Published at 16th of February 2023 05:10:12 PM

Chapter 1018

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After swiping his phone for a while, Zhang Tuohai has a basic understanding of this city. It is similar to the world he lived in before. It is a modern city. However, the disappearance rate of this city seems to be a bit high. People always disappear for no reason. All kinds of missing person notices can be seen almost everywhere, and the related urban legends are too numerous to enumerate.

"There seems to be something wrong with this city." Zhang Tuohai flipped through his phone and thought.

However, this doesn't seem to have anything to do with him, and he's not a private detective who helps them find missing persons.

"How far is it from your home? Let me take you back." Zhang Tuohai turned his head and said to Mozi.

"This, this doesn't seem to be my world." Mozi said tremblingly.

"It's not your world?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Well, I searched for the software I usually use, but found that there were none. I felt that something was wrong, and then I tried to download the map and check the news. I found that the terrain of this world is the same as my original world. It's not the same, the country, the division is completely different, the stars are also different, except for their language I can understand, and the level of technology looks similar, other details are completely different from my world."

Mozi said.

At this moment, Zhang Tuohai heard a neutral broadcast sound in the dark.

"Arrive at Kisaragi Station before midnight, those who fail to arrive will be hunted down to death by hunters."

Zhang Tuohai was shocked, and turned to look at Mozi.

Mozi also looked at Zhang Tuohai, and nodded affirmatively at the same time, proving that she also heard that voice.

"It seems that we haven't escaped from that game area yet, and the game has to continue."

Zhang Tuohai said.

He admitted that he underestimated the game developed by Barbara. At first he thought it was a different-dimensional matrix, then he thought it was a battle royale, and later he thought it was a biological crisis like aliens. Now he found that Barbara played mostly It's not a small cost like a squid game at all, but it directly pulls all players into a different world.

The place they were in before was just a small area of ​​the game, and it was even very likely the Novice Village, and now they really embarked on the journey of the game.

"It's useless to think about it now. First, we need to find Kisaragi station. Where is this station?"

Zhang Tuohai's first thought was to find Kisaragi Station on the mobile phone navigation, but he couldn't find the place after changing several navigation softwares one after another. He even tried a few homophones and fuzzy search, but nothing came to fruition.

Several warning text messages even popped up on the phone, reminding him not to take risks just for the sake of novelty, please cherish his life and so on.

Zhang Tuohai: "???"

He felt more and more that Kisaragi Station was a bit weird. The local public sector must know some secret information, otherwise, when he inquired about Kisaragi Station, he would not have received such admonishing text messages.

Just as he was thinking about how to get some information from those public offices, Mozi suddenly said, "In the eastern suburbs."

"What?" Zhang Tuohai turned around and asked.

"That Kisaragi station is most likely in the eastern suburbs. That's this area." Mozi zoomed in on the electronic map in his hand, drew a circle on it with his finger, and circled a part of the city's fringe area.

"Why do you think so, is there any proof?"

Zhang Tuohai asked curiously.

"I searched Yueru Station and found that there are many related urban legends, so I wrote a crawler software, crawled to the relevant urban legends, and then extracted the keywords in it, and found that among them, Eastern Suburbs, Late Night, Ruyue Station , the last train, and other words appear the most, and the context of all related stories is basically the same. They are all stories about some migrant workers in the eastern suburbs, waiting for the last train at Yueru Station, and finally disappearing. Whether it is a single person or a group of people, That's basically the case, of course there are some eyewitnesses who didn't catch the last train, who are the storytellers."

"Then, I checked these narrators and found that these people actually existed. Although many people used pseudonyms and coded pictures, they could still be dealt with in the police's public files. So , these urban legends are likely to be true, and Kisaragi Station is somewhere in the eastern suburbs."

"Really? That's great, you're actually a hacker?" Zhang Tuohai looked at Mozi in disbelief. He thought she was just an ordinary little girl, but he didn't expect to be able to hack.

"It's not really a hacker, it's nothing more than being able to write a few small programs." Mozi lowered his head in embarrassment.

"It's really great. Since the Kisaragi Station is real, we can't find it on the electronic map now. It must have been concealed by the government. We can go to the library to check the old map, and there must be Kisaragi Station on it. s position."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Then shall we go to the library now?" Mozi asked.

"No, let's talk about it after dinner. It's going to be night. Who knows what will happen in the middle. Only when you have enough food can you have physical strength."

As Zhang Tuohai said, he heated up a few cans and ate up the froth, and at the same time put the compressed biscuits and candies that are easy to store in his pockets. He only carried a pistol that was easy to hide, and put the rest of the things in his pocket. The unregistered depository, and then took a taxi with Mozi to the city library.

After the two entered the library, they went straight to the map room and began to search for the old maps of the city, but they found that all the maps marked Kisaragi Station had been taken away and sealed up long ago. Obviously, the officials had expected this for a long time. This possibility cut off the way ahead of time.

"What should I do? Should I ask passers-by?" Mozi asked.

"I tried it. When I was throwing out the garbage, I asked two people to inquire about it, but they all looked very secretive. One person even called the police when I was away. It seemed that the police had issued a reward. Those who report and inquire about the Kisaragi Station store will be rewarded."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Then what should I do?" Mozi frowned. The map was confiscated and no one was allowed to inquire. How can I find it?

"We checked the local chronicles and started the construction of the station. The whole line must be built together. Road construction and opening to traffic is a major event for a city, and it will definitely be reflected in the local chronicles. Unless all the local chronicles are taken away, it will definitely stay. Clues."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Really? Great, let's hurry up." Mozi and Zhang Tuohai went straight to the local chronicles area.


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