Published at 4th of May 2022 06:18:11 AM

Chapter 337: Animal Siege (1)

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More people have more advantages, and fewer people have disadvantages.

For example, those countries in the West at the moment have vast land and sparsely populated areas, and many places are deserted and uninhabited, which has led to the proliferation of various animals in the wild there.

In the previous life on the earth, Lin Chen often saw the western countries, that this species was overwhelming, and that species was overwhelming.

Asian carp is flooded, Australian rabbits are flooded, wild boars, oysters, crayfish, crabs, etc. are flooded. This situation makes the netizens in the previous life of China very incomprehensible, whether it is carp, rabbit, oysters, crayfish, these are not enough to eat in China, they all need to be artificially farmed in large quantities, and then they can barely supply the needs of people. .

How come these species are in trouble?

Wild boars and hares have become protected animals in China in the previous life. If you don't protect them, you can't do it. As for the food country of China, it will be eaten and extinct without protection. Future generations can only see these animals in books.

Xia Guo on Earth Star is also a great food country. In terms of eating, there is no country that can compare with Xia Guo.

No matter what you are, as long as you arrive in the country of Xia, you can become a protected animal. It is also true that there are really not many wild animals living in the wild in Xia Guo. If these animals can survive, we have to thank the Xia Guo government for protecting them.

The number of animals is reduced. When the meteorite descends, the spiritual energy is revived, and the species evolves, the impact of these animals on Xia will not be so great.

Although it cannot be completely eliminated, it can be controlled.

Unlike foreign countries, it is almost out of control at this time.

In Australia's kangaroo country, the hare and kangaroo, under the influence of mysterious energy, have more than doubled their body size than before. The rabbit is okay, the body is relatively small, even if the size is doubled, it is acceptable. But the kangaroo is different. This guy is bigger and taller than a human. This has tripled his size. What do you ask ordinary people to do?

Moreover, this group of kangaroos is very active and has a bad temper. They dare to fight with humans from time to time when they have not evolved before. Now that they have evolved, their strength is not the same as before, and they are not afraid of humans at all.

The evolved kangaroo can kill an ordinary person on the spot with one fist.

After these animals evolved, not only did their strength greatly increase, but their reproduction speed also doubled. For example, rabbits bred up to six times a year before they evolved, but after evolution, they have one litter a month, and the number of each litter is not less than ten, which is terrifying.

The number of Australian rabbits has increased more than tenfold in just three months. If it hadn't been for the rejuvenation of spiritual energy, the vitality and growth rate of weeds had also increased, and Australia would have been eaten into barren land by these rabbits.

Can you imagine the sight of rabbits all over the sky at a glance? Countless pairs of red eyes are staring at you, the scene is very scary.

More terrifying than these rabbits are kangaroos. The reproduction speed of kangaroos has more than doubled. In addition, the combat effectiveness of kangaroos is stronger than that of rabbits. Therefore, kangaroos pose a considerable threat to Australians.

And the most important point, don’t forget what evolution these animals rely on.

Their evolution relies on the mysterious energy in the meteorite fragments. Now the meteorite fragments are collected by humans and transported to the city. Then the city where the meteorite fragments are stored is a huge temptation for those animals, in the eyes of carnivores. Here, it's a piece of fat, oily fat, what do you think those animals will do in this case.

Australia, a vast and sparsely populated area, at this moment, if you look down from the sky, you will find countless kangaroos, rabbits, and other animals in between. They are moving swiftly and mightily towards Australia’s largest The city Nissi ran away.

Nissi, Australia's largest city, is also the capital of Australia. It is Australia's financial, political, shipping, and tourism center. It is also a famous international metropolis on the planet, with a resident population of more than 30 million.

This population may not be ranked in the top ten in Xia Guo, but it is one of the largest cities abroad. For Australia, this number is really too much.

You must know that the entire population of Australia does not exceed one billion. Now the population of a city exceeds 30 million. You can say too much.

How to say it, Australia has a unique location, rich in various mineral resources, and fertile land. It is a rare and good land.

If this is placed in the hands of the people of Xia, the food grown on this kind of land is absolutely gratifying, but Australians don’t think so, they don’t have much interest in farming, they have mines, and they are rich enough to sell mines every year. If you are oily, who would bother to farm the land? The most important thing is that you can't make a lot of money from farming.

Although Australia is also a major food producing area on the planet, most of the people who grow land in Australia are foreigners, and very few local people grow land.


The animal army that stretched for tens of kilometers was quickly discovered.

It is impossible not to find it. Because this way, all the towns that blocked the way of the animal army’s advancement were flattened by these animals. As for the humans living in these towns, except for a few lucky enough to escape their lives, the rest All were killed by the hands of these animals.

The survivors quickly passed on the news of the animal attack. At first, no one believed the news. But after the government officials in Nissi City received more and more news, they slowly began to pay attention to it. After the video of the attack came, they panicked.

Especially when they see the animal army that stretches for tens of kilometers through the satellites in space, they numb their claws.

Regardless of its huge area, Australia has a population of nearly one billion, but its army is really small, and its combat effectiveness is not good. It is almost the same if you don't say the war five scum.

The animal army that stretches for tens of kilometers is impossible to stop with their army alone. There is no way. The Australian government contacted the U.S. government immediately and asked for their help.

The Mi Army has military bases in Australia, as well as garrisons. The US government has hundreds of thousands of troops stationed in Australia, and these troops are well equipped. It is not an exaggeration to say that if the US wants to destroy Australia, it can easily do so with hundreds of thousands of troops.

Nissi is a famous international metropolis on the planet. Naturally, there are embassies of many countries here. As soon as this incident happened, the embassies of various countries also passed the news to their own countries and reminded them. Their own nationalist evolutionary animal attack.


The animal army is advancing very fast. They only took a day and a half to arrive at a distance of 30 kilometers from the counterattack.

Hundreds of millions of animal forces besieged Nissi City to Tuan Tuan!

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