, there were many similar ones inside the forests that were outside the city, there was nothing remarkable about it.

Shen DaiYing stood in front of the door, gently knocked and said something to the person inside. After that, a voice answered and a middle aged man cautiously stuck his head out and looked around before taking Shen DaiYing inside.

“Is it just a normal wooden cabin?” Elena had no way inside, and could only hide in the nearby shrubbery, concentrating fully on Shen DaiYing’s aura, so as to not let her slip away from a secret door.

However, Shen DaiYing didn’t leave the wooden cabin, but for some reason her aura started moving downwards, until it completely disappeared. Elena was shocked.

If it wasn’t her misperception, then that meant that there was a secret passageway that lead underground hidden in this unremarkable cabin! Since there was someone guarding it, she could only follow until here.

What should she do next? Leave, or wait?

“It’s probably just some secret base or something, after all, she’s a princess, it isn’t strange to have a secret base.” Elena started to mutter.

In the end, why did she follow her all this way? It clearly wasn’t a big deal, just a secret base, so what was he hoping for?

If it was a few days ago, Elena definitely wouldn’t have taken the risk to come here and do something so pointless and foolish, but ever since Rosie said those words to Lin Xiao yesterday, she became strongly interested in Shen DaiYing.

She couldn’t even explain it herself either, was it because she wanted to help Lin Xiao expose her identity, find evidence of the killer, and annul the engagement?

No, that’s not right.

What kind of joke is that, why should she help Lin Xiao get a wife? She looks forward to Shen DaiYing marrying Caesar and watching Lin Xiao bawl during the marriage ceremony!

Or rather, she wanted to see Shen DaiYing be humiliated, and expose that vixen’s pretense?

That’s also not right.

She’s a Demon King, why would Shen DaiYing, a mere lowly human incite her jealousy? Was it because Lin Xiao likes Shen DaiYing, and she was jealous so she hated Shen DaiYing?

No, neither are right.

Elena resolutely refused to acknowledge either of those guesses, unfortunately, her actions proved that at least one of them was right, it was just difficult to say which one of it was.

“Sigh, perhaps I should go back…” throwing out the wild thoughts she was having, Elena concentrated one last time.

Before leaving, she tried to do one last search, if there was still no results, then she planned to leave this sketchy area and go shopping.

She closed her eyes, and molded her perception into a thread, spreading and diffusing it underground, like how a sonar conducts a scan. Surprisingly, the secret passageway lead to a large space, with many people walking around, but she couldn’t find Shen DaiYing.

Forget about it.

Just as Elena was preparing to retract her perception threads, the sonar radar finally reacted.

Suddenly an extremely terrifying aura appeared at the deepest part underground! That aura was neither human nor a demonic beast, it was an unfamiliar yet familiar aura.

That aura was…

“Lesser devils!!??”

The sudden unforeseeable event made Elena turn pale with fright!

That violent aura that came from the deepest part underground was like that of a mad beast, the bloodthirsty aura permeated the air. Every time Elena used her perception to try and touch it, it was like that violent aura was insulted and became even more insane, like it could explode above ground at any time.

Without a doubt, that was the enemy that Elena encountered before at the Forest of the End, the Lesser Devils!

What was going on? Why would this monster appear so close to Winterless City?

Elena desperately tried to think about all the possibilities.

Lin Xiao once said, Elena herself had no way of dealing with Lesser Devils, which meant that the person behind creating this kind of monster wasn’t just the revolting high level demons, there was also the possibility of humans being involved!

Right now, there was evidence of Lin Xiao’s conjecture, a live Lesser Devil was hidden below this place, and was guarded by humans!

“That damn pervert couldn’t have hit the nail on the head, right?” Elena felt her head going into disorder.

Leaving aside why the Lesser Devil would appear here, earlier, Shen DaiYing really entered this small cabin, right?

Which meant that this involved the Great Qin empire?

“Shen DaiYing, who on earth are you?” Since it has come to this, Elena decided that she had to get to the bottom of this! Since she had no way of entering, she just had to wait outside!

The berserk aura quickly settled, but Shen DaiYing still didn’t appear. Elena simply sat down then supported her large breasts with her arms to decrease the pressure and stayed there.

She just didn’t believe that Shen DaiYing wouldn’t come out!

The time passed slowly, she waited from morning until almost sunset, but there was still no activity. Contrary, Elena was very patient, but the magic crystal Lin Xiao gave her was limited in capacity, it could only support 12 hours. If there were still no activity until night, then she could only go back dejectedly.

In a blink of an eye, it was sunset, the faint yellow light of the setting sun illuminated the quiet forest, the worn out small wooden cabin door still stood like it could be blown down by the wind at any time.

Finally, when Elena was almost falling asleep, someone came out!

Shen DaiYing walked out first, her spiritless black eyes were like before, her sad and stiff face was like she lost hope in life.

There was also another person following behind her.

It was a large fatty wearing loose grey robes, but it still couldn’t hide his bloated figure. It seems like he really liked Shen DaiYing, he closely followed behind her and tried to use his small eyes to peep at her body from various angles. Unfortunately, Shen DaiYing was dressed rather conservatively today, and he could only satisfy his dirty fantasies with her white legs.

“Goddess of Light above… princess Shen DaiYing, your legs are truly beautiful! If possible, can I lick it? With just one lick, I might be able to receive enlightenment from the gods!”

After walking out of the wooden cabin, the fatty spoke vulgar words without restraint to Shen DaiYing.

“Lick my leg?”

Shen DaiYing turned around and silently started at him, it was like the aura in her eyes could kill someone.

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