Published at 16th of February 2023 05:19:49 PM

Chapter 660

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A large number of silicon-based life poured out of Baixiang city and poured in the direction of Zhang Tuohai.

In the sky are pilots with propellers and two Gatling doors, which look like dragonflies.

There are many kinds on the ground, including a mechanical dog carrying a small rapid fire gun, a guard machine holding two rapid fire machine guns, a small truck type machine carrying a rocket launching slot, and a large number of silicon-based life hung with various miscellaneous weapons, all rushed towards Zhang Tuohai.

"Good guy, so many?"

Looking at the overwhelming array, Rao is a well-informed Zhang Tuohai, who is also shocked by the rolling metal torrent.

"Xiaoai, can you use electronic warfare to suppress and change their direction of action? Let them fight by themselves first, consume it, or wash the ground with missiles."

Zhang Tuohai asked Xiao AI.

"I'm sorry, commander, the electronic warfare suppression ahead is very powerful. I can only control the electronic warfare suppression on the median line of engagement. I can't continue to move forward, nor can I use electronic countermeasures to create greater advantages for my side, nor can I use missiles to attack, otherwise it will give the other side space for anti manipulation. However, the other side can't use electronic countermeasures to create advantages for them. ”

Xiao AI said.

"Equal to your electronic warfare strength?"

Zhang Tuohai was surprised when he heard it.

Xiaoai's electronic warfare ability has been strengthened for several times. Only supercomputing at various levels has loaded several sets.

With Xiaoai's current electronic warfare strength, it can basically suppress a whole fleet, or several electronic warfare aircraft squadrons, or a base with strong electronic warfare capability. I originally thought that this level of electronic warfare capability can run rampant in the world. However, unexpectedly, I met a strong opponent here.

Zhang Tuohai frowned and said, "in that case, keep the initiative of electronic warfare in the region and don't let the other party take advantage of it."

"I see." Xiao AI has strengthened the control of electronic warfare in the region.

A large number of self-propelled machines have also been deployed in place, and many self-propelled machines began to attack the silicon-based life rolling in the distance.

The self-propelled machinery aimed a round muzzle at the silicon-based life in the distance, and then started the launch key.

Whoosh, a gun shot at the silicon-based life.

The guns equipped on the self-propelled machinery are electromagnetic guns specially customized by Lilith for them. Although the shells of this kind of gun are special alloys and do not contain any gunpowder, because of the strong electromagnetic kinetic energy, the penetration of this kind of shell is super strong.

After one shot, it can directly shoot through the crowded seven or eight silicon-based life together, providing a good killing effect.

However, there are too many silicon-based life. Even if 300 self-propelled machines make three-stage shooting and keep "queuing up to shoot" those silicon-based life with electromagnetic guns, they still can't stop those silicon-based life from approaching.

When those silicon-based life broke through the middle line of the exchange of fire, Zhang Tuohai began to make a large number of hand thrown UAVs and put them into the battlefield.

In addition to their own ten kilograms of explosives, each of these UAVs also carried two plasma grenades.

This plasma grenade can release a large amount of current, directly ignore the hard external armor of silicon-based life, directly burn its core electronic components and completely paralyze it.

The damage efficiency is several times that of ordinary bombs.

Even better than more advanced electromagnetic guns.

"This thing is really good. It seems that this kind of current weapon is more suitable for these silicon-based life."

Zhang Tuohai secretly recorded it in his little book.

Soon, most of the silicon-based life that managed to step through the heavy bones and rushed through the middle line was destroyed by plasma grenades.

A small number of fish that escaped the net were also burned off by the self-propelled machinery with the current transmitter and turned into a piece of ground debris.

Soon, the debris piled higher and thicker, and it had piled up like a hill.

This greatly affects the shooting field of view of self-propelled machinery.

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai quickly made 200 self-propelled machines to clean up the battlefield, drag away the debris of silicon-based life and clean up the battlefield.

However, there are too many silicon-based life. Even 200 self-propelled machines can't clean it up. Zhang Tuohai can only retreat and choose a flat battlefield to fight again.

In this way, Zhang Tuohai retreated and fought at the same time.

As time went by, the silicon-based life in Baixiang city seemed endless, constantly scouring Zhang Tuohai's defense line.

Zhang Tuohai also constantly adjusted his defense line, retreated in time, and used space to exchange the lives of those guys.

The remains of silicon-based life extend from the white elephant city for more than ten kilometers.

When the sun tilted westward, suddenly, the explosion stopped.

"Why don't you fight?" Asked Zhang Tuohai, who was making a hand thrown plane.

"Commander, the silicon-based life rushed out of the white elephant city has been killed by us."

Xiao AI said.

"Kill all?"

Zhang Tuohai couldn't believe it. He quickly raised his head and looked forward.

At this time, he has retreated more than ten kilometers. From the gate of white elephant city to the position 300 meters in front of him, there are silicon-based life debris everywhere, densely covering the area.

"Is there any silicon-based life in white elephant city?"

Zhang Tuohai took a deep breath and asked.

"There are three thermal reaction sources in the city hall. It is preliminarily estimated that three silicon-based life have not appeared. In addition, the previous electronic suppression has disappeared."

Xiao AI said.

"We can't take it lightly. First make sense of the remains of silicon-based life and add them."

Zhang Tuohai ordered.

The war just now consumed a lot of his reserves. Apart from others, the alloy bullets fired by the electromagnetic gun alone consumed a lot of metal ingots. If he hadn't accumulated a lot before, he couldn't afford to consume this battle.

If you change to ordinary players, not to mention whether they can fight so many silicon-based lives by relying on their existing combat effectiveness, they can't bear the consumption of ammunition alone.

I'm afraid we'll have to evacuate because we run out of ammunition.

Even if Zhang Tuohai accumulated a lot, he lost a lot at this time.

Now, no matter what the other party's idea is, he has to make up for the loss first.

In addition to leaving a small amount of self-propelled machinery to monitor the nearby area, Zhang Tuohai sent out all the remaining self-propelled machinery to disassemble the remains of silicon-based life and supplement the losses.

Originally, Zhang Tuohai expected that the three silicon-based lives shrinking in the city hall would find a way to stop him.

However, even when he disassembled the debris of silicon-based life in the nearby area, he didn't see those silicon-based life come out. It seemed as if he had been watching things develop. It didn't mean to come out at all.

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