Rise of Rurik - Chapter 911

Published at 21st of September 2022 05:38:06 AM

Chapter 911: Ross Cavalry vs Vaxjo Union Army

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Hagrid had expected that he would be controlled by them. He had always kept a fluke, and he sighed when he was now locked in a wooden cage and tied his hands and feet like a sheep to be slaughtered.

When he asked what the Vaxjos were doing with themselves, the armed guards shouted: "Choose a good day to sacrifice you."

offerings? Indeed, they chose to attack the Rus with arms, and they did have to sacrifice something before going on the expedition.

He was already disheartened, and his death was a mess, and human life became a joke. What is the governor of Jonkoping, who was finally cut down by the Vaxjos.

Since they are all about to die, it is better to lie down and pull down in fear of dying.

The guards were just kidding.

The next day, Vaxjo's main war faction specially sent people to come and said this to Hagrid who was being held: "We know you are just a messenger, and it would be foolish to kill you. We will send you to Go back, we want you to be a messenger again."

Hearing that, Hagrid, who was sluggish, suddenly sobered up: "You won't kill me?"

"Yes. We may be killed by the Rus if we send our own people to spread the word. We plan to send you."

"Oh?! How should I spread the word."

"At that time you will tell the Russ that we have decided to fight."

"Alright alright……"

Hagrid didn't want to talk or dared to say more, and he agreed to stop thinking about it. As a bystander, he began to pay attention to these Växjö mobilizers.

Any man has an obligation to defend his village, and the entire village alliance should gather the bravest men.

However, the opinions of all parties in the Nordic Council were not unified. Some villages advocated negotiations, while others insisted on attacking.

Although the two sides are not evenly matched, the main battle faction does not occupy an overwhelming advantage.

Although the main war faction has gathered a lot of men, those negotiators are not weak.

There was no civil war, but there were many scoldings between the two sides. Out of moral principles, since most people advocate fighting back, those villages that advocate negotiation and wait and see have some men symbolically.

"They just came to make up the numbers, and there is nothing to say about helping the battle. We are still the main force now, and we promise that the glory of the Ross people is also ours!"

A man named Olaf was elected by the main war faction as the most senior war chief. He was a Dane and a senior mercenary. After fighting against the Swedish army in Silver Fort and winning something, he His record has become a heavy-duty capital, and because of this, his record is considered to be very willing to fight.

Olaf has more than 20 old friends. After he joined other Danish soldiers in Vaxjo, he assembled a Danish mercenary group of more than 300 people.

Danish merchants did contribute their own private soldiers, and even released a small number of slaves into the army.

Only three hundred Danish mercenary regiments capable of fighting can promise? Without the support of the Växjö native Götalanders, Olaf would not be willing to go north to defend against the enemy, no matter how arrogant he was.

It is quite subtle that the villages of the main war faction are also shouting happily, but they are a group of farmers bound by agriculture. Farmers have their own small families and are the most crucial labor force in the family. War means the departure of a strong man, and if the family is killed in battle, the financial support of the family will collapse. Although the structure of the Viking clan society still exists, the management of the family that loses the male master of the family is directly transferred to the main wife, and the main wife has all the power to participate in the village politics.

However, it is difficult for any village to accept the economic loss of a large number of males temporarily leaving. Besides, this is a life-threatening war.

Most of the villages in the main battle handed over 100 to 200 people, and among them there were some people who made up their minds.

As for those villages of negotiators and watchers, 50 people is the limit.

So it was a large village combined with many small villages. It was obviously a union of Växjö villages with a population of nearly 30,000 people, together with Växjöyotalanders, Danes and Gotland refugees, and finally pieced together a team close to 30,000 people. Two thousand troops.

A few soldiers wore delicate leather boots, and many were actually made of deerskin tied with hemp rope to make boots. Their weapons are uneven, most of which are axes and spears, but only one large log shield. Regardless of the quality of these shields, at least they have shields and know how to organize shield walls.

Only the Danish mercenary group is the best armed. Half of them have popularized chain mail and iron helmets. Their gold masters need these mercenaries to protect their own safety, so they are willing to spend money.

Now that the mercenaries finally have a real role to play, and these Danish mercenaries are eager to fight with the Rus to wash away their defeat in the Silver Fort.

Therefore, they spent a day to do the basic assembly. All soldiers need to bring their own dry food. Many soldiers are indifferent to the essence of war. They did not want to fight. .

The natives of Vaxjo have no special knowledge of war. Most of them are a large group of people. The brothers formed a shield wall to press them up, and the brothers worked together in a chaotic fight, and the battle was won.

They rallied together, and the once-fighting Danes and Vaxjos joined together historically to form an army.

The 2,000 armed men gathered together in a dense manner did not seem to have a large number of troops, but according to their perception, this was "a huge army since they were aware of it."

The Vaxjos were full of confidence, but Olaf, the supreme war chief, was not satisfied.

The locals are clearly not cooperating. Is it okay to let a group of farmers who have almost no armor and clothing go to the battlefield? After all, it is the Ross people who are going to attack! Those Roth villains are well-documented that they're all in armor, not to mention the updated rumored Roth "riding monsters."

The truth soon became clear, and the Danish mercenary group learned from the escaped businessman that the so-called monsters were horses. The Frankish cavalry had a whole set of Denmark, and the Danish soldiers were beaten for a time. Olaf had heard of this. Now it is better to think about where the Russ got the cavalry. Since they have it, it is not completely impossible to deal with the cavalry.

Olaf had heard of a method of hitting a lot of spears, and relying on the advantage of the infantry to form a spear formation, thus stabbing the lances of the Frankish cavalry. So the key is to prepare the wood to sharpen it, which is enough.

Olaf made some preparations in a short time. Since the number of troops was too large, he could only gather in a group and travel by land, advancing along the lake to the occupied village in the north. He also thought of using long boats, simply because they organized various boats and could not fill the entire army at once, and long boats were almost all owned by merchants, and they were unwilling to leave their own long boats to escape when they were in danger. Take out the boat.

As for the fishing sampans, **** them!

Poor Hagrid sat in a cage, a wooden cage on an ox cart. He closed his eyes and endured the bumps, surrounded by soldiers on foot with spears, axes and dry food. He had already predicted the poor future of these people, but what did this have to do with himself.

Hagrid lamented that the Vaxhes had made a really heroic but also a very stupid decision. If the army in front of them was the army they could assemble, the partial division of the Rus should be able to defeat it.

The Vaxjo people chose the war. According to Rurik, the king of Rus, even if his partial division won the war, the Rus army would come over twice in one day, and they would have to win another war. slaughter.

"Just take care of myself... At least Fisk won't chop my head off."

Therefore, Vaxjo's army actually set off on the fourth day of the appointment, and this time point was already very dangerous.

Hagrid could conclude that because Ross general Fisk could not wait for him to go back to report and wait for the surrender of the people of Vaxjo, he immediately decided that Vaxjo chose war. I am afraid that Ross's partial division has already marched.

In fact, it is!

Originally, Fisk should have waited until the envoy from Vaxjo announced his surrender yesterday. The so-called dark is a whole day, and most of the day did not wait for anything, so why not wait until evening?

Still nothing in the evening...

The night fell and the stars were shining brightly, and the young Ross warrior had no intention of waiting any longer.

The soldiers whispered about the battle, and Fisk immediately called everyone to a meeting around the bonfire when he saw the attitude of the brothers.

Fisk stood tall and raised his arms and shouted: "Brothers, we have given those people a chance! However, they refused to surrender with practical actions. What should we do next?!"

"War!" Everyone said in unison.

"Yes! Remember our slogan?! Ulla!"


The soldiers drew their swords and pointed at the starry sky, and some took off their hats and held them high. Only the young warriors trained by Rurik were willing to use "Ulla" as the new Viking battle cry, and only they knew what it meant.

It's not something that anyone can yell, only the cronies loyal to Rurik are qualified to yell this.

The side division led by Fisk and Kanuf is the elite of the elite of the Rus army. The soldiers unified their will, and the next thing was easy.

kindness? Be kind, of course, but not now.

Those who refuse to surrender will be maliciously killed in order to force others to surrender.

With such an attitude, the warriors all have the freedom to plunder, and they are already lined up for action!

The cavalry, behind the infantry, walked along the west bank of the lake, not knowing that the Vaxjos had organized an army since the start.

The Rus army went south, the Vaxjo army north, and both sides advanced along the lakeside meadows on the west bank of Lake Helga, and it was only a matter of time before they met.

Therefore, it was not long after noon, so the army must be assembled together.

Just look at the black mass of people in front of them (clothing mainly in taupe shades), it's just a group of armed men.

Fisk saw the sunlight reflected from the spearhead, as well as some reflections from the armor.

"Brothers! The enemy is ahead! Prepare to fight!"

The cavalry mobilized quickly, and the column quickly turned into a horizontal column.

The war was about to take place, and Bejasil grabbed the reins and rode directly to Fisk's side. Her job is as a tactical advisor, and the current situation has to join the fight.

Even though Beahil was a female class, Fisk had to fully agree with her as a female warrior.

"I estimate that the enemy's army might be 3,000. They are all infantry. What if you are Pecheneg?"

Bejasil didn't quite understand it. After being translated by her fellow warriors, she glanced at her and gave her opinion decisively: "Just follow our prairie warfare! It seems that they lack armor, so the cavalry approached them to keep their distance and shoot arrows frequently. Disrupt them, and finally charge and kill to solve it."

Fisk nodded: "Without contact with them, our people will not be hurt."

Therefore, the unlucky Kanuf has to be reluctantly ordered to stand by because all the infantry he brought, and the **** of logistics materials and non-combatants. Angry? Of course very angry. How can that be.

So Fisk did not draw his sword. He raised his recurve bow and greeted his brothers: "Shoot them with the bow! Everyone shoots arbitrarily, remember not to slash and stab. Now come with me!"

The cavalry began to move, and their white-hued uniforms stood out in the afternoon sun.

Such a shirt color immediately mobilized the psychological trauma of the Gotland refugees in the Vaxjo Army!

Ten years ago, a large group of Rus soldiers in white robes slaughtered Gotland Island, so thinking of those white robes thought of death.

As for the flag held by the cavalry, this is quite familiar to the Danes in the Vaxjo Army, or most Danes know what the blue flag on a white background means.

The Supreme War Chief is not afraid of danger. He prides himself on knowing some ways to deal with cavalry, not to mention that he has many people now.

"Don't be afraid of everyone, immediately form a shield wall to defend against cavalry!"

"Listen! That's not a monster! It's the Rus who learned something strange from the Franks."

"The cavalry is not terrible. The soldiers with spears will point their spears outward. If the Rus cavalry dare to approach, you will kill them with spears!"

Even so, this tactic is also a passive defensive tactic, and it cannot allow the Växjö army, which has a superior number of people, to take advantage.

Olaf had an illusion that the Rus cavalry would rush up, and at that time, the number of spear-holders of his elders would be superior, and all those cavalry would be stabbed off the horse, and then chopped with an axe.


Suddenly there was a swishing sound in the sky, and then a soldier lay down with a squeak.

Soldiers are shot by arrows, and the arrows come from those cavalry!

Fisk and Bejahir were on the left and one on the right. Both of them had the qualifications and ability to command the army. The two divided the three hundred cavalry into two parts and launched an attack on the Vaxjo Army.

The usual mount and archery training shows extremely terrifying combat effectiveness at the present moment! The cavalry had their feet on the saddle, their legs trying to clamp down on the horse's belly. They leaned on their sides and used the rapid-fire method with the arrow shaft to the right, shooting almost face-to-face at the Vaxjo shield formation in a dense formation.

They are worthy of being the elite. Because they are all full-time standing soldiers, they spend a lot of time training every day. Spear thrusting and horse archery are the key training items.

The broad-glazed, barbed arrows shoot at the soldiers at the rear in the dense formation, and the rapid-fire technique enables each cavalry to quickly pass three arrows.

The cavalry had deliberately reserved more arrows for independent action, and a large number of spare arrows were in the rear, and they were currently managing the infantry of Kanuf.

It was only one round of passing cavalry shooting, which caused more than 100 casualties in Vaxjo's army.

This is a very terrifying number. If their formation can be tighter, the casualties can only be more serious.

Olaf never imagined that horses could still shoot arrows, but they were very accurate.

Is this still cavalry tactics? Can this be called cavalry? !

But Olaf didn't care about being angry, and the second round of the cavalry's attack began.

The battlefield by the lake became chaotic for a while, as if the Parthian cavalry besieged Crassus' Roman legion.

Even if the number of cavalry is far less than that of Vaxjo infantry, these infantry can only rely on round shields to protect themselves, and any soldier who dares to leave the array will be preferentially shot by wandering cavalry.

The cavalry was instructed to shoot all the arrows at hand, and when the quiver was empty, they immediately retreated to Fisk to add But the cavalry could not all leave the post, and it was necessary to closely watch that the group of troops could not escape, and it had to be slow. Slowly shot dead and wounded their living forces, and when there were not many people left to fight, the cavalry drew their swords and slashed.

Poor Supreme War Chief Olaf, his past experience with the Rus and Swedes in fierce battles is a complete joke.

Because of his humiliation in the past, he opened his mouth wide, gestured with his iron sword and cursed in Norse!

It was also a coincidence that some cavalrymen noticed that there were many leather armorers among these Vaxjo fighters. When they found that the lethality of wide-blade arrows was too limited for such people, they immediately replaced them with conical armor-piercing arrows, specializing in chain armor.

An armor-piercing arrow was deliberately shot, and when Olaf was still scolding the other side for not talking about martial arts at the groove, the arrow flew into his mouth with extreme unprofessionalism. The arrow smashed through the bones, entered from the mouth and directly pierced through Olaf's cerebellum, and the whole person died instantly...

From now on, the Vaxjo army, which is constantly crowding inwards, has no idea that their generals have died in battle, and their fronts have not been chaotic, and the Ross cavalry will continue to shoot arrows, just like a large group of piranhas torn apart in groups. Biting a wounded cow that falls into the water, you will continue to cause damage one by one until you win.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!