Rise of Rurik - Chapter 156

Published at 21st of September 2022 06:06:37 AM

Chapter 156: Construction of Tombstone Island Base

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The large transport ship was almost immersed in the water, and the people who put it on prayed not to have a storm in the long sea route.

Arik and his people just want to go back to Roseburg, and live a comfortable life with the treasure.

After all, the weather was erratic, the sky gradually became gloomy, and the rain was falling.

This group of hundreds of people had no choice but to take shelter from the wind on an unknown island in the Aland Islands, but once stopped, facing the still hazy sky, the adventure continues, even if the long-lost home is not far ahead.

Until this time, they showed off the flag of the Ross tribe, and the dyed totem made the fishermen nearby let out a sigh of relief in surprise.

The rainfall period is short, but everyone's attitude is very consistent, that is, the ship must wait until the sun is seen before the ship can continue sailing.

For those who have only experienced the battlefield not long ago, it is also good to find a safe place to rest.

Even for many people, they control the captured women and have **** with them again.

They don't care about the Gotland status of these women. They need money and a wife. They want to have their own sons. If they can, the kidnapped woman must give birth to ten sons!

Everyone can get a large part of the looted materials, and the days that were once slightly poor will surely be improved.

Once upon a time, having too many children was a disaster for a family because there was no financial means to raise so many children.

The so-called raising children, in the final analysis, is eating. Now that there is more money in the bag, the food problem seems to be solved.

On average, each person received more than two hundred silver coins. This shocked the minds of young young men who were shocked and accepted the reality that they had received a huge sum of money.

The first success made them forget the dead in the battlefield.

Everyone rushed to build wooden sheds to shelter from the rain and wind, and lit a bonfire to explore the possibility of continuing the crusade against the Gotland people next year.

On the third day of the landing and recuperation, the stench from the ship that transported the bodies of the dead finally reminded the group of guys who had gone from revenge to looting.

Stink means poison!

Even if it is the brothers who died in battle, it is the one who stinks.

The sky was still cloudy, and nearly seventy brothers died in an action. In the chilly north wind, Arik felt a trace of unbearable desolation.

He covered his nose and mouth with his sleeves, and led his brothers to inspect the ship containing the corpses. They pulled back the canvas that had been covered for a long time, and everyone saw the black and purple face of the corpse and the stench coming from it.

Arik, he was stunned on the battlefield, beheading the enemy to make himself bloody, he didn't even rush to fear.

Arik sat on the ground in shock, and it took him a long time to relax.

He stared at his chest and stood up slowly, then hurried to find Haro Zuosen with his sword hilt.

"What's the matter with you? Did you see an earthly python at the beach?" Haro Zuosen nibble on the baked oatmeal, holding a woman's neck with one hand.

After looking at Arik, Haroldoson lightly kicked the other woman who continued to scones on the hot stone. "You go to bake another one and make one for my kid too."

Because in terms of age, Harrodsson is indeed a generation older than Arik.

Arik sat down and was roasted by the campfire for a while, his spirit calmed down.

"What the **** is going on?" Kharosov continued to ask.

"Yes...the corpses."

"Huh? What a novelty, you beheaded so many enemies on the battlefield, are you afraid of corpses at this time?"

"No! No." Arik suddenly raised his head, still panic in his eyes. "That's our brothers, they are dead. But they... their souls have really gone to Asgard? Their faces are grey, like they have gone to the underworld. They are no longer our brothers, just like It's... the evil spirit of the underworld."

After hearing this, Haroldoson put down the wheat cake, reached out and knocked Arik on the head.

"Hey! Silly boy, what do you think? You haven't seen a long dead body, what underworld do you think of. They are still your brothers, just because we didn't bury them early."

Arik's recount reminded Haro Zuosen to wake up, and look at the child's frightened face. He believed that anyone who led the team soon would know the news.

"It seems that we must take action." Harozuosen stood up and motioned to the two captured women to continue making granola, while he shook his neck: "Arik, go find some brothers as much as possible. Let's go to the beach."

After a while, more than two hundred people gathered, and they soon saw the terrible corpses.

The gray-black face was really terrifying, and the stench caused many people to cover their noses.

Even if Harrodsson was not good at words, he still shouted in the north wind: "Don't be afraid! These are our brothers! We should have returned to Roseburg to bury them, and now we must bury them. Right now, let's bring the tools and dig the graves for the dead brothers."

Harrodsson's order was implemented.

The young warrior pulled some cloth strips, covered his mouth and nose with salty water, and then dragged out the body of the dead in battle.

Enduring the stench and witnessing the pus and blood oozing from the wound, the warriors carried the bodies of their comrades on the cut canvas. The corpse was temporarily wrapped in canvas, forming a draggable shroud.

They used the small shovel or even the axe that they kept in the boat to dig shallow pits.

And the ship specially used to hold corpses was chopped to pieces with an axe.

According to the usual funeral, the deceased is to be placed in a small boat, and the entire small boat is sealed and buried. This boat is the coffin of the dead.

Time is running out, and the Ross people did not give up the body of their dead brother. They decided to leave the dead on this unknown island, just sticking to the pit with jagged wooden boards, as if it were a boat.

The corpse was put into it.

Now that a batch of gold coins were snatched, no one raised any objections to the matter of using gold coins as funerals.

Two silver coins were attached to the eyes of each black corpse, and ten silver coins were placed on the body.

Although he did not know the weapons of the deceased, Harrodsson instructed that an axe, an iron sword, and a suitable helmet must be placed in each tomb.

In this way, the dead warrior lay in his wooden boat, and the black soil filled the tomb. It is believed that even if the soul of the deceased is not selected to go to Asgard, he can continue rowing in the underworld. Monster fighting.

Finally, a piece of rock taken from the sea was erected on top of the sealed soil as a tombstone. There is a stone on every tomb.

For a time, a huge cemetery appeared in the woods, where more than 60 war-dead people would rest here forever.

Until dark, the living people completed the work.

After doing this work, everyone feels uncomfortable.

It was another night, they washed their hands on the beach, and then went back to their respective campfires and talked about burying their bodies.

Maybe it was really because he was in peace, Arik was suffocated, and now he feels a lot more relieved.

His tired body was roasted by the bonfire, and the oatmeal in his hand filled his stomach.

He said to Harrodsson, who is still obsessed with women, "Many brothers are buried here. Now that we have done this, we can't give up on them."

"I already understand what you mean, and I have the same thoughts as you."

Arik sighed slightly: "It's really appropriate for us to build a stronghold here?"

"What's wrong?"

"This matter has not been recognized by the chief leader." Arik reminded.

Harozuosen hooked his head slightly, and then a wry smile: "Even if Otto is here, he will agree with you and me."


"The warriors who died in battle are buried here. Since this place is a land of no owner, we Rus people have taken possession of it. Because of the tomb, this place should be our stronghold in the future. We should even leave some people behind, really Established this small island as a stronghold."

Hearing these words, Arik felt very reasonable.

He saw Harozov's old face, and he seemed to think that there was a deep meaning in it.

"Uncle, when we set up a stronghold, we are not looking at the grave of the dead." Arik asked.

"Of course. We do need a new stronghold. Arik, your uncle's large fleet will soon return with supplies and even a large number of Novgorod women. Why not find a stop for the long route? I followed the big boss and your uncle many times on expeditions. In the past, we used to find a beach to rest.

Especially seven years ago, the **** fog made us lose our way.

It was because we were resting on the wrong island and were discovered by the Gotland fishermen that your biological father died. "

The distressing thing immediately hit Arik's mind.

Suddenly, the young man who had just grown up suddenly remembered why he was so scared to fall to the ground when he saw a horrible corpse not long ago.

Because of his biological father Ogier.

The blackened corpse of his biological father was brought back by the tribe, and the horrible scene really stimulated Arik's young heart.

When relatives die in the war, the children either become stupefied and cowering, or become aggressive. Arik belongs to the latter.

Arik selectively forgot the scary face of his biological father until he saw a new corpse piled up for a long time, and the terrible memory was instantly awakened.

Harrodsson looked at Arik thoughtfully, and continued: "Establishing a stronghold will benefit us too much. Then our people will not have to sail for ten consecutive days when they go to Novgorod! We can Pile up supplies here early to build a port. This way, from this small island to Fort Shilla, there is only a maximum four-day voyage on the way. Child, can you really understand the benefits of this?"


Does Arik understand? Do not. In fact, he is not very clear. In any case, Arik's worldview is still narrow, even if he has been to Novgorod for a thousand years.

"You are so young." Harrodsson shook his head, and then specially reminded: "The shortest distance from here to Gotland is only three days. My child, we can clearly stock up on this island. We can organize a fleet at any time. , And go to Gotland to plunder again. Later plunders will be normalized, and the enemy can only passively accept it."

With that, Haro Zossen's eyes flashed with desire for wealth: "Child, just one heroic feat is enough? You obviously can do more."

Arik's body was seated, and he felt that the old guy's implication was to push himself to fight for the position of leader.

Fighting for position with your cousin?

In the case of other tribes, brotherhood fights abound. But in the Ross tribe, Rurik, he is the one blessed by Odin!

Arik shook his head: "I love my brother."

Harrodsson immediately understood what Arik meant: "Oh. I didn't want you to fight for the seat of your brother. You and other people are not qualified. If you dare to fight for power with the Son of God, you think you have not died enough. It's miserable. I mean, you can be an excellent war leader in the future, and your brother will be our leader.

Listen, before Arik grows into a true warrior, our tribe needs one of the bravest men to lead everyone to win all foreign battles. This person is you! "

Hearing this boast, Arik couldn't help but float up.

In this way, without Otto’s approval, the two generals who attacked Gotland made the decision to establish a settlement of the Rus on the unnamed island.

However, after a decision was made, Wumingdao also had a name.

The next morning, the sky conditions were still not very good, and everyone was still worried about sudden violent wind and heavy rain on the future journey.

People's worries are not unreasonable. Harrodsson himself is an old guy with a calm mind. That's why he was appointed by Otto to be the war leader, the so-called "general", to deter young people from their recklessness.

Harrodsson would not criticize the so-called timidity of young people. After eating, he ordered everyone to gather to explain to everyone a major decision.

He stood on a raised low rock on the beach, facing a young man with blond hair, and said the decision to establish a stronghold.

He even emphasized the strategic value of the stronghold, especially with this stronghold, the army can often attack Gotland in the future.

Harrodsson has a self-proclaimed subtle logic.

The so-called because this small island is in the northern part of the Aland Islands, and there are some small fishing villages of the Merlaren tribe allies in the southern part of the islands.

In this way, the stronghold can be described as retreating, attacking, and defending.

If the enemy finally decides to fight back, the first thing the enemy has to face is the courageous counterattack of the Mellaren tribe, which has a huge population. At that time, the Ross tribe would participate again as allies. The formed alliance force must be stronger than the enemy! So in a possible new war, Ross's young people can gain fame and fortune. Isn't it beautiful?

In the final analysis, Harrodsson's so-called looting convenience also convinced everyone that those enemies in Gotland would become fat sheep to be slaughtered.

The inexperienced young people heard Harrodsson talking on the stone, and immediately agreed.

After all, this operation counts the evenly distributed wealth, and everyone can get more than two hundred silver coins. And everyone has already carried their own private wealth, and if an individual grabs it by his ability, he will not participate in the spoils-sharing meeting held in Roseburg.

When the weather is clear, most people still have to leave.

As for who stayed, Harrodsson asked those who stayed to sign up, and soon someone stood up and announced that they were willing to stay.

Who doesn't want to return to Roseburg's hometown immediately?

Those who remain do have their own admirable reasons.

Because the dead have their own brothers and younger brothers, the graves of their loved ones are here.

Besides, the young people know the attitude of the big leader towards everyone. That is, Roseburg has restricted the development of the tribe, and all young people should try to go out. Everyone believes that even if they are not staying on this island, they are going to settle in Fort Shilla in the east.

Isn’t it the right thing to stay near the graves of your loved ones and build a settlement and a port?

In the end, more than fifty men decided to stay. Another thirty abducted women also stayed as "wives" to run the settlements.

What should be called the name of the settlement?

Tombstone Island is the new name of this uninhabited island.

The name was proposed by Harrodsson and immediately attracted everyone's approval.

In fact, this so-called Tombstone Island is a slightly larger island in the northern part of the Auckland Islands: Osundet Island. Even after a thousand years, this island is still uninhabited.

After all, Harrodsson has rich experience in sailing. He chose the island as a stop because he discovered its strategic value.

Today’s Tombstone Island is full of pine and oak trees, and near the beach there are some deserted beaches with long grass.

Its greatest geographical advantage is that it has a fjord that is 400 meters long and 100 meters wide. With the shape of a traditional Viking long ship, such a miniature fjord has developed into a port, which is truly unique!

In addition, there is another smaller fjord that can be developed next to this fjord. There are still a number of smaller islands nearby.

A large number of tiny islands serve as barriers, even if there is a strong wind, these fjords are the best havens.

Furthermore, Tombstone Island is also close to the immigrants of the Mellaren tribe at the southern end of the archipelago. Although these immigrants are mainly fishing, they also cultivated a small amount of land and planted easy-to-live onions and cabbage, which are vegetables such as peas. crop. As for growing wheat, the inhabitants of the islands did not try.

In this way, settlers can trade with these southern allies.

The weather will eventually turn for the better. Before the sun breaks through the dark clouds, Harrodsson takes all the young people and begins a vigorous house-building operation.

Some young people even took off their coats, jumped into the shallow sea of ​​the fjord, and pushed the felled pine wood into the silt.

The twine they carried to tie the trophies came in handy, and in just one morning, a small dock platform was completed. In the future, some ships will be docked on the trestle, and the ropes will be tied to the stakes to make a stable landing.

Construction of another batch of wooden huts began. Thanks to the help of a large number of people, it was only in the twilight that the construction of ten simple wooden huts was completed. Although it is simple, everyone believes that it can completely shield the wind and rain.

A preliminary settlement was completed in this way.

Tired people lit bonfires on the beach again, and the west showed a beautiful and magnificent red glow.

Some gulls and birds flew and screamed. People sitting on the beach and roasting on the fire also heard the sound of waves beating.

Arik has been busy for another day, after eating food, he is quite lazy now.

The magnificent red clouds in the West fully illustrate a good thing.

He said to Kharosov: "It seems that we are the day we set off."

"Yes. Tomorrow must be a sunny day. We will leave tomorrow morning, and three days later, when we see the sunset three days later. My child, we should be home."

"Oh! Go home." Arik lay on the beach, looking at the orange sky, "My uncle, my wife, they should also be on the way back. I will go back by myself and get home...I might as well go. Find my brother. I want to tell him about my achievements in Gotland as a brother."

"I have to say. You really need to educate your younger brother. Once, you lived completely in the relationship of brothers. UU Reading" Harrodsson reminded. "Do you understand? A leader must have excellent fighting ability. You have killed many enemies. You should tell your brother some experience. Help him be a good leader in the future."

"I understand! Exactly." Arik put his head in his hands, "I miss my Peravina. Ah, soon I will be a father too. I hope she can give me a son."

"Son? What if it's a daughter?" Harrodsson deliberately teased.

"Daughter?" Thinking of this, Arik's heart felt a little, and he immediately said, "They are all my children, I raise them. Some people throw their daughters into the woods north of Roseburg to fend for themselves. I am not Such a bad person."

"The bad guys you said, they can't afford to raise children before they abandon them. Now it's different. Arik, treat your children well. As for me? Haha." Harrodsson gave orders slightly, and the two women who were still making wheat cakes were obedient. Come over.

After a period of contact, these two young women have been fully appointed. They understand that the purpose of this old guy is very simple, that is, he hopes to get more children. Other than that, this person is not malicious. Even for this purpose, he is willing to provide sufficient rations for himself and his daughter.

For a while, Haroldo Sen happily put his arms around the necks of the two women, and said proudly to Arik: "Life should be like me, because of these two women, I think I am young again. Arik, you are very I will be a father soon. I think that when the snow melts next year, I will also have two new sons."

"What if it's a daughter?" Arik retorted with a smile.

"This...haha. You are very smart." Harrodsson thought for a while, "then I have to choose a brave young man like you and marry my daughter to him."

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