Published at 16th of November 2022 06:09:40 AM

Chapter 53: Sun God's Morning Cleansing Technique

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The chief was confused as to why his god would make him drink the water from the sea that was full of salt. The villagers were equally confused as to what exactly was going on. Ning on the other hand did not answer.

He instead just closed his eyes and put his right hand into the water. A small hum started appearing from the bucket as it started vibrating very fast. After a few seconds, Ning opened his eyes and said once again, "Alright, drink it now."

The chief hesitated a little and scooped some of the water, drinking it once more. Only this time, he didn't freak out.

"This is just normal water now," the chief said with a bit of surprise on his face.

"Yes, and I will teach you, people, how to do that. Same with the food. You won't have to only eat fish. I will teach you how to grow a lot of different foods."

Starting then, Ning began teaching the villagers how to read and write. He couldn't make them filter water right now, or teach them cultivation methods since he didn't have much energy at the moment.

He taught them reading and writing in the alphabet of their own language. The Intermediate Klavian language he had bought not only gave him translations ability, he could also read it and write it. Only, for some reason, the Klavians had forgotten them by now.

"Many centuries must have passed away," Ning thought. "I wouldn't be surprised if they were learning the wrong Sun God's Morning Cleansing Technique either." Ning thought he needed to buy it as soon as possible.

But when he asked the system for the price, it had told him that the original technique would cost him 860 Million in Energy. So, he had a lot of time to spend again. After teaching the people, he went back to Hyesi's house and kept the potatoes in a cool and dark place to have them grow eyes.

The next month passed in a similar fashion. Every morning, Ning would wake up from his cultivation and walk back to the village from his own house. He would then use Yin to Sound conversion to gather as much energy as he could.

After that, he would eat and drink something to satiate his hunger and start teaching the people of the village. After a few hours, he would go back to his house to cultivate.

During these times, he had already taken the potatoes and started growing them. They were already showing small plants on top of where they were buried. He would go to the other island from time to time to check on these potatoes and bring back some fruits and meats.

Otherwise, he would just spend his days cultivating. Although he had started to gather a lot of Qi by now, he still hadn't felt what they called a breakthrough. Almost as if, even after a month of cultivation, he wasn't at that point yet.

On the days he knew there was food, he wouldn't miss it in the evening. Otherwise, he would just keep on cultivating.

His cultivation would usually last through the entire night. Before daybreak, he would once more go back to the village to start over his day again.

It was currently the morning and the sun had just risen up. However, it was a slightly different day from the other ones, and that was because he had gathered a bit over 900 Million energy, and he could finally buy the original Sun God's Morning Cleansing Technique.

'System. Buy the Sun God's Morning Cleansing Technique,' he ordered.

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