Published at 7th of October 2022 10:42:40 AM

Chapter 463: One hundred thousand yuan

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  Chapter 463 One Hundred Thousand Yuan

  Brother Wolf made a strong effort and broke free from Jiang Xiaobai's hand, and took two steps back to get away from Jiang Xiaobai.

  It's not that he was frightened by Jiang Xiaobai's fierceness. He has been in a life for a long time, and he didn't talk about other things.

   is a matter of fighting, killing, and killing. He doesn't know how many he has seen, can he still scare Jiang Xiaobai?

  It was just that Jiang Xiaobai took off his clothes and walked towards him, and he knew that if he didn't give money, it would make no sense to cut Jiang Xiaobai and scare people.

  To be precise, it is not a frightening word, but a threatening word.

  If the threat fails, then we can only renegotiate.

  Whatever? In the future, there will be opportunities to clean up Bai Hang and this Jiang Xiaobai.

  But the top priority is to get the money before talking, otherwise, you will die in the hospital.

  "It’s okay if you don’t cut it. One hundred thousand yuan, and then kowtow to apologize. I will let you go. See you after today. I will divide it up again.

  Brother Wolf took a step back and said.

The number   Brother Lang said, not to mention Yan Jing who was listening, but the people around Brother Lang were shocked.

  My God, one hundred thousand yuan, at this time it is almost the same as the tens of millions in future generations.

  Needless to say ordinary people, even if some factories want to spend 100,000 yuan, they need to apply with their superiors.

   "Knocking is impossible, money matters can be discussed." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "Don't force me." Brother Wolf looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said straightforwardly.

   "It's not forcing you, I'm a person, I would rather stand to die than kneel to live, I'm afraid I can't stand up again after I kneel down."

   Jiang Xiaobai backed away as he said.

   "Get ready to do it, you die, I will take care of my family for the rest of my life, and there will be 30,000 injured people," Jiang Xiaobai retreated to the crowd and said.

  "Give me..." Brother Wolf also waved his hand, preparing to do one first, and then say, kowtow and apologize is his last bottom line.

  Otherwise, Bai Hang took so many brothers and killed him today, so he took the money and let Bai Hang and the others leave.

   Then what face does he have to be this elder brother? Originally, they were together because of loyalty, so everyone convinced him.

   But if you make everyone feel that you can leave with money, then the team will disperse in the future.

  If you kowtow, apologize, and dispose of the stabbing Baihang, then it is for the rescue, everyone can understand.

   But if he just kowtows and apologizes, then he feels a little unreasonable.

  But I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to refuse to agree, so it would be appropriate to do a game first.

  The mood of Brother Lang is also very tangled, on the one hand, he wants money, on the other hand, he wants to clean up Jiang Xiaobai and Bai Hang.

   "Wait. Wolf brother, they are still in the hospital if they are forced," Yan Jing said.

   "Yes, it is because they are lying in the hospital that I want to avenge them," Brother Lang said coldly.

  "Take revenge. After revenge, do you have the money to treat them? If I'm not wrong, they are still in the hospital without surgery. I guess they will be cold after you finish revenge."

  Yan Jingshen said with a smile. Seriously, he looked down on the group of people who came back from the Great Northwest Prison.

  There is no money, and it can cause troubles, and can't even afford medical expenses.

  Sooner or later, this group of people will not have a good result. If they do not enter again, or they will not die well.

  Brother Lang was silent, and suddenly raised his hand. When both sides were ready to do it, Yan Jingxin also sank.

  The knife in Brother Wolf's hand was stabbed hard in his thigh.

   "Give me the money, I'll let you go." Brother Lang's teeth are almost crumbling. It's strange that he has no money. If he has money, he will cut Jiang Xiaobai and the others.

  At this time, he really realized what a penny is, which stumped heroes.

   "Brother Wolf, you don't need to do this, we all understand."

   "Yes, Brother Wolf, you are all trying to save Brother Hu, we know..."

   "Brother Wolf..." Ha Seng, Ghost Crab and others spoke, and the eyes of Jiang Xiaobai were about to breathe fire.

   "Don't move, I'm the elder brother myself, and I can't avenge my brother. I deserve this one."

  Brother Wolf spoke and stopped others from coming forward.

   "Brother Wolf..."

   "Brother Wolf..."

  The little brothers shouted one after another, but Brother Wolf didn't pay any attention to them, staring straight at Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to take the money.

   Yan Jing was a little shocked at this scene. As expected, it was Brother Wolf. It was done cleanly. Neat and beautiful.

  If I changed to myself, I would definitely not be able to do it, and I am not ashamed that Brother Wolf, a poor, clinking elder brother, can still have so many people following.

   "Okay, I'll give it." Jiang Xiaobai also swallowed, this Chinese character face is a real man.

  If you change to yourself, you will definitely not be able to put such a cruel hand on yourself.

   Even if it was an opponent, Jiang Xiaobai felt a little admired.

  "One hundred thousand yuan, now let you send someone to take thirty thousand yuan and give it to me first, and give me the remaining 70,000 yuan a week..."

  Look at Jiang Xiaobai and said, he did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to come up with one hundred thousand yuan at once.

   "Come here with the money," Jiang Xiaobai picked up a thumb to Brother Lang, then turned around and said.

  Liu Jianxun came up with a **** bag.

   "No more, no less, exactly one hundred thousand yuan, you count."

   Jiang Xiaobai took the bag, called a corner, gave everyone a look, then quickly closed it, and handed it to Brother Wolf.

Brother Wolf was stunned, especially the ghost crabs and monks around him.

  The woman next to Ghost Crab looked at Jiang Xiaobai with straight eyes.

  That is, the ghost crab did not pay attention at this time, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai would have to fight it.

  In fact, it goes without saying that Brother Lang, who has seen big money, Yan Jing's eyes widened.

  One hundred thousand yuan, that is one hundred thousand yuan, not ten yuan, nor one hundred yuan, one thousand yuan.

  Instead of 100,000 yuan, Jiang Xiaobai actually gave it to him.

  If you change Yan Jing and have this 100,000 yuan, it will be divided into half, or even one-tenth of it is almost enough to find someone to kill Brother Wolf.

  After all, human life is really worthless, let alone one hundred thousand yuan,

  The one hundred thousand yuan at this time is shocking, which is more than a few million or tens of millions of later generations.

  Bai Hang, who was crushed by someone, was stunned. This was one hundred thousand yuan, which was prepared when Jiang Xiaobai came.

  Preparing to change his life, otherwise, Jiang Xiaobai would not have to come.

   will not be threatened by Brother Wolf, one hundred thousand yuan, buy one's own life, but this bad life is worth one hundred thousand yuan,

   is 10,000 yuan, which is probably not worth it.

  All of a sudden, Brother Lang forgot to take the money.

  When he wanted to pick it up, Jiang Xiaobai put his hand back again.

  "Release people first..."

  (End of this chapter)

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