Rise of Rurik - Chapter 472

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:54:53 AM

Chapter 472: The Battle of the Swedish Army Silver Castle

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"The Rise of Rurik (

The huge coalition forces were lost, and they could still rely on the long-headed long ship to cover their weakness at sea, and they leaked after they landed ashore.

In the war on Gotland, all the men of the Ross tribe who could fight were sent out. Almost all the young fighters left Fort Rose for the first time in their lives. It was also on the island of the hometown of this principle that they met the fighters of the alliance tribes.

Youdao is that the first impression is extremely important. They listen to the description of the elders, like the fighters of the Mellaren tribe are all elite. Today, I see that the allies and fighters are unbearable, and there is no fighting spirit in their eyes, and some are just thirst for food.

Origen of Mälaren became the first king of Sweden. He pieced together an army of nearly four thousand men and rushed to the Silver Fort in the south to attack the Danes. This feast of the robbery deliberately rejected the Ross people, seeking benevolence and benevolence, and the Ross army freed up to attack another enemy.

Now there is no need for any words to explain. Carl, wearing a golden crown, is a dead duck. He doesn't want to admit the defeat of the coalition forces. However, he has lost two-thirds of his troops. How can this not be a complete failure?

The Ross army returned to their camp in mighty force, Rurik and Otto briefly combined, and divided the empty houses in Visby's inland area to allies and soldiers. A group of cattle and sheep were given to them out of sympathy. Of course, this group of guys were not polite. When they got the cattle and sheep, they immediately used swords and axes to chop them down.

The hungry people simply drank the smelly, warm blood of sheep. They quickly processed beef and mutton, put it on a branch and grilled it on a campfire, and started to gobble it up regardless of whether it was thoroughly cooked or not.

This is the soldiers of the Alliance? A group of hungry losers!

Didn't they go to conquer Silver Fort? Look at the long ship they pushed onto the shore, almost empty inside!

The Ross Warriors opened their eyes to observe, and their three views were rapidly refreshing. Mellaren is a powerful tribe, the supreme in the alliance. Uppsala has a huge temple, and its people claim to be loved by the sun. Yilmallen and Unkras, their small populations can't be underestimated...

Such previous cognitions have all been overturned. In the eyes of the young Ross fighters, why should brothers care about the views of their fathers?

Look at the Ross army! The brothers have experienced the most tragic battle. Visby, who has tens of thousands of people, is a bunch of lonely ghosts, except for the hundreds of women and children captured.

People began to question the legitimacy of the Mälaren people to continue to have internal hegemony, and some even began to think that Duke Ross had reason to upgrade again to become the king of Sweden.

People have a wide range of ideas, but they lack sympathy for their fallen allies.

In the council of the locals in Visby, this longhouse was originally the most powerful and equal wealth businessmen in Visby. They gathered to discuss specific matters and now ushered in a new owner.

Should we still implement the Nordic system of tribal democracy?

The newly promoted King Carl, he naturally felt unnecessary.

However, Karl was not able to enjoy any distinguished seats. All the tribal leaders, or the dukes, still gathered together and sat cross-legged.

Although Karl was wearing his father's crown on his head, Otto and Liurik had no intention of imposing courtesy on this person.

After all, Olekin was also the old leader of Mellaren and the old leader of the alliance, so he could show some courtesy to this old guy, Otto consciously. But Carl, forget it.

Only Olegin deserves a little respect. What are the rest of the kings?

Otto completely assumed the posture of a king, his aura completely overwhelmed Karl, which made Rurik who was sitting next to his father feel really good.

"Carl, your subordinates are kind to them. And you..." Otto raised his chin slightly, and looked down at the dukes of other allied tribes with the pressure of the king. "We are allies, and the cattle we seized. Give you some for the sheep. Don’t worry about all the soldiers in Sweden. Let’s take a rest for a few days before setting off."

Although it was a bit uncomfortable to be seen by the old guy Otto from a bird's-eye view, it seemed that he didn't have to pay for his gift, so everyone had to smile.

At least the Ross people are better than the Mellaren people, right?

The dukes of the tribes laughed bitterly, and of course Karl couldn't laugh.

In front of everyone, Carl slapped his chest vigorously to attract everyone's attention.

Otto immediately changed a gentle attitude: "Carl, it looks like your father really died in battle."

"Yes, it's true."

"Ah..." Otto sighed, to be honest, he had never liked Olegin himself.

The old guy was also a little arrogant, but he was willing to organize his brothers to attack Denmark, Otto respected him as a man.

"Olekin is a brave veteran soldier, then, please tell me, what happened to the coalition forces at Silver Fort? One... a failure?"

Upon hearing the word "failure", Karl gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Rurik was keenly aware of his performance, and his ferocious expression was clearly full of anger and unwillingness.

"Carl, what's the matter?" Rurik asked bluntly.

"Shut up! You! There is no child here to speak!"

"No! You are wrong." Rurik was a little grateful that Arik was busy with his Aslaqi. If Arik was here, he might fly off Carl's head. He still stood up, pinched his waist and announced: "I am the commander of the Ross army. My father has overpowered me. Do you think you are talking to a child? I! That's the Duke of Ross."

"But, I am the king!" Karl was not to be outdone.

"Are you a king?" Rurik laughed out loud, "Yes, you inherited your father's power. You are indeed our great king. It's just that your king is different from the past kings."

"how do I say this?"

Seeing that the dukes of the main tribes of Sweden are all here, Leurix simply made it clear. "You have obviously failed. The Mälaren tribe has to bear a lot of responsibility, and we Rus completely defeated the Gotland people, we will definitely enjoy greater power in the kingdom. Carl, I can admit that you are the king, But you don’t have the right to instruct other tribes to act as you like. We are still an alliance, but if we start a new war, we Russ! I! Lord Russ, must have a greater right to speak. So, before you tell us the Silver Fort Before what happens on the side, I want your answer."

Carl was half-understood and dumbfounded for a moment: "What do you want me to admit?"

"It's very simple." Rurik sat down again, patted his legs and looked at the dukes of various tribes confidently: "My friends, the cattle and sheep distributed to you are not free. I don't need your money. I just want to get a promise from everyone here. When our tribes meet again in the future, the strongest Mellaren people have the highest right to speak, so we Rus must have the second right to speak."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wenderson of Yilmallen, and Ungriffe of Unkras, the two dukes fully agreed with Rurik's proposition.

Someone opened the mouth, and others supported it.

This is incalculable for Carl. The boy sitting here is clearly a boy with a golden ponytail. He is not even the age to marry his wife. How do you say that is so magical?

Carl just didn't know that following the Mellaren tribe to fight against the various small tribes in the world, they suffered heavy losses in the war. Someone must be responsible for this failure. Of course, the biggest person in charge is Origen. The old king has died in battle. Then his successor, Karl, who succeeds to the throne, must also inherit the shame of failure, especially to inherit economic debts. .

Carl gritted his teeth. The only thing he was grateful for was that the Rus didn't claim the kingship.

In this meeting room of the Gotlanders, he is not a king at all. Who can blame it then? This is the land occupied by the Russ. The Melaren army that landed was left with a group of exhausted farmers and fishermen. The once domineering "Black Guards" were exhausted in the war throughout the summer.

Carl didn't say anything, he actually had to face another severe test. That is, after returning to his hometown, he will naturally inherit everything in the family, but he has lost the protection of five hundred black mercenaries. How can he maintain his power stably? "I still want to be happy with women! I still have to enjoy the joy of being a king! I am still young, and I must quickly reorganize my troops. After a few years, I will regain my strength, suppress other families, and command the armies of various tribes. I have to go to the Danes to settle accounts."

His revenge plan was buried in his heart. After this failure, Carl's temperament changed drastically. He became more tolerant and became aware of current affairs under the blow of cruel reality.

Carl, he agreed with Rurik's idea.

With the approval of the second king, the Russ enjoyed the second right to speak in the kingdom of Sweden.

So, why not always strive for the first place?

Striving for the first? Of course it is necessary. It's just that the current Rus tribe can't achieve all-round strategic advantages, not to mention the Russ army destroyed Gotland. Will the Danes, the ally of Gotland, really give up? Losing this northern supply of wool and leather, the Danes whose economic interests have been damaged will surely have revenge.

Rurik realized that he was really dark-bellied. He had already sprouted Gotland, or Visby, handed over to the Merlaren, specifically, to Carl to rule. Just let this man who has experienced failure and longed to wash his stigma to have Gotland, let him inherit the chicken feathers here, to meet the Danish anger.

The Ross people happily counted money in the rear, and continued to expand their territory in new areas.

Now, Carl finally reluctantly opened his mouth. Adding the descriptions of other dukes, Rurik and Otto finally learned about the details of the Swedish coalition's encounter at Silverburg.

Because the Danes are never big fat sheep to be slaughtered, they are a pack of sea wolves!

In this era, Jutland Peninsula and its attached islands, fjords everywhere are settlements of various sizes. Denmark is the main source of the Viking movement.

The Danish king Hafgen, his power was indeed cut out by force.

In 818 AD, the Danish leader Godfrey died of illness. During his lifetime, he desperately strengthened the "Great Wall of Denmark" across the Jutland peninsula south of the port of Hezeby, and also sheltered tens of thousands of Saxons. A large number of Saxons gathered in the small port south of Hezeby Harbor. These people belonged to the same tribe. They escaped the attack of the Franks and fled to Denmark. They are not all Odin or Frey's people. They believe in Sirius Star God. When they started to settle, they named their new place of residence as Sirius Port, and Schleswig developed quietly.

The power of the Danes, large and small lords, merchants, and their beliefs varied.

In 826, after hearing the preaching of the Archbishop of Reims, the Danish leader Harald Clark became the lamb of the lord, and was therefore unanimously expelled by the leaders of the tribes. Odin’s faith is still the mainstream. Lords large and small can’t accept a person who betrays Odin as the "boss." It was this year that Harald Clark took his nephew Holrick and some brothers to flee Frank. Become a Christian barbarian mercenary of Louis the Pious.

There was a huge vacuum in the power of Jutland, and the tribes immediately broke out in small-scale civil wars.

Hafgen, who gained hegemony by force, is extremely fancy about power, and he knows that his power is completely maintained by the powerful force of his tribe.

Now, the Svearans have taken some kind of crazy action. As the fugitives sent terrifying pieces of information one after another, even if it was not a good time to set off, Hafgen decided to "send by himself."

Because the battlefield is not far away from Hafgen’s hometown, and the army of the Svealand Alliance is already attacking the Silver Fort, the local tribes and merchants rely on the low wooden walls and the rugged terrain of the fjord to support them, if they support it. If the delay is delayed, Denmark's wealth will suffer a great loss, and Hafgen cannot bear it the most. If he cannot keep the wealth of Silver Castle and the locals, Danish lords, large and small, will question and challenge his power.

It is true that the beliefs of the lords are varied, and the struggle for interests and the garrison are exactly the same. Even if they become lambs after listening to the missionaries, once their actual interests are damaged, their Viking souls will be awakened instantly.

Sigurd, the lord of the south, and his eldest son Ragnar led five hundred elite fighters on the expedition. They bought brand new leather armor, chain mail, and a large number of brand new battle axes from Hezeby, a bazaar farther south. Although this set of equipment does not seem to be a big deal for the "Iron Man" covered in scales and armor of the Rus, it can be described as the elite of the Danish forces.

Ragnar has great ambitions, because he is located in the south, his father also participated in the construction of the "Great Wall of Denmark" under the command of the leader Godfrey when he was young. He obviously has more knowledge about the Franks than others. Going to South Frank to rob and make a fortune, he is already conceiving this great plan.

However, the guys in Svealand didn't stay well in their territory, and they dared to attack the traditional Danish territory. Even worse, if the Danish army fails, it means that the huge Örele fishing ground has become the possession of the northerners?

This kind of thing can't happen! The loss of Öre’s fishing grounds meant that the Danish forces broke out in a terrible famine.

No one believes that the mere Sve Aran guys can also take away the vast fishing grounds? At least they are already snatching the gold and silver of the Silver Castle. If Denmark does not interfere or fails to interfere, the Svearan will take it, go upstream along the river, and then take possession of the Gotaran village in Porsche. , So the Danish leather supply may have problems!

Ragnar wanted to fight for the courage of the soldiers, and his father Sigurd, while paying attention to courage, made it clear that this untimely war was to preserve the interests of Denmark now and in the future.

The expedition of King Olekin of Sweden is equivalent to taking a knife to cut fat on the Danes.

Danish lords share the same hatred! It was clear that the oats harvest season was about to come, and Hafgen gave an order and easily assembled an army of nearly four thousand people!

More than two hundred long ships rushed to Silver Castle, and a decisive battle on land and sea broke out!

In the autumn of 831 AD, the first war broke out between Denmark and Sweden.

Compared with the forces of the two sides, the Danes clearly have an advantage.

The Swedish army did not immediately lay down the Silver Fort. Of course, Olekin knew the threat of Danish reinforcements. While gritting his teeth, he also realized that once there was no strong support from the Rus’ long-range weapons, the Swedish army’s siege ability would suddenly Less.

All tribes in Sweden have suffered damage, the biggest of which is naturally the Mälaren.

The Danish reinforcements they least want to see are coming, with huge sails moving against the wind. The armored Danish army disembarked one after another, and fighting broke out with the Swedish army on the beach of the fjord.

In the melee, Ragnar's fighters charged most fiercely.

Young Ragnar, his keen eyes fixed on a golden crowned man in the enemy army, and he commanded his brothers like a sharp spear.

The old king Olegin in the melee was seriously injured in the chaos. Some brave Merlaren fighters pulled the blood-vomiting old king to the rear. While he was dead, Origen handed the **** crown to Karl. And asked: "Remember! Revenge for me! One day, you will defeat the Danes, one day, we will become the king of this sea."

At night, the two armies truce.

During the fierce battle during the day, both sides suffered losses to each other. Obviously, the Swedish army suffered extremely heavy casualties. Fighters of various tribes are trapped on the beach, and the Danes have lit a large number of bonfires.

After an inventory, there were 1,300 people left in the Swedish army, including the wounded. The terrible casualties are in front of The king himself died in battle, and Karl became the new king on the battlefield, but this was clearly a failure!

The Danish silver fort is still strong, even if there is a mountain of silver hidden in it, it has nothing to do with the Swedes.

Recognize the current situation! Calculating the Danish reinforcements has also suffered a lot of losses, and the comparison of strength between the two sides has been completely out of balance.

The war against Silver Castle has been going on for many days, and the presence of Danish reinforcements instantly destroyed all hopes of the Swedish army.

In order to avoid the annihilation of the army, Carl had to obey the demands of the dukes of the tribes to withdraw.

They took down the bodies of the war dead and didn't even have time to cremate them, but Olegin's body was taken away. They repaired in Borgholm on the island of Öland and cremated the dead King Olekin in this Saxon fortress.

The Swedish army left, and the remaining Saxons were full of doubts about the future. The leader Stein didn't know what to do. He once provided supplies to the Swedish army, and now the Swiss army is defeated, what should the already weak Borgholm do? Stein made a difficult decision and turned to the Danes again.

Regarding what happened to the Swedish army, Rurik and Otto finally understood.

If this is not an outright fiasco, what is a fiasco? Perhaps, it was the viable force of Visby and the entire Gotland that was almost wiped out.

The Danes are so powerful? Rurik became more cautious again. He didn't want to proudly announce that the Russ had annihilated a thousand Danish mercenaries.

It now appears that the brutal loss of the Swedish army to the Russ proves two things: First, the Danes can quickly assemble a large army, which is more than the current Russ can assemble a force. Second, the army of pure Danes is really strong.

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