Published at 16th of November 2022 06:06:07 AM

Chapter 185: Outside the Infinite

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'I don't need a body to do it right?' Ning thought. He was currently inhabiting the Flood Dragon's body inside the lake. 

"Don't struggle or resist now," Ning said.

"I. Understand." The Flood Dragon said. 

Ning prepared himself and said "Dominate."

Supreme Domination was a skill that used energy to dominate another being. It cost more energy the more mental strength or mental resistance the target had. 

So, Ning had to first lower the Flood Dragon's defense before he could easily submit it to himself. He could see the energy number dropping in his status very quickly. 

Before he knew it, he lost over 600 Million energy. 'Holy sh*t that's a lot,' he thought. Fortunately, that was all he lost. 

The Flood Dragon turned docile and stopped moving. 

"Can you hear me?" Ning asked. 

"Yes. Master." 


"There he is, oh thank god he's okay. He must've jumped inside the water to escape from the monster," Yelca said. 

"Yes, it's relief," Dion said and looked up at the sky. "There is only half an hour or so left now," he said.

"But… now he will have THAT. This might cause us some problem," Yelca said in a serious tone. 


Ning landed at the center of the lake. He stood on the small land and looked at the fruit in front of him. 

"The Angel's Touch," he said softly and slowly picked it off of the branch. He then stored it inside his Interdimensional space rather than the storage bags given by the elders. 

He then flew out of the lake and walked into the forest. He sent out his spiritual sense everywhere, but couldn't find his spear anywhere. 

'Sh*t, did someone else get it?' he wondered. 

He really liked that spear. 'Well, whatever, I can make a better one later,' he thought. He could finally see the sun so he knew how much longer he had. 

He slumped down on the ground and finally took a rest. Many thoughts started coming in and out of his mind. Some happy, some sad, some angry. 

He, however, kept a reign on them all and finally asked the question he had been burning to ask all this time. 

"Did I really deserve to be punished like that, System?" he asked. 

While the last 16 months hadn't been particularly bad, it was still 16 months of time without the system. He had come to rely on it a lot and not having it felt like walking with a leg missing. 

"No, I get that. I actually think it's the proper thing to do. But, couldn't you have stopped me before I got there?" Ning asked. 

"You could've teleported me somewhere, or made me unconscious, or do whatever the hell else you could to stop me from killing those people. Why didn't you? Why did you not act proactively and instead just did stuff after they were dead?" he asked. 

"Then why the punishment? If I'm allowed to do whatever I want, then why was I punished," Ning asked. 

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