Published at 2nd of May 2023 11:27:46 AM

Chapter 165: - Episode 163 Attacks of the Templary aristocrat

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He asks Mel for a dagger with fire dragon fangs and watches Sarah, Belle, and the others playing leisurely. After a while, Eunice leaves, looking very worried at Mel because she has a meeting at the party. I'm sorry about that.

"Yuta, you're here!"

As soon as Eunice left, Meral spoke to her. With Belle and the others around her, she looked somewhat like a kid general.

"Ah, Meral, it's been a while. I asked Mel if anyone suspicious came?

"I'm fine. I've been keeping a close watch on them, and no one's tried to touch Mel."

Meral crosses her arms and talks with a smile on her face. Belle and the others follow her example, crossing their arms and nodding their heads. The tamamo is not crossing her paws very well, which is a pretty sight.

"That's good. How's the communication going since you signed up with Mel?"

"Yes, we talk a lot and have dinner together. And when we go out, he buys me souvenirs. Come home and eat with us!"

You look absurdly happy. I was glad to hear that the relationship between Mel and Meral was going well, but there seemed to be a lot of things that have changed since they signed the contract, and Meral started talking like a raging bull. It was as if we were being regaled with a joke. Since Meral keeps talking, we decide to have lunch to divert the conversation.

...... is now a lively dining table.

Sylphy is not eating, but the others are me, Sarah, Marco, Kikka, and Mel. The spirits are Belle, Rain, Tulu, Tamamo, Fuchu, Uri, Mame, and Meral. Eating a meal with such a large number of people reminds me of the school cafeteria and makes me a little nostalgic. Well, the atmosphere is quite different because almost half of them are animal-shaped.

** **

"Kikka, did you have fun?"

"Yes, I had a lot of fun with Meru, thank you very much.

Kikka looks up at me with a radiant smile. I feel like I've done something good. Thank you, Mel. I walk toward the pavilion, listening to the children's stories.

I see the gate and for some reason one of the gatekeepers comes running toward me. A gatekeeper shouldn't be away from the gate. Is something wrong?

"Oh, Yuta, there's a noble visitor in the mansion. A squire who was heading for the gate saw the gatekeeper's movement and noticed us. I'm sorry, I was careless and didn't look at the house.

Sylphy can be so careless. Well, it's not like I asked you to check the house. It sounds like trouble... but if we run away now, we'll cause trouble for Marie. I tell Sylphy in a whisper that there is no problem.

"Mr. Yuta, as a matter of fact, Viscount Galli has just arrived without warning and is sitting here demanding to see Mr. Yuta. He probably wants to recruit you, but since he has sent an envoy to the Adventurers' Guild, Sebas has sent me to tell you that it would be less troublesome if you spend your time elsewhere until Viscount Galli returns.

......The Adventurers' Guild made the information known, so I thought we were safe for the time being, but you came out of nowhere without warning. I'm glad you let us know, but now that they know we're here, we can't escape.

I wish I could have let you know without raising any suspicion, but it looks like the squire was heading for the gate originally, so I guess I'm out of luck.

No, you're the adventurer called Yuta. Now, Mr. Galli is waiting for you inside. Come quickly!

I was interrupted. The gatekeeper looks as if he's been caught, but he's been caught for a long time now. The other guard at the gate also tried to do something when the squire came running to the gate, but it was too late.

Then the squire starts to walk toward the house as if it were natural for me to follow him. If it wouldn't bother Marie, I'd just disappear. If I keep on talking, the staff of the Adventurers' Guild will come, and I'll try to stall for time.

A squire leads me into the house. This squire seems to be a big man who owns the house, even though it is not his own. Is a squire of a noble family so powerful? If the squire keeps this up, Viscount Galli is going to be very depressed. The maids' eyes as they pass by on the way, saying "You found me, didn't you?" confirms the Viscount's depression.

Moreover, they're going straight to the Viscount's place. Is he taking Sara and the others with him? What about showing Sarah and the others the airheaded aristocrat who comes to visit them like a big shot in the middle of the day?

...... Well, normally I wouldn't want to show them the ugly side, but it might be a good opportunity to show them that getting involved with the nobility can be tricky. Sara and the others are my disciples, so there is a possibility that the nobles will get involved in unexpected ways, and seeing dangerous nobles will make them more wary of the nobles. I'll just take her with me.

In my mind, Viscount Galli is already a typical villainous aristocrat from novels, but I guess I'm not wrong in the mood. A decent aristocrat wouldn't be in such a messy situation.

The squire knocks on the door, and the door opens from inside. It was Sebas who opened the door, and he said, "Your eyes came to me. I reply that my eyes came too. Maybe Sebas will be able to read it.

I walk in and see a fat, fat, fat man slumped over on a sofa. I'm almost dazzled by his shiny costume. And it doesn't look good on him. But I thought the name "GALLI" meant that there would be a skinny guy, but I was wrong.

"Is that Yuta? I allow him to serve my family."

Without any introduction, greeting, or chair recommendation, I was suddenly allowed to serve.

"What did you say in reply? Get down and worship."

When I was stunned, Viscount Galli continued to speak in a displeased tone. Oh, man, he's serious. He's the type of guy who really believes that non-humans are not human except for the nobility. He seems to be a very high-minded guy, but is a viscount really that high-minded?

"Ha, Mr. Galli, an adventurer can serve Mr. Galli. You must be speechless with emotion. Yuta, kneel down and swear your allegiance to Master Galli.

The squire is a crazy type, too. I'd like to say I'm sorry at this point. Well, what do you want me to say? I can't wait for the Adventurers' Guild officials to get here.

I'm trying to keep my distance from the Adventurers Guild, but it's amazing that my first impression of this nobleman makes me think that the Adventurers Guild is better than the Adventurers Guild.

"Yuta, what's wrong? Do as you're told quickly! I, the first squire of the guild, will not forgive you if you continue to be disrespectful, no matter how generous Master Galli may be.

I didn't know you were the first squire. ...... I don't really care. But when he calls me Yuta, I get a little irritated.

"Well, I'm afraid that a commoner like me is too proud to serve a nobleman, so I'd like to decline."

I wonder, was this the right way to speak respectfully? Maybe I shouldn't have said "I", or in this case, "I"? I too seem to be upset by the appearance of a picture-perfect aristocrat.

"What? You, an adventurer, are trampling on Master Galli's mercy!"

The first squire's face is stained with rage. It seems that my best attempts at respect did not work. I wonder how he's been living all this time. If everything's been going so well, he's had a good life. In a way I envy you.

Well, Marco and Kikka are looking away from me like they don't understand me, and Sara is looking at me like I'm a pain in the ass. I think I've learned my lesson, but anything more would only be poison.

Belle and the others are trying to learn "what's a jihi? It's time to stop showing them dirty things. It's bad for their education.

Mr. Sebas, I'm sorry, but could you take the children to their rooms?

"Awe, sir."

Mr. Sebas bowed and left with Sarah and the others. Belle and the others whispered to Sara to escort her and the others, so we followed them. We are relieved for now.

"As for me, I am happy with the life I have now, so please show your great mercy to others.

I thought I'd buy myself some time to answer the questions until the Adventurers' Guild officials arrived, but I guess I'm even more gone than I expected to be. Time seems to be moving slower than I expected.  

"How rude! I'll tell you something you don't know. Your father is a marquis and a man of great influence in this country. And as a Viscount you are in a very important position to support him. You cannot live in this country if you offend Master Galli!

I got even angrier. Was that rude of me? It's hard to deal with nobility. But is it a pattern that my father is the great one?

My stupid son's annoying behavior was not warned by his father, and he did whatever he wanted, and as a result, such a helpless monster was born. The importance of education sinks in. I have to raise Sara and the kids in a respectable way, so I'll try to act as respectable an adult as possible in front of them.

The Adventurers' Guild is in charge of negotiations with me, so if you have any further questions, please contact them. I have the documents for that, if you would like to check.

"You yourself have visited the place, Mr. Galli, and you have been honored to receive my words in person, but you do not understand the value of these words! You talk to the Adventurers' Guild? Don't make me waste my time! You should just shut your mouth and swear allegiance to Master Galli!"

You're not making sense. I've got a letter from the Adventurers' Guild, but what good is it if I can't get them to look at it? At any rate, I'm sure the purpose of Mr. Galli and the others is to get materials for the labyrinth, but I sincerely hope they understand that a person who can get such expensive materials doesn't need to go out of his way to serve others.

The quickest way would be to beat them up and throw them out of the palace, since their guards seem to be weak, but if we do that and make a big deal out of it, the country could be our opponent this time. Great Spirit vs. Nation...... seems unfashionable.

Oh, Sylphy's looking at me like I should just take care of these guys. No, it won't be a big deal. At least I'll take steps to avoid trouble this time.

"Yuta, don't worry about the rest, just get these idiots out of here. If they complain, just blow up one of their castles and they'll shut up. If you want, I can tear them to pieces."

He told me directly. I guess Sylphy doesn't like this type of people either. She likes Marie a lot, and it seems that she likes or dislikes different types of people, even the greedy ones.

Maybe if I ask them to, they'll fall apart in an instant. Viscount Galli and the others are completely unaware of the danger they are in. It just goes to show you how important information is.

While I was wondering what to do, there was a knock at my door and Mr. Sebas came in. Behind him was the master of the Adventurers' Guild, sweating profusely. ......I think I was happy to see someone from the Adventurers' Guild for the first time. Good luck, Guilmouth!

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