Published at 25th of May 2022 07:43:27 AM

Chapter 48

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Lia tried her best not to look surprised. Here was Claude looking splendid, even breathtaking!

His uniform collar bore the Duke’s hand-embroidered family crest. His hair was brushed back neatly, and his strong, handsome face shone.

As shy as she was, Lia could not take her eyes off him. He gently lowered himself so very close to her.

“Canillian,” he whispered, “are you still sleepy?”

His sweet, close words made her temporarily forget herself. Suddenly coming back to her senses, she straightened up.

“Why are you here? What about the engagement?”

“I saw you on my way to the Palace. What about you, being here instead of the engagement party?”

“Ah, I wasn’t feeling well,“ she lied, coughing a few times for effect.  She then turned the first page of the new book, pretending to read, but thinking only of Claude.

Too obvious! He smirked and tried to hide his ensuing laughter, but even his shoulders shook.

“Canillian,” he said, composing himself, “if you’re sick you should be going to a doctor, not a library.”

Although Lia was embarrassed, she felt compelled to maintain the fiction—even though it made her two-faced. Come to think of it, she has been two-faced a lot recently.

She had met many people since she was admitted to the Academy, and her lying increased exponentially. She was becoming very good at it. Lia’s face became stern as she realized this truth.

“You’re really sick?” Claude asked in such a kind voice, that Lia looked up at him, gulped, and then nodded.

“Not feeling too well,” she confirmed.

“Let’s go to the hospital.”

“I’m not that sick.”

“Then come with me. To the Palace.”

“Absolutely not.” She went back to her book and turned page after page.

If she were to run into the Marchioness…

Lia could understand why the Marchioness had come so early in the morning asking for that favor. And hadn’t Lia already agreed to its terms? But if she were to break her pledge and attend the engagement party, then she would be defying the Marchioness.

Claude stared at her and said, “Then, I also don’t have a reason to go.”

He picked up a pillow and headed toward the sofa.

“You shouldn’t be absent, Claude. My brother will miss you.”

Claude, who didn’t seem to mind if his uniform got rumpled, curled up on the other end of the sofa.

“There are so many in attendance that no one would even notice.”

“No matter how many there are, your absence would be noticeable,” Lia countered.

He lifted his head and looked at her intently. The hair on her arms and the back of her neck stood up.

“My father is hurt. He is resting at the Palace. He has been weakened by attacks and poisoning. No one knows when he will recover.”

Lia had heard the rumors of assassination attempts on the Duke. The newspapers practically competed to cover stories about Duke Ihar, his family’s territory, and their fortune. All that someday would be Claude’s.

“You must be worried,” said Lia softly.

“I am. I respect and love my father.”

“He will recover. He’s a strong person.”

“Yes. Stronger than anyone I know.”

She felt unfamiliar with him, a man who openly says he loves his father. She bit her lip and Claude noticed.

“So,” Claude began slowly, “I thought about it. The first thing I would do if I were Duke.”

His gaze went from her face, to her hand, to a bookshelf, and to the chandelier on the ceiling. Once his eyes left her, she breathed in relief.

“First, I am going to be my own person. I will surround myself with people I trust, and expand my territory. That is why I am at the Academy right now.”

She remembered his suggestion from some time ago. He had said that for a second son of a noble family—a son who cannot succeed the title—there wouldn’t be a better position than that of Steward for the Duke’s family.

Lia stared at Claude without answering. Is this what he is referring to now?

“Are you going to reject my offer again, Canillian?”

She was right.

Lia stood up to put the book back on the shelf. Then Claude quickly stood up and followed her.

“Your answer?”

“I don’t fit with the Duke’s family. And as I have already told you, I want to do something different.”

“Like what?”

“I want to become a teacher. To teach children.”

“The Duke’s family has children that need teaching,” he offered.

He was referring to the very children she had asked him to take care of. Unable to hide her smile, Lia nodded. “You seem like a good person,” she said walking away.

He followed her. “A good person?”

“Yes, a good person.”

Lia navigated her way through the book stacks. She could hear the distant sound of pages turning and the sound of Claude’s trailing footsteps. He followed her as if pulled by an invisible string.


Lia lifted an unpublished manuscript from a bottom shelf. The vintage cover bore a familiar symbol—that of Lythia Milton. Lia sat down, regarding the manuscript as one would a treasure.

Claude abruptly lowered himself as a familiar voice rang out.

“I understand young Duke Claude del Ihar is here. Find him.”

It was Marilyn.


The flustered librarian asked Marilyn to lower her voice, but she repaid him with a scoff and a sharp glance.

Claude’s large hand clamped over Lia’s mouth and Lia’s eyes widened in surprise. He pushed her one step back against a bookcase as he kept watch. He frowned and whispered, “How annoying.”

Lia’s initial concern gave way to embarrassment. Claude was so close, he was practically hugging her. Her eyes were frozen open. She couldn’t even blink.

“Wait like this for a bit,” he whispered with pleading eyes.

His breath, gentle on her face; his scent, swarming her senses. Is this reality or a dream?

There was no way they wouldn’t be found in this dubious hiding place, not with Marilyn’s lackeys searching the library.

With a trembling hand Lia grabbed the wrist of the hand covering her mouth. “Sir,” she whispered against his hand. He stepped even closer, if that were possible.


“There’s no way we wouldn’t—.” She stopped mid sentence. He understood.

“If I can make Marilyn believe that I’m with another woman, she’ll lose interest. You won’t be exposed.”

Why did they have to do this? Although her head was spinning, Claude’s warmth and her pounding heart kept her from speaking further.

Is it sinful to want to hug him? As a man, she couldn’t risk hugging him in public. Homosexuality was considered immoral and was punishable under the law. Extreme punishment for just one hug.

Lia clutched the book. She both heard and felt Claude’s long sigh of resignation.

“For a man, you can really make someone crazy.”

His hot lips and breath were now directly on her cheek. She held her breath as his words reverberated in her mind.

“Please don’t be surprised, but I must hug you,” he whispered.

Claude ran his fingers through her hair, and wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her to him tightly.

Her heart pounded and she wondered if she were having a seizure. The book fell out of her hands and thudded on the floor.

A figure appeared behind Claude. “Your majesty, the young Duke Claude,” a servant said, bowing.

Claude’s massive body hid Lia completely.

“Sir, what is happening?”

Claude turned his head slightly and looked at Marilyn’s servant. When their eyes met, the servant bowed more deeply. He gestured towards the library’s entrance.

“The young mistress is waiting.”


“She would like for the two of you to attend the Princess’s engagement together.”

“Together? I’m sorry, but we had no plans to do so. Had she sent a formal request?” Claude knew no request of the kind was needed. He continued, “Please tell her that I am otherwise engaged, and that I will meet her at the party.”

The servant ran away without looking back. He must have been shocked to see the young Duke’s behavior. Arms wrapped around a woman in public!

Lia felt panic as she tried to extricate herself from Claude’s embrace. He held her tightly and looked at her calmly. “You are lying, sir,” she stated flatly, but then looked into his blue eyes and felt swallowed by them. She had promised herself many times that she would keep her distance from him, but to no avail.

Her cheeks reddened.  “Also, it is…improper… for men to be doing this. Let me go.”

“Yes. Between men. That’s a sin.”

“If you know so well—”

“If you are a real man.”

“If?” she gulped.

“Of course, you’re a man.”

He softly brushed back her bangs from her eyes, let out a long sigh, and rested his forehead on her shoulder. The difference in their size was remarkable, like a giant and a child.

“If you say you’re a man, then you must be,” he said wistfully.

Approaching footsteps broke his reverie. It must be Marilyn reacting to the news from her servant.

Lia flinched and curled up into Claude’s embrace hoping Marilyn wouldn’t see her like this.

The sun shone through the ample windows and sparkled like gems. Lia silently compared Claude’s embrace to those of Kieran and Ian. Ian, who would ask to be hugged. So very different!

Lia’s heart thumped as Marilyn’s footsteps grew louder. Whispered curses escaped Claude’s lips. He then grabbed Lia’s trembling wrist.

“Come here.”


Kieran and Rosina stood together in the spacious, manicured garden and observed their guests. Dressed in finery, the partygoers swirled around the honored couple, dancing to the orchestra and mingling with one another.

Lia looked at the partygoers from afar and was awed by them. Claude stood behind her with his chin resting on the top of her head, scoffing at the spectacle. The two were perched in a room atop the Prince’s Palace, where there were no guards, only toys for children.

“Isn’t it a great view? We can watch from here without being caught,” said Claude.

To Lia’s mind, Kieran and Rosina looked happy. “Where is this?” she asked.

“A place I enjoyed from time to time when I was little. The Prince, Kieran, Rosina, and I are the only ones who know of this room.”

“Is it okay for me to be here?”

“Wherever I am, you can be there too.”

He patted her head, told her to wait, and left.

Now alone, Lia touched the top of her head, still comforted by Claude’s warmth. She continued to look out the window and felt a sudden sensation, like she was a child playing hide and seek.

She then saw Claude approaching Kieran in the garden below. With the appearance of the young Duke, the atmosphere changed.

Claude whispered to Kieran. Kieran looked up to the window where Lia stood.

Their eyes met.

Joy and relief broke out across Kieran’s face.

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