Rise of Rurik - Chapter 538

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:52:33 AM

Chapter 538: Rurik in the port of Narvik

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On returning home, Aphrora carried the most cargo she had since launched.

The cabin was full of grain, and Rurik estimated that this would be 200,000 pounds.

She actually carried nearly 300,000 pounds of wheat, plus some of the grain scattered by other long ships, and the Beijing fleet simply moved the stock in the Bamburgh granary.

Hundreds of captured women were forced to squeeze into the cabin, and they had to stay in the same cabin with the sailors who came down to rest at night.

Rurik, who lives in the bow lounge, has no intention of taking care of what happens in the cabin at night. He only hopes to take this team back to Narvik Port as soon as possible, and finally return to Roseburg before the sea becomes violent.

This is an ocean voyage in the ninth century! Sailing itself is a hymn to mankind's courage, but for the individuals involved in sailing, sailing itself is a crime.

No, when the fleet arrived in the eastern seas of Scotland along the south wind, the sea suddenly became violent!

The fleet encountered a sea storm at the end of August. Its size and power were not by the standards of a thousand years later, but now it is quite dangerous.

The Aphrola, which was full of cargo, seemed extremely stocky. She quickly retracted the mainsail, leaving a small spinnaker at the stern and advancing in the dark clouds against the incoming cold north wind. She ups and downs in the big waves, but there is no tendency to overturn.

This caravel-like sailboat showed great stability during this storm.

However, the other long ships really suffered this serious crime.

As many as two hundred soldiers were lost in the war, and more than four hundred women were added to the ship. As the number of personnel increased, the efficiency of navigation decreased.

A total of twenty-three long ships were stupefied and five of them capsized in the waves! Nearly two hundred people fell into the sea again. It is very sad that the people in the waves were overwhelmed by the waves. They could only watch their clan brothers feed the fish, and secondly, they directly prayed to the gods to calm down their anger.

The entire storm lasted for two days. When the world returned to calm and calm again, the long, half-dead ships gathered on the Aphrola in the vast North Sea.

Looking up at this already very familiar ship again, Biyuni was helpless besides sighing.

He climbed the lowered rope ladder to the wet deck, and soon all the tribes who survived by chance gathered here.

After such a big event, the entire fleet was panicked. Rurik tried his best to remain calm, but the violent North Sea was really not comparable to the still waters of the Baltic Sea.

Biyuni sat down casually and said, "Odin is furious! Maybe we should kill the king in Bamburgh and sacrifice."

As soon as this statement was made, a group of people supported it.

"Kill the Britons!"

"We should have set up an altar. At least a hundred slaves have to be killed to worship Odin!"


Rurik buttoned his ears, pouting his lips and screamed, "Don't complain! This is the sea, and the sea can be raging at any time. You think that you are not in a shipwreck, but there is no loss of my big ship."

Rurik’s words had no other intentions, and Bijuni immediately made a wise interpretation. He slapped his thigh, “So, we must buy a big ship from the Ross people! Not only one, but many. With the big ship, we will be in the future. It’s really safe to patronize that Northumbria."

"You're right." Geiger of Gashobi said bluntly with a sad heart. "One of our three boats was suddenly lost. Some brothers and women fell into the water, and they were all finished. If there is a big boat, we will be fine. "

Big ship! There must be a big ship!

The Balmerks know the turmoil in the Atlantic best. People have always expected the storm. It really caused the ship to destroy and kill people. People are helpless and better than sad.

At Rurik’s request, the heads of the families reported their losses to each other. The result is amazing!

In addition, as many as 300 people were thrown into the water and the entire ship capsized! Half of the dead were expeditionary soldiers.

Another example is the Bergen immigrants in Shetland, they are really unlucky. Nearly a hundred women were taken captive by a hundred Shetlandites. These guys were almost doing archery support in the rear during the war. Even if they were hit by the cavalry at one time, their troop strength was lost by a mere ten.

Perhaps their European spirit and exhaustion on the battlefield, two hundred people crowded into three long ships, one ship sank after a storm, and 70 people were killed on the spot.

Today's Viking fleet is not as poor and ambitious as it was on the day of the expedition. They are greatly satisfied, and the full load of goods makes them suffer from gains and losses.

Today, people have reached a strong consensus for the tribe to get one or more big ships.

As the brother of Biyuni and Rurik Baizi of Rose, he must comply with the demands of the nobles of the tribe and carry out the purchase of the ship.

Bijuni was anxious, "Leurik, we robbed a lot of money. The big ship is a two-hundred-pound silver coin. I will give you the money, and I will ask for it as soon as possible."

Seeing the expectant glances cast by everyone, Rurik had no intention of hesitating.

"This is what I want to advise you. This winter, my shipbuilding factory is still building new ships, and I will fulfill that promise. I will personally bring the big ships to your port as early as next year."

"Just one?" Bijuni asked again.

"What? My appetite has grown?"

"No! Next year I plan to get the big ship to attack Northumbria again."

"Ah? Are you so anxious? The sheep has just been shaved, do you think it can grow another coat in an instant?"

Biyuni shook his head, "Are you kind to them?"

"No!" Sitting upright, Rurik mentioned a matter that the Balmerks don't need to care about but is very important to the Ross people. "My purpose of building a big ship is to defend against the Danes.

"Dane? Still a problem in your opinion?"

"Of course. This year I will take your sister back to Roseburg. I will cross the Danish territory. I am not afraid of war, but I am afraid that it will be endless. I must build a navy composed of large ships that are not afraid of storms. Therefore, I will only I can give you a boat."

"This... okay." Although Biyunni felt sorry, he couldn't force it.

Although the fleet suffered a shipwreck, the people who survived still carried a lot of supplies!

Rurik of Rose is such a good guy. The seized coins were all on the stable Aphrodite. He didn't plan to ask for a copper coin. All the money belonged to the Balmerk tribe!

The brothers can take the money and go to the bazaar in Bergen to purchase, and then wait until the Balmerks' own big ship arrives, and the strength of the tribe will be greatly enhanced!

People are spontaneously optimistic that the frozen sea in winter and the Danish strait control cannot interfere with the land communication between Balmerk and Ross at all. On the contrary, the frozen winter made the two races flow faster.

More trade plans have been born than Junni. He said bluntly, "We will still organize manpower in winter, take that glacier trade route to reach your Fort Elon, and by the way, we can reach Roseburg. Maybe I can personally see what belongs to us. The entire process of completion of the ship’s construction."

Rurik is naturally very welcome: "Very well, take the frozen river. If you take a reindeer sleigh, it may only take ten days from your port to my Fiskburg camp, which is faster than sailing on the sea. In this way, No. Nor does Lun feel that he is too far away from his hometown."

Biyuni laughed, and everyone laughed even more. The east of the mountains no longer means adventure, and the mountain has a very clear destination. The Ross people are allies fighting together. The brothers can boldly go to the east to make money, and the days of enduring cramps in Narvik Port are gone forever.

When the fleet arrived in the Shetland Islands, the islanders participating in the expedition completed their voyage.

Lurik has no intention of staying here, and the fleet is heading east!

The voyage across the North Sea is full of crises. The Viking fleet that has attacked Britain all the time in history will inevitably suffer huge losses if it encounters a storm. Moreover, the King of Denmark intends to defeat Wessex and recover the Danfa district's expedition plan, which was once forced to postpone due to the capsize of the fleet.

After all, the fleet led by Rurik successfully traversed the North Sea. Relying on the knowledge of the geography of this area, Rurik went directly to the nearest sea route to the coast of Scandinavia.

People go along the coastline, even if this kind of voyage is bound to encounter the Bergen people, even if it is necessary to shuttle between the tortuous outlying island waterways and make detours, in order not to be severely hit by possible storms, this kind of adventure is worthwhile of.

Encounters with Bergen fishing boats and merchant ships are inevitable.

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

Rurik refused any form of "sea rules", as if the ships encountered were air, and the fleet drove on their own, even after passing through an outlying island at the mouth of the fjord where Bergen was located, they would not have to go further. .

A large number of fishing boats from the Bergen area saw a strange fleet. They are like a fleet of merchant ships, perhaps from Denmark or Flanders. The big ship at the head did not fly any flags, but considering the whereabouts of such a large fleet, it was obvious that they were going to Beigang.

and many more! A big ship with a spinnaker?

A piece of news spread in the fjord society more than two months ago, and then some Danish businessmen brought even stranger claims.

A large eastern ship passed through the Danish checkpoint, but the Danish chief's fleet was unable to intercept it.

But the fleet that appeared suddenly passed by, and it became a new source of conversation for the people of Bergen, and there seemed to be nothing else.

On the final return journey, the Balmerk Viking fleet moved quickly to the northeast along the coastline, facing the warm southerly wind that may be the last summer.

It was just September, and after another light rain approaching the end, the fleet entered the fjord.

Even if the sea becomes a little violent again, it is no longer a threat.

The expeditionary army is back!

Fishing boats followed this triumphant division, and the approaching fishermen could not help cheering excitedly when they saw that there were a large number of women sitting on the open-top long boat.

With the Aphrora laden with cargo, the anchor she released struck the seabed for a certain distance before forcing the big ship with strong inertia to stop.

As for the long ships carrying prisoners and supplies, they rushed directly to their respective territories and washed the beach.

For example, Geiger in Gashoby, even though many people were lost, this expedition is after all bringing back a group of women and a group of very important means of production. The most important thing is that "the kingdom of Northumbria has a good climate and a fertile land." Good news. His only two long boats returned to his manor and were welcomed by the people of his hometown.

Aphrora finally docked at the largest natural berth in the port area, and the surrounding boats quickly began to help unload the cargo after it was stable.

The strong man saw a large number of women climbing down the rope ladder. They looked haggard and languid, all dressed in plain clothes, and each person wore a white scarf on their heads.

Are they all Britons from the sea? It looked very different from the slaves peddled in the Bergen bazaar. Look at the slave's face, hair and color, it looks very similar to the women of the tribe.

The leader of the Balmerk tribe, Magnuth took his confidants, especially his little daughter, to personally greet the heroes' triumph.

With a large number of captured prisoners unloaded, a large number of iron weapons removed from the ship, and even a large number of suitcases loaded with coins, personnel and materials displayed on the land of the harbor, Magnut was almost fainted in ecstasy.

Biyunni stepped towards his father as a king, but it seemed that the commander of the fleet, Rurik, was in second place.

But Rurik didn’t lose much. Nolan was dressed in a white cloth gown with a beautiful pendant made of a mixture of various gems hanging around her neck. She wore a crown woven with Erica flowers and hurriedly threw it towards Rurik. . Because she knew that this young man was her hero.

The flowering period of Ou He Nan named Erica began. The women of Balmerk began to decorate their beauty with this flower. It is also based on the tradition to wash their bodies and bathe their long hair with fresh water soaked in flowers.

The pink and white flowers and Nolan's blond hair make this girl even more attractive. She threw herself in her arms, and Rurik leaned over her nose and sniffed her long hair, feeling refreshed.

She asked bluntly in joy: "You must have won a great victory."

"Of course! I brought the army and defeated many powerful enemies. You see, these captives and these materials are all your family's wealth."

"That's great."

Nolen opened his hand lightly, and walked to the captured female slaves who were similar to her age, accompanied by Rurik. She looked at these girls arrogantly and sympathized with them? That is totally absent.

She raised her delicate chin proudly, and said casually: "Women! You are all our servants, and this is your destiny. Only by serving us well can you get rid of the fate of slaves."

The words came out of her mouth, and the image of an innocent, romantic and kind girl in Rurik's heart was gone.

But wait a minute, she was originally the daughter of the top nobles in the Balmerk tribe, she was the princess of a country when she was placed in the European continent. She is a pampered and noble person, it is strange that she can't say this.

Rurik stepped forward, easily stuck her back on the back of her neck, easily pulled it to her side and said casually: "They are slaves, or the wives of warriors, they have nothing to do with you. Noren, you should Be prepared. I will return before the autumn sea becomes violent. I will leave in a few days and I will take you away."

Although it was her own destiny, she suddenly left her hometown, and a trace of desolation suddenly appeared in the girl's heart.

She sighed and turned to look up at Rurik's eyes: "I want to go back with you alone?"

"This...Of course, I don't want you to bring any maid. You should know that I am a noble man and a saint blessed by Odin. There are already some wives and concubines living in my house, and I will not allow you to be the most special The one."

This is indeed the case, and Nolen sighed again: "Could it be that I really can't be your favorite woman?"

"At least, you can give birth to many children for me." Rurik did not answer, nor did he intend to make any promises.

Although being an emperor is bound to face the reality of many wives and concubines, Rurik knew that he was unable to take care of each of them, but so what? In this era, a woman as an emperor must have this kind of consciousness.

Rurik asks himself that all marriages he faces have strong political goals. Those women who marry him represent a power behind them. Behind the expansion of the Rus Principality is the stability brought about by the marriage. Maintain a strong power to continue to expand.

If you say which woman is true love? Nothing is better than the deer-raiser girl But now, Lumia has essentially become the spokesperson for the interests of all the deer-raiser groups who are subordinate to Ross.

She was her first servant, the first woman, and she wanted to give birth to her first child.

Rurik still hugged Noren's neck and made an intimate gesture to show the Magnut and his wife as the leader. As for his heart, he had already drifted back to Roseburg.

"Lumia, you should already have it... The high priest has someone to succeed. If a boy is a boy, then he will be a high priest, and if a girl is a girl, he will inherit the high priest!" Take over the post of sacrificial rites in the future. What is a name for her?

Rurik looked at Noren's corolla again, and instantly got an idea.

"Just call it Virika."

He admired his thoughts very much. This name has three meanings. One is "the sacrifice of flowers", and the other is "the wise woman" in Slavic language. The third most important point is that this name is just for the lost old Ross. The inheritance of the name of the priest Veria.

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