Published at 19th of September 2022 06:16:19 AM

Chapter 2192: The true face of Zhang He

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It seems that there is one more thing to do in the secret realm, and that is to find Lin Siying.

As for these three sects, Zhang Yifeng only had to find an opportunity to provoke the relationship between them. Whether it was inside the sect or between the sect, the more messy it was, the better.

On the side, Linghu Nanruo walked to Zhang Yifeng's side and patted Zhang Yifeng on the shoulder: "Let's talk about it, why are you here in this secret realm?"

Zhang Yifeng said lightly: "Of course it's for the treasures and also for cultivation, why else?"

Upon hearing Zhang Yifeng's words, Linghu Nanruo's eyes under the mask began to dim.

Is it really?

"Then you should smell the scent of that herb today, right? If I'm not mistaken, it should be five-element grass."

Unexpectedly, this little girl still has some insights, and Zhang Yifeng nodded: "It is indeed five elements of grass."

"Since you know, why don't you **** it?"

It turned out that Linghu Nanruo doubted himself.

Zhang Yifeng shook his head, took out a storage ring from his arms and handed it directly to Linghu Nanruo.

"Take it. There are the herbs and training resources you want, and I confessed to you, should you also tell me, what is the real purpose of your World Business Alliance in the secret realm?"

"Don't tell me that it is for treasures. I know that your World Business Alliance is not short of treasures. If you have cultivation resources, I still reluctantly believe that, after all, the World Business Alliance is too big, but shouldn't it be for this?

In fact, Zhang Yifeng already knew that Linghu Nanruo and the others did not come for treasure, because Linghu Nanruo might be the strongest one in this secret realm.

The identity of the young leader of the World Business Alliance, came to this secret realm to hunt for treasure, it was a little unbelievable.

Moreover, this Linghu Nanruo was the one who fought against the strong man in the Tribulation Period before, how could his strength be only the one that was shown now.

When Zhang Yifeng asked such a sentence, Linghu Nanruo was a little unnatural.

"No, nothing. Anyway, remember what we are going to do. You can help us without harming anyone's interests."

Linghu Nanruo said so, and Zhang Yifeng didn't have a good question.

Next, the two stopped talking, and both looked ahead.

At this time Ouyang Nana came over.

She sat beside Zhang Yifeng expressionlessly: "Zhang Yifeng, what kind of person do you think Brother Zhang He is?"

"Little man."

Without hesitation, Zhang Yifeng blurted out.

"I grew up with Senior Brother Zhang He, and I was a little surprised by his behavior today. Why is he doing this?"

Before Zhang Yifeng could speak, Linghu Nanruo next to him said with a smile: "It's very simple. He pretended to be just for the opportunity to enter the Lingshan Secret Realm."

Ouyang Nana couldn't believe her ears, she didn't believe that what she heard was true, and Zhang He had already appeared behind them after they were talking.

Zhang Yifeng and Linghu Nanqiu had actually noticed it a long time ago, but Ouyang Nana didn't know it.

Zhang He patted Ouyang Nana on the shoulder: "Junior sister, what are you talking about here?"

"No, nothing."

Zhang He smiled and said, "I went there for a while and didn't find anything unusual, but I found something delicious for you."

At the end of the speech, Zhang He held two red puffy fruits in his hand, and the fruits looked delicious.

Zhang Yifeng looked at the fruit, with a feeling of deja vu, as if he had seen it somewhere.

By the way, this is a magic fruit.

This kind of fruit is not often found in Lingyue Continent, but Zhang Yifeng has seen it before and has also seen it eaten by people.

This fruit is highly poisonous, and the person who eats it will be unconscious within a moment.

But as long as you don't eat much, you can still force it out with spiritual power.

Zhang Yifeng just wanted to stop.

Ouyang Nana took the fruit into her mouth and took a bite: "Thank you, brother, this fruit is really sweet."

Ouyang Nana smiled, and then handed a fruit in her hand to Zhang Yifeng: "You can try it too, it's delicious."

At first, Zhang Yifeng was still thinking about why Zhang He would take the magic fruit to Ouyang Nana to eat, but now he finally knows.

But he wanted to poison himself, that Zhang He really made a wrong calculation.

Without saying anything, Zhang Yifeng ate a piece of fruit, and then snatched the one in Ouyang Nana's hand.

"Don't eat it, are you crazy? This fruit is poisonous." Linghu Nanruo finally spoke.

Her expression changed, and he immediately used his spiritual power to continuously transmit spiritual power to Zhang Yifeng.

Sure enough, the young leader of the World Business League knew a lot. The reason why he didn't stop it just now was because in Linghu Nanruo's heart, Ouyang Nana died when she died, and it had nothing to do with her.

Aside, I heard this sentence. Ouyang Nana immediately turned around: "Senior brother, is what he said is true? Is this fruit poisonous?"

Originally, Zhang He wanted to give Ouyang Nana an antidote after Zhang Yifeng had eaten the fruit, but he didn't expect that there was a guy in the way next to him.

Zhang He immediately used his spiritual power, staring at Linghu Nanruo firmly: "Just take care of your business, get out of here if you know."

"Senior brother, what is going on."

At this time, all the disciples had gathered around.

Zhang He sneered, "This person poisoned Junior Sister and Zhang Gongzi, and I am planning to clean him up."

Really pushed it completely.

After listening to those disciples of Tiandaozong, one by one was very angry.

"Brother, kill him, people like him are not worthy to live."

At this time, Ouyang Nana had fallen to the ground motionless.

Everyone believed Zhang He's remarks, Zhang He raised his fist and smashed towards Linghu Nanruo.

Zhang Yifeng didn't plan to shoot. He wanted to see how strong Linghu Nanruo was.

But Linghu Nanruo had both hands on Zhang Yifeng's body at this time and couldn't get out of him at all, so he didn't have any defense.

Seeing that Zhang He's fist was about to hit Linghu Nanruo, Zhang Yifeng opened his eyes and squeezed Zhang He's arm.

He said coldly: "You are right...people like this are not worthy of living in this world."

"You... why are you okay?"

"Are you surprised? Let me tell you that there are many other things that surprise you, for example, you will die here today."

Seeing that Zhang He was held hostage by Zhang Yifeng, the disciples of Tiandaozong yelled one by one, but no one dared to come and help.

Because they knew Zhang Yifeng's strength, this giant sword demon was not easy to provoke.

"Zhang Yifeng, our master asked us to protect you, but I didn't expect you to attack our brother."

"Just really a villain."

Listening to these verbal abuses, Zhang Yifeng only felt ridiculous.

It's something that is so clear, but these Tiandaozong disciples are like fools, do they really not understand?


After a crisp sound, only a scream like Zhang He killing a pig was heard, and his entire arm was broken by Zhang Yifeng!

The blood is flowing, bloody.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

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