Published at 1st of June 2022 10:02:04 AM

Chapter 49

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Lois brought home some takeout and we had a nice meal. She knew something was up by the look on my face and waited until supper was done before she led me to the living room and pushed me down onto the couch.

I noticed her going into interrogation mode and opened my mouth to explain that I didn't want to talk about it, then she straddled my lap and her lips met mine. I hugged and kissed her back and she didn't seem to be reluctant at all.

Lois broke the kiss and saw the dreamy look on my face. “Tell me what's going on.”

“Mei wants me to fly her custom-built observation satellite into orbit and I'm nervous that the precautions I need to take will expose me faster than just doing it and escaping when I'm discovered.”

Lois sat back and looked stunned. Her mouth opened and closed several times as she worked through what I said. “Did... did you just say you're going to fly... into space?”

“Yeah. I'm afraid that even if the satellite is covered in stealth materials, which I'm sure that Mei couldn't afford until now, it will be large enough that it will still get picked up by normal radar with me lifting it.” I said and explained the rest of my plan and the precautions I was going to take.

Lois fell silent when I was done talking and she didn't move off of my lap. Her skirt had hiked up her thighs and I couldn't stop my hands from moving down from her back to her legs. She didn't seem to notice and had an intense look of concentration on her face.

I didn't say a word and lightly ran my hands up and down her thighs as I waited for her to finish thinking. I just hoped I wasn't distracting her with what I was doing.

“Check the flight schedules from the airport. Wait for a red-eye flight to leave, fly underneath it until it's in international waters, then fly up at an angle on the same flight path.” Lois said. “The radar return will look like a sensor echo and the control tower at the airport will dismiss it as a glitch, because the plane is still on the original flight path and that is easily confirmed with verbal radio contact.”

I sat there and it was my turn to be stunned. I never imagined doing anything like that and had just planned to fly as slowly as possible up through the atmosphere, like a lost balloon.

“Your brain is absolutely amazing.” I whispered with awe in my voice.

Lois blushed at my words and her hands reached up and cupped the sides of my face. “You're lucky I consider that a flattering comment, especially considering where I'm sitting right now.”

I had to smirk at her and slid my hands up her thighs again and continued on as my fingers grazed along the sides of her ass. “If I started complimenting everything about you, we'll be here forever.”

Lois looked pleased and her blush didn't fade as she leaned back down to give me several quick kisses. “You need to hurry and gather information if you're going to get to Mei's in time for any night flights leaving the airport.”

“Damn you and your practicality. Now I have to let you up.” I joked.

Lois half-laughed and half-giggled before she climbed off of my lap and flashed a bit of her panties at me. She smiled knowingly when she saw that I noticed and she pulled her skirt down and motioned towards my room.

“You need to change as well if you want to stay out of sight.”

I nodded and stood up, only to realize that I had to adjust myself to ease the pressure down there. As I did so, Lois looked satisfied and sat down to turn on the television. I refrained from commenting about it and went to my room to change. I used super-speed to search for some old clothing that I never wore and was glad that I had preferred darker clothing while growing up.

I easily found an outfit to change into that no one would recognize me in, not even Izuku, and I had an old t-shirt to cover my head completely. I could see through it and no eye holes were necessary.

“I think I have some make-up you can use.” Lois said from my bedroom doorway.

I turned to look and she held up some bright red lipstick and blue eye shadow. I laughed and she smiled at me before she tucked them into her pockets and took out a compact.

“It's a black face cream from my time at school when we had to play a bunch of different parts in drama club.” Lois said and walked over to me. “It's a bit difficult to work with on your own.”

I understood what she meant and went to my desk to grab the chair. I set it in the middle of my room and sat down on it and closed my eyes.

“You're awfully trusting.” Lois whispered as she stepped close.

“Do you want me to be honest?” I asked her.

“Always.” Lois said and started applying the cream to my face.

“You can put the eye shadow and the lipstick on me if you want.” I said and her hand paused. “It might even go well with the black face.”

“Connor...” Lois said with a soft voice.

“It's okay. I want to make you happy.” I said and kept my eyes closed. “If having a little fun making me look pretty is something you want to do, I don't mind.”

After a moment, I felt her lips press to mine briefly and then felt her hand continue to apply the cream.

“All done.” Lois said and I opened my eyes to look at her. “That's startling.”

I nodded and went to the bathroom to see it for myself. “That really is weird. It's like my eyes are floating in darkness.”

“That's a good description.” Lois said and put the compact away before she entered the bathroom and washed her hands. It took a bit of scrubbing to get the cream off and I was positive that she was showing me exactly what it was going to take to clean my face and ears off.

“I believe I will be requesting your much needed assistance in the morning.” I said and Lois nodded.

We left the bathroom and went to the computer in the living room. After a bit of searching, we had the scheduled flights leaving the airport and I had about an hour after dusk to get to the airport with Mei's satellite to follow an airplane that was flying to Los Angeles, which was perfect.

“Change your clothes when dusk falls and fly over to Mei's. Stay low and avoid any brightly lit roads or streets.” Lois advised me. “I can't tell you how to handle it when you pick up her satellite, because depending on the size of it, you might need to run with it to get to the airport.”

“I think I'll do that anyway. I can run fast and no one should see more than a black blur.”

“Good point.” Lois said with a nod. “Take the back streets. The less travelled, the better.”

I nodded back, because we both knew that using any of the highways would just gain more attention and not less. I went to the couch, sat down, and pat my lap.

Lois shook her head. “I can't do that with you looking so creepy.”

“Who said you had to face me?” I asked her.

Lois shook her head again and stood up from the chair in front of the computer. “I don't want to look back to see how much you like it, only to see your face like that. That's a tailor-made mood killer.”

I sighed and had to nod. “I can't even get you to wear it and we would match.”

Lois chuckled. “It wouldn't change what I saw, only what you saw.”

“On second thought, I don't think I want to see you like this, either.”

“I knew you were smart.” Lois said and walked over to me, lightly gripped my shoulder with a hand, and walked out of the living room. “I'm going to lay down for a while, perhaps for the night.”

“Goodnight.” I said and watched her as she went into her bedroom.

Lois glanced at me through the wall and then started to take off her clothes. She didn't do it like a striptease or anything; but, she also didn't just pull them off. There was a deliberate sensual vibe to her movements as she unbuttoned everything, then she slid her blouse off and revealed her lace covered bra.

I stopped breathing when she turned away from me and unzipped her skirt. She held onto it and slowly bent over at the hips as she lowered the cloth to the floor. It was amazing to see her like that, especially when she stepped out of the skirt to the side and it gave me a significant peek between her legs.

“Good lord.” I whispered.

Lois gave me another glance before she hung the blouse and skirt up in her closet, letting me see her moving around in just the very sexy underwear. She walked over to the bathroom and shut the door, which meant the show was over.

I turned back to the television that had been on and no one had been paying any attention to. I still wasn't and just sat there for nearly ten minutes, then I heard Lois making a water garbled sound. I was through the house instantly and had split the bedroom and bathroom doors in half with a hand chop.

Lois stared at me in shock, with an open mouth and a bit of foam dripped to the floor. She had a half full glass of water in one hand and a toothbrush in the other.

“Oops.” I said and turned around. I was both happy and sad that she hadn't taken off her lingerie yet.

“C-C-CONNOR!” Lois yelled.

“I'm sorry! I thought you were drowning!” I said and ran to my room to change my clothing and put on my improvised head covering.

“Come back here!” Lois shouted.

“It's getting dark! Mei needs me right now! Bye!” I shouted back and left the house as quickly as I could.


I knew I should have taken the two split seconds to open both doors. I thought as I took to the air and flew low towards Mei's house. Barely a minute later, my phone beeped at me and I took it out to see that it was Lois. I didn't hesitate to accept the call. “I'll switch the door on my room with yours when I come back.”

“That will do for now.” Lois said with a flat voice.

“I really am sorry. I didn't want to waste time getting to you and...”

“...chopped through the doors like firewood.” Lois said.

“It's a good thing I had that check from the agency.” I said and Lois sighed.

“Please be more careful in the future, Connor. I know we can afford some nice things now...”

“That doesn't mean I can break everything in sight. I understand. It costs money to replace and it doesn't just come from nowhere.”

“That's right.” Lois said and was quiet for a moment. “At least I know for sure that you will show up to save me if I'm choking or drowning.”

“And any time you call my name.” I added, just to remind her. “Just be more careful about how you gargle, okay? It scared me hearing you choke on water like that.”

“I... I will.” Lois said in a soft voice, then spoke normally. “Have fun pretending to be a plane.”

I didn't make a joke and spout Superman's old public catch phrase, even though I wanted to. “I'll be careful, I promise.”

“Remember that it's not worth your life. If it comes to a choice like that...”

“Choose yours. Got it.” I said and she didn't respond. “I know what's most important in this world.”


“Anytime, anywhere. Call for me and I'll be there.” I said and laughed at the rhyme. “Righteous vengeance has nothing on me when it comes to you.”

“I should be angry at you for that.”

“You probably would be if you didn't love me so much. It also makes taking over the world a lot easier with you here.” I said with a cheery voice.

Lois laughed. “You need to hang up now.”

“I should. I can see Mei's place. I'll talk to you later.”

“Bye, Connor.” Lois said and hung up.

I put the cell phone away and came in for a landing behind Mei's house. I thought about knocking on the door, realized how stupid that would be with me looking like a burglar, and floated up to Mei's window.

Thankfully, Mei and Izuku sat on the bed making out and weren't in the middle of sex like I thought they would be. I knocked on the window and Mei and Izuku jumped apart as they turned to look out the window.

I waved at Mei and made a signal to let Izuku know it was me. I gave him the middle finger.

Izuku barked a laugh and opened the window for me. “I can barely see you, Connor.”

“That was the point.” I said and slipped in through the window. “I'll be running along the roads to the airport and then following a plane to cover up my flight.”

“That's brilliant!” Izuku said.

“Lois came up with it. I was going to float up like a balloon.”

“I was going to suggest the balloon thing.” Mei said. “Flying normally would have been too obvious.”

“Where is it? I need to get going if I want to catch the first international flight.” I told them.

“International?” Izuku asked.

“Once I'm out past Japan's territorial waters, I'm not in their jurisdiction anymore. I can divert from the plane then and even if I'm discovered, they can't do much to me.”

“Lois again?” Izuku asked.

I nodded. “It took her like fifteen seconds to blow my plan out of the water.”

“Ha ha, of course she would.” Izuku said.

“The satellite's in the basement. There's a back entrance to a storm cellar that my parents let me convert into my main lab.” Mei said.

“Wait, this wasn't it?” I asked and indicated her room.

“No, these are just little things I tinker with when I'm not in my lab.”

“Oh. Okay, then.” I said and Izuku chuckled. “Lead the way.”

“You're not going through the house like that.” Mei said and shooed me towards the window. “The storm cellar is on the right side near the back porch.”

I left through the open window and Mei closed it behind me as I landed on the ground. I walked over to where she said to go and an angled concrete slab was there and had two small metal doors on it that met in the middle. I stood there and waited until I heard a metallic click and the cellar doors opened. I walked down the steps and came to a sudden stop.

“Are you serious?” I asked and stared at the thing Mei had made. It was a twelve foot long cylinder and it was five feet across. If I was lucky and very careful, I could get it out the cellar entrance. That wasn't the problem I had, though.

“What's wrong with it?” Mei asked and looked from her creation towards me.

“Besides the awkward size?” I asked and pointed at the glossy sheen. “It's BRIGHT fucking GOLD!”

“Connor...” Izuku started to say.

“Stop. Just stop.” I said and glared at Mei. “What in the world made you cover it in pretty much the ONLY thing that could give me away as I flew with it?”

Mei frowned. “The compound I made to refract radar signatures needed a highly reflective base metal to bond to. It's not real gold, though. I'm not stupid to waste money like that.”

I slapped a hand to my face to rub it in frustration, only the t-shirt was in the way.

“It's all right, Connor. With the way you're dressed, no one is going to see you.” Izuku said.

“No, they are only going to see a giant golden dildo flying on its own across the country and up into space! That's so much better!” I spat and tried to calm down.

The sheer stupidity I had just witnessed was just so grating on my nerves that I was having a very difficult time keeping my anger under control. I paced from one side of the cellar to the other before I knew what to do. I took out my cell phone and called Lois. If anyone would know what to do now, it would be her.

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