Published at 7th of October 2022 08:19:15 AM

Chapter 1457: Weird car

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  Chapter 1457 Strange cars

  Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory was called Moskow Automobile Factory at the earliest, and later changed its name to Stalin Automobile Factory. After the third change, it was called Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory.

   was established much earlier than the Volga Automobile Factory. It was an automobile factory established in 1924. The first batch of 10 Amo-Φ15 light trucks in the north was produced, which opened the first page in the history of the development of the automobile industry in the north.

  In terms of history, the Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory has a much longer history than the Volga Automobile Factory.

  And then trucks, buses, cars, etc., everything is produced, as well as official vehicles.

  Later, in order to paralyze the leader of the north, the ** leader of World War II gave him a Mercedes-Benz 770K bulletproof car. Its outstanding bulletproof function shocked the leaders of the north.

  So from then on, Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory began to produce bulletproof cars and luxury cars.

  In 1949, on the eve of the founding of the People’s Republic of my country, the Ha Qiao Father Automobile Factory successfully researched and successfully developed an eight-cylinder high-end Guise-110 bulletproof car.

  The Jiefang truck in our country is an imitation of the Gis 15 from the Ha Qiao father car factory.

   "This car factory has a long history." Jiang Xiaobai said with emotion.

  "Not only do they have a long history, but they also produce a very rich car brand. Luxury cars, trucks, buses, and a wide range of products are staggering. What else is the ZIL-2906 amphibious vehicle combined with aircraft and trucks."

   Zhang Weiyi introduced.

   Jiang Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he was interested. Looking at Zhang Weiyi: "You talk about this amphibious vehicle."

  "Because this car is too niche, there are not many units produced, so there is no information in it, and I did not collect it specially.

  Let me just talk about it. This ZIL-2906 is a screw-driven amphibious vehicle developed in the Soviet era. It can drive in water, land, swamps, snow, deserts, mountains, etc. "

  Zhang Weiyi said, Zhao Xiaojin and others all brightened, this is too awesome, this is not an amphibious vehicle.

  This is an all-round car. Where can I go with this car?

  It’s almost impossible to go to heaven.

"This car uses screw rods in places such as swamps in the water. In fact, the car was originally intended to be used for farming, but after it was invented, everyone discovered that it was improved and used for amphibious purposes. The car is also very good..."

  Zhang Weiyi smiled and introduced that although everyone has not seen the picture of an amphibious vehicle, they can still imagine it in their minds.

  It's just a bigger car with a screw rod.

   "This car is very interesting, but it is not usually used, and it is relatively small." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Yes." Zhang Weiyi nodded: "This kind of car was produced to recover the space launcher. After all, when the space launcher returns, no one knows where it will land, so this kind of car was sent. use.

  Although it is normal, this kind of car can only seat two people, but there is still a lot of space behind..."

  Zhang Weiyi saw that Jiang Xiaobai was interested, and asked the staff to type the slide of the car on the screen.

   Originally, he was not going to introduce it, because Huaqing Holding Company did not use it, even if it was to launch satellites at the Baikonur Cosmodrome.

  That is also the Baikonur Cosmodrome. In addition, the satellite has no return capsule, and Huaqing Holdings launches the spacecraft itself.

  Haha, let’s not talk about whether it is useful or not, the key is that this is simply impossible.

  Now the power of the whole country, no one in the country has been able to go to space yet.

  What's more, Huaqing Holding Company is only a private group, and even in various countries, except for a few major countries to demonstrate their strength, other countries have not made great efforts to develop space launchers.

   is the period of polarization. The two superpowers are engaged in aerospace. There has been no movement in the past two years, and huge manpower and material resources will no longer be wasted to launch aerospace.

  The other reason that Zhang Weiyi didn't elaborate is that he was afraid that if Jiang Xiaobai's brain was pumped, he would do something to do spaceflight.

  It’s a bottomless pit, and it’s done by Huaqing Holdings. Just fill it all in and it won’t cause any waves.

  Although this possibility is not high, he thinks Jiang Xiaobai is not like this, but sometimes it is not good, Jiang Xiaobai is not crazy.

  It's like a canned food changing plane, satellite launching, and the key is that Jiang Xiaobai has a player who bewilders him all day.

  Mou Qizhong, something like smashing a big hole in the Himalayas, as far as he knows, it seems that Mou Qizhong has been engaged in spaceflight recently.

  Don’t be fooled by Mou Qizhong.

   But since Jiang Xiaobai is interested now, he will introduce it to everyone.

  As the picture appeared on the screen, it was similar to everyone’s guess. There were two similar spiral rods, and there were two or three small cars on it.

  "The space behind can be put on a stretcher, you can sit on some paramedics and the like, there is still plenty of space."

  “However, this kind of car also has shortcomings. If all of them are walking on the rocks, the loss of the screw rod is very large.

  And it takes more than 20 minutes or even half an hour to switch from tire mode to screw mode. For such a long time, if it is on Mosco, the temperature in the car can be imagined.

  But it’s also possible for people here, and can stand it..."

  Zhang Weiyi paused and continued: "There is another kind of car, which is a combination of an airplane and a truck."

  Zhang Weiyi said, everyone continued to listen attentively.

  Cars are now luxury goods in China. They really don’t understand that there are so many models and functions.

  "In the 1960s, the north executives wanted to build a truck with special transport properties, with a tonnage of at least 20 tons and extremely good off-road performance.

  After receiving the order, the automobile factory began to screen among its various truck models, and finally determined the Gil-135 chassis.

  After a series of changes, the new heavy-duty truck chassis was officially developed in 1967 and was named Gil-135Sh.

  The front part is the cab, and the back is the engine and cargo platform. The biggest feature of the car is that the transformation frame has been replaced with two aircraft landing gears, with a set of large off-road tires on it..."

  Zhang Weiyi said, there are pictures on the screen, how to say, Jiang Xiaobai has never seen this kind of car.

  Some are like tractors in the airport, it looks very weird.

  "The bogie retains the support and transmission of the aircraft, so the tires can be turned at 90°. The length of the car is 9.5 meters, the height is 3.1 meters, and the empty car weighs 13 tons. The car can be responsible for transporting the rocket engine and casing.

  However, it was later stopped because the trucks had to spend a lot of money on manufacturing costs, and it was a question of whether they could be mass-produced..."

  (End of this chapter)

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