Published at 16th of February 2023 05:24:27 PM

Chapter 486

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The discussion in the regional channel is very enthusiastic, but the direction of the discussion has begun to change from disdain and schadenfreude to desire.

Although there is still a heated discussion on how to use the power if it is obtained, an obituary from time to time proves that some people can't wait to get ready.

Although separated by the regional channel, Zhang Tuohai has smelled a trace of blood.

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the remaining number of regional channels: 2289.

According to George's 20 hearts in exchange for a bottle of medicine, about 100 people will be able to complete the transformation.

However, some people can kill players who have drunk a generation of potions to reduce the amount of hunting. However, considering that some fire damage effects are very strong and may blow their hearts to pieces, the number of people who can actually complete the transformation may be slightly insufficient.

If this situation is allowed to develop, there will be a river of blood in the regional channel.

Moreover, this is only the second generation of medicine.

What if you come up with a third-generation medicine, a fourth-generation medicine?

Without the game system, players will kill themselves.

"We must not allow this situation to develop."

Zhang Tuohai was bleeding when he looked at the obituaries passing by.

These are all excellent leeks. Now, they have been gouged by these shameless guys and used as their own nourishment.

What a shame!

Especially George, the leader, should be punished by heaven!

Zhang Tuohai thought angrily.

Once, Zhang Tuohai wanted to start the statue of the life and death arena, pull George into the duel map and kill him.

However, Zhang Tuohai hesitated and denied the idea.

George used to be just an ordinary member of the conclave. Now he is suddenly on the top. There must be someone behind the scenes.

The conclave can come up with drugs to change genes again and again. Someone must be pushing it.

Only solved George, not the problem.

The black hand behind the scenes can find another Tom and Jerry and support them.

This situation cannot be changed without cutting off the black hand.

Moreover, now is the fifth day of the world. There may be some variables in the future. He has to keep this card to deal with possible accidents.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tuohai sent a private letter to Cang Xiaokong: "while ensuring their own safety, try to find some information about the secret society, especially the possible location."

"I see. Don't worry, boss. I promise to check the color of George's pants clearly." Cang Xiaokong patted his chest and promised.

Search for information and spy. She's an expert.

Zhang Tuohai didn't put all his hopes on Cang Xiaokong. He also sent messages to several familiar friends and asked for help to find George's whereabouts. Of course, other formal members of the secret society can also. Thank you very much.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you if there's any news," Su Qi promised, patting her chest.

"OK, I don't need to thank you again. Let me wash the hot spring several times. However, where are you? I've been driving alone for five days. I'm bored to death." this is Zhao wanwan's reply.

"I can give it to you, but if there is a transformation medicine, remember to leave me a can." Li Feiyu was obviously moved.

Several others gave similar answers.

However, the tone is also a little moving.

Vladimir, in particular, seems very greedy for the muscles comparable to the dragon.

For these people, Zhang Tuohai didn't reply. Anyway, he didn't put his treasure on them. He just gave them a routine notice. As for the specific situation, it all depends on how they choose.

He can't make decisions for others.

After reading the content in the regional channel, Zhang Tuohai felt a little bored. He simply turned off the regional channel, took over the control authority of the infantry combat vehicle, and stepped on the accelerator.

The infantry chariot galloped up the winding mountain road.

Soon, the speed of the infantry combat vehicle increased to 150 miles, which has been very fast on the winding mountain highway. Seeing the rapid backward of the scenery on both sides, Zhang Tuohai's resentment gradually dissipated.

"Commander, there is a python in the tree ahead. Please avoid it."

Xiao AI suddenly reminded her.

Zhang Tuohai immediately looked forward at the speech.

Not far ahead, a big tree stretched out a branch and crossed the winding mountain highway.

It is about three meters above the ground.

A python with brown and black spots is winding around the tree and spitting out its core.

"Python has appeared here? It seems that the temperature is very high."

Zhang Tuohai frowned.

If it were normal, he might pass it directly.

However, now he is in a very bad mood and needs to find some relief.

He immediately said, "whatever it is, beat it down with a machine gun and stew snake soup at night."

"Wait," Zhang Tuohai said decisively as soon as Xiao AI opened the machine gun, "let me do it myself and move my muscles and bones."

Zhang Tuohai put on his exoskeleton as he spoke.

"I see."

Xiao AI stopped the car slowly. Zhang Tuohai was about to get off when the prompt system suddenly popped up.

[be careful, there is a player hiding in the woods at 3 o'clock, ready to ambush you, 500 meters away from the position.]

"An ambush? I knew no one would give snake soup for nothing."

Zhang Tuohai snorted coldly and immediately looked in the direction prompted by the prompt system.

It was a steep hillside.

The hillside is densely wooded, overgrown with weeds and dense vegetation. If you want to hide alone, you can't find it at all.

But Zhang Tuohai has a prompt system.

Now that he has the location provided by the prompt system, he doesn't have to look for it.

The direct operator's 120 mm shotgun was aimed at that position and filled with a tail shelling armor piercing projectile.

Rupert, who was hiding in the grass to make a sneak attack, saw the thick 120mm main gun against him, screamed with fear, jumped up, turned and ran away.

At the same time, he cursed in his heart: "I just want to make an ambush. As for using a 120mm main gun to deal with me?"

Seeing the figure covered in jungle camouflage, Zhang Tuohai snorted coldly and ordered the runner chase gun to fire a shrapnel.

His purpose is to catch a living mouth and ask about the situation. If you use armor piercing bullets, people will be evaporated. Then ask an egg.


A shrapnel shot out, and a large number of steel balls completely covered the area.

Rupert screamed and fell to the ground.

His legs were punctured by dozens of steel balls, and he collapsed to the ground and lost his ability to move.

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