Shepherding Humanity - Chapter 1217

Published at 18th of May 2022 05:18:23 AM

Chapter 1217: The first thousand two hundred and nineteen chapters female second obsession, cute girl's dream

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Latest website: In fact, Xu Zhi knows that if these creatures enter, there will be variables.

No matter the size, there is bound to be a butterfly effect...

But Xu Zhi just asked them to minimize the impact, but did not completely stop entry. Why?

Because he has discovered that the subsections can be changed and the general trend remains the same!

From Xu Zhi's performance of the sculpture art era, and seeing that there are sculptures outside, I instantly understand...

This is destiny in the dark.


"Perhaps, other universes will be different, but the bloodline universe, we who use the bloodline cultivation system, must have several stages of inevitable historical progress.

Even if it weren't to open up the heavens and the earth with the light, there will be ether, pure, with the light, stand out, cut the blood with the law of matter, and open up the world... because this is the only way to make the universe regular!"

Xu Zhi saw the road map outside, and the real universe also proved that there was a similar ancient existence and cut the first cut.

"After that, even if the lifespan is not cut off by the mans, there will be others who will prove the deficiency... because this is the only way to extend the life of the universe!"

At this time, Xu Zhi felt a strong sense of destiny and destiny.

In the era of sculpture beach art, there is a lack of life span for the sermon...These two eras seem to be an inevitable development process, which will almost always be the same no matter how many times they are repeated.

"It goes without saying that the era of sculpture art was inevitable. At that time, there were only clay and metal, but only sculpture. This was inevitable... and the lack of life span is also a necessity, because it is the critical point of dividing the innate and the born."

The universe is like a broken puzzle.

There must be someone to complete it. No matter who does it, the corresponding puzzle pieces will be pasted in a similar way. This is a historical necessity.

"So, the next era, perhaps, will be the era of parallel universes, and it should also be a historical process that will inevitably complement the universe! Sooner or later there will be ancient acquired saints who will see this and prove this way, but this way is absolutely not Simple! Splitting the universe is harder than cutting the first cut..."

Xu Zhi vaguely felt something.

But parallel universes, why do you want to do this?

Shatter the universe into so many pieces and become incomplete?The reason is unknown...

"It's time to find the answer from this universe."

Xu Zhi stepped into the universe one step at a time, frowning and said: "Walking through the chaotic land, I can see the real pattern outside! Multidimensional tenth-order saint is the top of the universe...weak eleventh order!"

In front of him, he thoroughly understood all realm levels of the entire universe.

It is indeed impossible to beat these multidimensional saints. They are weaker than the eleventh order... but they are not in a hurry. Naturally they have to continue to deduct this universe.

"The world, but there is no real eleventh order, eleventh order, I am afraid it is Hunyuan, Daoyi... become the universe itself?"

Xu Zhi took a deep breath, "I have a vague hunch, when I restore all the history and see the text of the development of the universe, I will know the unimaginable truth...At that time, the nine parallel universes will really shake, there are really countless Sage Duowei is here, maybe..."

He vaguely felt that when he saw the text of history, the universe had no secrets in ancient and modern times, and all the secrets of the Zerg Mother Emperor would also be revealed.

"These three have been sent in. They are facing the era of parallel universes in the future... In that catastrophe, they could not change the course of the era, but they can only struggle in it... And myself, I have to start. Entering this universe, entering the world to cross the catastrophe...As a god of destruction, no, is it the god of creation?"

Xu Zhi chuckled lightly and entered the universe,

"In the outer universe, I am the god of destruction, representing death and destruction. In this universe, it is the true creation god, representing life, because I created this universe..."

"The so-called life and death are relative, the god of destruction and the god of creation are one...maybe there is no god of creation in the real universe, but there is!"


Outer universe.

The ancient saints lived outside the chaos.

The oldest group of saints, after the battle of 3,000 chaotic gods and demons, was completely unable to escape from the world. They lived in seclusion and disappeared, delaying their final lifespan by sleeping.

And tens of thousands of years have passed, and a newly-promoted saint has begun to be born and rule the world.

Gradually, although the creatures of this age are still cursing Yimang, insulting him as a tyrannical tyrant who is dying, he himself suffers the pain of death, and allows the creatures to taste his suffering, so that all things are born, old, sick, and die, and there are painful wailing, but it is undeniable. This era of saliva is a flourishing age.

Strive for the world, live in the present.

They are all doing their best to make use of every short lifespan, to have a more exciting life.

In the thousand years after birth, there were too many outbreaks. Compared with the chronic children of the age of innate gods and devils, they can eat and sleep for hundreds of years. It is so exciting!

Chaos outside.

One of the oldest Taoist palaces.

At that time, one of the nine youngest apprentices of Yimang, proclaimed the second female of the postnatal life rules. This saint, who is known as the mother of the postnatal life, sat in the Taoist palace and did not know how much he observed an ancient man statue. year,

She is already a twilight old man, decayed, with a desolate and ancient aura, "Master once said to me that he saw God in a dream."

She stroked this human-shaped statue of a man, "Who is he? I proclaim the most suitable life structure for the universe and the universe. After proving the Dao, the creatures born from the heaven and the earth... I know that these creatures are mostly Human form, and this form has appeared before?"

At the beginning, the other saints were only surprised. Yimang was very shocked by the natural human form afterwards. She herself was also one of the most shocked saints, because unlike other saints, this is a rule she personally developed...

"Teacher, I was full of doubts back then. I have been chasing this question for tens of thousands of years. I have searched for a whole life without a result, until the end of my life... But the last moment of laughter, I understand that the master’s heart knot, Uncovered." The second female's voice is vicissitudes of life, her mind is shaking,

"He saw that figure again at the last moment. The teacher saw him at the moment of birth, and at the moment of his fall..."

She closed her eyes, and this became the biggest thorn in her heart, and it was getting deeper and deeper until today, tens of thousands of years later, taking root in her heart and shaking her deeply!


The universe vibrated slightly.

There was a foreign body invading, as if some kind of abrupt three variables had appeared, but the breath disappeared instantly.

"This kind of feeling is unprecedented. It's impossible for him to appear again..." The old saint suddenly opened his eyes.



"It always feels like going through the wall of the universe, the movement will not be discovered by the saints of this universe, right?"

Mengmei hides, seizes her home on a planet, and becomes a vine girl, who looks like an elf and lives in a tree hole.

"It shouldn't be. The super ancient gods are very strong. He said that they covered up our breath, so that the other party could not find our heels at the beginning, unless we found ourselves dead and exposed."

She blinked, and she was still a seven or eight-year-old kid, muttering secretly: "Ultra ancient gods, let me come here not to affect the general situation of the world... But how can I affect? ​​I don't like fighting, they Let them fight to fight...I stay and grow."

"The other saints who smuggled into the parallel universe were also struggling and developing, and I also struggling to develop, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"However, although it does not affect the overall situation, does not seek to dominate the world, nor does it say that I can't do other things." Mengmei murmured secretly, "This is a new universe opened by the god of destruction! It is said that the god of destruction came here and lost With the chaotic authority of the universe, it will no longer be assimilated by the will of countless vast creatures in the universe. It is very likely that self-consciousness will be born, with seven emotions and six desires, and emotions like creatures..."

"It means I can..." She had sharp eyes and secretly made up her plan.

"Sister, what are you thinking about, build a house with me." A four or five-year-old little vine girl with a runny nose, with mud in one hand, pulling her sleeves dirty.

"Little girl, continue to play in the mud, I'm thinking about your future brother-in-law!"

The seven or eight-year-old girl with a pony tail scolded her sister, snorted, and said in her heart: "The young couple of Qiu Mingshan has been taunting me. Although the alchemist doesn't speak, they are always there. Show affection in front of me... now it's my turn to shoot..."

"That's it, why did you pick me? This is a task given to me by the super ancient gods!"

The more she thought about it, the more she realized that her spring was here, with a pony tail, jumping up and down, waving her small fist,

"The God of Creation, the God of Destruction, are originally the same existence. After the God of Creation is old, he is the God of Destruction... and the old man is obviously more flavorful and more mature!"

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